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The only way to fix your shit country is to get involved, leaf. Don't just complain about it online and hope things get better, because we both know they won't
Knee so bent it's forming a black hole
Last year university, graduating biochem, and currently have part time pharm tech job.
How to people "get involved"?
Church would be a good place to start
Normally a great place for communities to congregate.
Heathen leaf
Post fliers around your university that say "white people have the right to exist". Watch people chimp the fuck out about it. The chimpout will redpill others.
we need a wall in the north
Did he really say this?
Literally why don't we annex Canada? Will they even do anything about it?
>I'm p-pleased Daddy t-talks t-t-to me
Das right maple nigs, play nice or no more duty free border shopping for you.
77 confirms your country will be our bitch for 8 years
To be honest that's a dumb fucking "question"
I would be interested in forming groups in real life, we could maybe start with a discord for all canada anons and build local groups from there.
its tricky to do because its basically impossible not to get infiltrated, but maybe there's a way to advance despite that. we could just brand it as a bodybuilding group or a church group or something
Maybe before, but now...
When they kill you, you win.
when are the next elections? I don't know how your elections even work tbqh.
What a fucking bitch boy lmao
Is there any good Canadian media? I like National Post for it's right-of-center commentary, but I'm pretty sure it's owned by Jews because they really come out swinging for Israel whenever they write about the ME or foreign affairs in general.
Remember guys, he's a feminist
You're god damn right we'll do something about it
We'll support you every step of the way
>literally cannot stop sucking american dick
This is Canada
Hopefully this with get him to stfu about feminism for a bit.
I would pay so much to be a fly in the wall in the first meeting between Trudeau "nu-male son of cuckoldry" and Don "big hands" Trump
Why the fuck did you bring in so many chinks?
wear a niqab when you do it because that will make the leftists chimp out even more
this let's just take alberta
I would gladly accept the US absorbing Canada. No need for the hostility.
October 2019 is the next general election
We're similar to the Americans with the winner takes all system, except that we don't use whole provinces, but smaller areas called ridings instead.
Each riding is given to the party that wins the most votes in said area. There are 338 ridings in total
Whoever gets the most ridings wins.
>Did he really say this?
Wondering the same thing.
We have this policy where you can gain permanent residence if you invest a certain amount in the economy
So anyone with money can basically buy citizenship
I hate that cunt with a passion
Trump should build the 2nd wall on the north side as well. And make Canadians pay for it.
Just do what we did. Wait for someone so absolutely perfect to come along and make them leader.
It's that easy!
It's not barbaric to let somebody win.
Well the states has that also, I am actually sure most countries do tbf
people want trudeau to be hard on trump, but he never will. I don't think any PM would. losing even the tiniest bit of trust from america could mean a huge blow to our economy, since 76% of our exports go to the USA
Oh, in that case I'm not sure what makes us different.
Maybe we're cheaper?
Reminder that Fidel Castro was a great man who did wonderful things for Cuba and western leaders should look up to him.
Heyo! Yes you Pagan! go back to eating cow genitalia and horse assholes
Yeah that's what I am not sure about as to why all the chinks come here
Damn and we get shit for being money hungry lol. On a serious note it is truly fucking sad =[
We probably have some law that gives you a 95% discount if you're not from Europe or something
I tried to get into that Town Hall today to irl shitpost at him. University of Winnipeg is legally retarded and didnt count the people in line so I wasted over 2 hours waiting in line only to be told it was at capacity literally 30 people before the doors.
I wish they had told us about the capacity before Weedman walked into the room, otherwise I would have done more than just lick my hand before shaking his and asking if he bows down to the God Emperor.
>Yeah that's what I am not sure about as to why all the chinks come here
Because they've already colonized a part of it.
can't buy more than 10 acres of land if you aren't natural citizen
who wants to buy citizenship instead of land
no value in that
ahh but in America land is on sale internationally
it's dumb
It's probably cheaper because iirc the states is if you invest 1mil and I cant imagine all the chinks paying that to move here over the states
Tbh Trudeau did the right thing by not talking shit about him, unlike pretty much every high ranking democrat and many other countries head of state's
I know he said some shit back when he was campaigning, but he knows that if he does some "hurr durr trump is le evil guyse!" It will be worse for his own country and himself.
Also what a retarded question from that "reporter"
I mean mexico's president fucked it up by not attending to the meeting, but mexicans should thank god Vicente Fox isn't their president, since he's been talking SO much shit about Trump.
I will vote for the first politician that, dripping with contempt, says "Next question" when asked this question.
Someone in my uni actually did do that and the faggot liberals protested all day and no one could get through to the cafeteria
People called him out. Some lady had to quite the crowd multiple times. Winnipeggers don't like him very much
T. Was on campus
Your leader is a drama queen.
But he has talked shit about trump and the states
Give him some credit. He just crossed Canada and got bitched at in every province for all of his fuck ups.
I wish the Indians would shut the fuck up though.
"We don't want to be white, but can we have all your white man stuff?"
Good shit, got a video?
Also a kid at my old elementary school asked him why his dad gave western Canada the middle finger kek
not when trump actually won which no one outside of Sup Forums was expecting
The look on his face!
