Have We Been Raided?

Every post I see has liberal buzzwords, drumpf shit, HWNDU trash, and twitter screenshots of people responding to trump thinking they are doing something important. Why are their so many lefties? How do we redpill them and make them oneofus.jpg?

Sup Forums is contrarian by nature.

come to hate on Sup Forums
stay for the redpills

1488 gas the kikes race war now

Stop taking bait threads.

I hate to be that guy, but considering we were named in the MSM as one of the reasons why Trump got elected, being raided at all times ought to be a given.

We can't redpill them, only they can. Just keep posting the facts with sources as usual, that's all we can do.

this, if more people STOPPED REPLYING this entire site's quality would increase 100 fold



truth AND digits

CTR just got reloaded with 40 million child fucking faggot David Brock. And you also have faggot libs invading who don't understand bantz.