>drops mic
Drops mic
Nofap 6 months here faggot.
how you feeling?
Good luck enforcing that one.
yasssss slayyyyyyy
*ejaculates baby*
>when you go so Left that you go full Right
I wouldn't even want this lifestyle but I'd allow it just to see them regret it. Let's ban no-fault divorce while we're at it, allowing men to abandon babies is sexist if women can't.
One week later
>why are rape cases going through the roof?
Change the bill to "American dollars will no longer go to pay for condoms in Africa" and then this would be a comparable analogy.
Wtf is this shit??
Wow I didnt know abortions gave women orgasms
Like shit to be honest.
>Whole male population begins nofap
>Eventual testosterone buildup results in men acting more traditionally
>Male population is finally masculine again, cucks stop being cucks, white house is red for an unforetold amount of generations
Is this real? Did we pass back into the previous timeline?!
>liberals are going so insane over trump being in office that they're pretending hillary is actually in office and making executive orders
By that logic, Women are no longer allowed to have periods unless for reproductive means.
How the fuck are liberals so blindly retarded to the concept of what pregnancy is?
>masturbation causes you to leak testosterone
This is a good meme
This is from the other timeline
I would not masturbate for my country.
...But they do.
*Did we pass into a future timeline?!
>Masturbatory pleasure is the same as literally killing a baby.
Haha women holy shit they really are sociopaths.
They do, lol
testosterone doesnt build up if you dont fap or have sex, after about three days it start falling rapidly
Do your balls hurt? After 2 weeks mine feel swollen and hurt.
But that's not analogous
Terrible equivalent. An actual good one would be "now illegal for men to abandon their kids", however the democrats would never do that as they'd never get the black vote again.
An abortion is a service that a doctor must preform (back alley coathanger method pls go)
Ejaculation is an orgasm, and a function of a mans body
>Hillary bans faggots
W i t n e s s e d
>it is illegal to ejaculate except for reproduction
I fail to see the problem with this
They legitimately cannot into logic
Holy shit, is this from the nightmare timeline?
I can just imagine her going "no, you're not allowed to cum yet, your dick is my property."
holy shit. this picture alone. if this happened we might as well just give up the country
>now have to pay for your own abortions
>compare it to banning masturbation
>gov't mandated doctor visits in order to cum
sounds pretty gay desu
>men voluntarily go no-fap for months
>women can't wait a week without an abortion
OP on suicide watch
>6 months
Weak. i'm over 8 years.
>bawww why cant i be a man and just fuck with no consequences
sucks but you lost the genetic lottery
omg just imagine the timeline dealing with the hilldog as is
...They do.
Why did I never have a say in weather my dick should be cut or not.
It was my body after all.
Fuck them
Fuck them all.
Does that mean we're forced to donate sperm every time we blow? I'll be rich!
oh shit.. i missed the vagina gain. better luck next time.
>gays banned
>porn banned
>birth control banned (has to be for reproduction)
Do libs realize how ok we would be with this?
More fair comparison would be men have to pay for their own Condoms and Vasectomies.
funny. But jerking off doesn't cost tax payers billions a year. So this is nothing more than a dumb quirk.
sounds pretty hot to me. I think I read a manga about this.
>killing a babby thats been forming for months is the same as using birth control or masturbating
Daily reminder that this was almost a reality
>That weird kek you have when something is both very funny and an absolute truth
>8 years
Weak. i'm over 5 minutes.
That executive order makes no sense.
>being this retarded
Because ejaculating is the same as ripping your unborn child apart
I want them to. Let them all get fucking raped by sex crazed niggers.
Holy shit feminist are so stupid. They unironically look at this meme and chuckle to themselves and retweet it thinking they're so fucking clever. How can they not see what a stupid comparison this is?
women in western countries with all their comfy first world, ant-male laws would start seeing the wild in men's eyes if this shit ever happened.
you should be 18 to get here. come back in 10 so we can tell you to leave again leaf
its a mental disease.
It's true. Test is highest after you wake up and lowest after you cum. That's why men fall asleep after they cum, test is gone so it's time to replenish.
i know. who in their right mind would think old women are good at anything. maybe like 1 in a 100 but you never see those
Challenge accepted.
Miscarriage is a function of a woman's body.
*sips tea*
Shit I can't last more than two days
You mean like when have to pay 18 years of child support because we ejaculated in you, and you decided not to be on birth control, make sure I was wearing a condom, or take plan b?
Are liberal women clinically retarded? Honest fucking question.
That's my fetish
What does this even mean?
Do they think babies are magically created without male ejaculation? Do they think abortion is only a women's issue?
Yeah, but it doesn't keep building past normal amounts if you don't jerk off. Nofap might make you feel better emotionally or psychologically but the physical side is just broscience. Honestly, the problem is porn, not necessarily jerking off.
Would actually be funny in a #Kek the chaos god# kind of way to see the results of that.
yea I last about 3-4 days before I cave in
I always have the biggest orgasm when I do cave in
god dammit i bet her asshole is a new flavour
I'm okay with this desu famalam
>Things that will NEVER EVER happen
ah haaaa
>women never orgasm again
>How can they not see what a stupid comparison this is?
I ask myself a lot of questions like this.
>quotes a child from the muslim uk.
just passed my first month
>drops mic
Leftist reasoning skills.
sounds pretty hot honestly
Jesus Christ women are stupid. You have fucking control of your goddamn bodies, just use contrafuckingception. For fuck's sake. Why do women have no concept of action vs consequence?
When you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger, you die. So don't fucking do it.
When you have sex without contraception you get pregnant. So don't fucking do it unless you're ready.
Fine with me
can u imagine the secretary of defenfse is a fucking old lady. and hillary another grandma is heading the country. can you imagine the lady who makes pies is running the country
If women were strong enough to enact such a policy, they certainly would.
>from england
when will this shitty little island finally be holocausted?
Silly me, always assumed it was the sympathetic/parasympathetic switch flip on orgasm. Now I know it's just my balls stealing all my mana.
fucking yes.
I want a fucking inspector watching my dick 24/7 to make sure I don't ejaculate without a class D license with a section 407 waiver. I want a crusty old TSA type women inches from my dick just waiting to write me a ticket for unlawful ejaculation the second I get an erection. Only then will I achieve the greatest boner known to man.
this picture is how we turn the country into what is going on in sweeden. gangrape everywhere, respect the migrants or face rape in jail
>drops mic
>sips tea
>well Sup Forums?
>he's right you know
>really makes me think
literally kys attention beggar freak
slide these fucking threads
>masturbation is the same as having sex