>"Suppress....your faggotry....Justin...."
>"You need....the cash...for weeeeeeeeed...."
>the_donald bookmarked
stay there
Thought he had after but I could be wrong
Yes, he did. He complained that the language was too rough for an official government statement and they should use something more sterile than "barbaric".
Vancouver is already a Chinese city. They are so shameless its disgusting.
I wish I did, I came a little too late
CTV news and a couple others have good stories on it
And he gave some bullshit response. But everybody watching the news and whoever was in the school damn well heard him rebut it
So why did you fucks allow it to happen? Push your "multi-kulti everyone should love flips / niggers" media for decades and this is what you get
You have no right to bitch
There are a very small handful of Jews that realize the complete subversion and destruction of the West is very bad for them and are actually on our side (for selfish but understandable reasons). There is a small chance that Schlomo here is one such kike.
Take resposibility you fuck. You people devolved from Napoleon and Churchill to disgusting cucks like Trudeau. You deserve to be exterminated because you are so fucking stupid it's unbeliveable.
Okay never mind. This one is for the ovens.
That there is a loaded question question OP you've got to admit.
No answer he could have given there wouldn't have resulted in political fallout. Trudeau already has a reputation for dodging questions with canned lines, what's one more dodge?
I feel so lucky to have the means to isolate myself from the "new canada" culture. Must suck to be peasant Canadian at these times.
Trudeau avoid shittalking Trump before and after the election, if people have a clip of him shittalking Trump I'd be happy to see it.
Mulcair on the other hand...
And establishing an ethnostate beside a bunch of Arab scum just after WWII was an incredibly stupid idea on your behalf
We could have been a Europe/NA master race, but no, you take pot shots from your sand enclave, while you have to defend your ass against Hamas
Both Manlets
Fucking manlets when will they learn?
and I should add. like said, that if half of Europe and all of the West fall into niggerdom, Isrealis are going to have a GRRREAT time keeping their power in the future after that
YOu idiots can't think past your noses, never mind 25 years
I know for a fact there is 1 single instance where he talked down to Trump and I'm pretty sure it was early 2016. Someone smarter than him told him to shut the fuck up on the topic as it might come back to bite him
They don't think at all. They're mostly instinctual parasites with no safety valve, no sense of when they've gone too far. Only some of the more introspective ones are smart enough to be symbiotic in their parasitism.
Fuck you, kike
> By simply existing I am a meme
dude lol
6'2" 175 max. Doesn't even lift, what a piece of shit
I agree with that but nothing I can do. We had no problems with muslims up until that point. Adolf gave the project a huge boost though.
Huge balls
has a pussy
Rofl you need to seperate the Jewish elite from Israel. The jewish royalty are not even jews and they will live and prosper for ever. Israel probably be gone after the west falls.
He does bodyweight stuff though
kike worshipping scum. Hail Wotan, hail Satan
we need to meme this guy into office
>James "Zionist Fears" Sears
>James "Jews in Tears" Sears
I mean, on a personal level I have no beef. I actually have Jew friends that I've known for over a decade. I worked my ass off and got a practical degree, and have a decent paying job.
It seems like all of Sup Forums's enemies are in the 6, 7, or 8 digits for income. Everyone I know is middle class, leans conservative and humble, and hates what the elite are doing
hmm, is trudeau trembling before usa, because canadas economy is going down the drain?
Another oven dodger
Daddy it tastes so good, will you fill my tummy with cummy?
I hate listening to this guy talk. He dodges EVERYTHING and it is never a good dodge, either.
..and I hate shit like diversity quotas and other identity bullshit that wasn't obsessed over in the past
Seems like most of that is the elites / globalists doing, some of which are Jews
The last 5 years has been a mix of : ever more rampant / invasive advertising, more disgruntled people, personal data mining, and a serious downgrade in the entertainment department
So I dunno, I guess I'm kind of ranting here, and in a bad mood
ok there bagel boy
can't wait for Iran to nuke your rat ass
our economy is always dependent on the US, all of our leaders kiss the americans feet no matter the politics, money wins.
Canada sells resources, and no-one is buying. If Trump puts america back to work it will be good for us too.
Once we get rid of this strange and small man, we will be fine.
Please be patient, my fellow Canadian.
Our country is much, much stronger than any of the bullshit this feminist drama teacher can throw at it.
naw nigga cbc just got caught a few days race baiting people into a fake news story in alliston, paid for white pride world wide t-shirts and got promptly shut down by the OPP
Trudeau is such a bitch it is actually a positive now that Trump is in. He will bend over to whatever Trump tells him to do.
Someone like O'Leary is dangerous because he 1) wants to destroy Canada 2) is confident enough to ignore what Trump tells/asks him to do.
Obviously having someone like Leitch / Blaney / Bernier is the best option but I would actually vote for Trudeau if it was between him and O'Leary because he is the way bigger bitch.
>that awkward moment when you realize you were shitting all over a guy
>only for him to become the leader of the most powerful nation on the planet
What if Trudeau is just pretending to be SJW for the votes and he's actually a slightly right leaning moderate?