Who here wants WW3?
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digits and war happend this year
You are lucky.
The real question is : who doesn't?
two things
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If it involves the entire middle east being turned into glass with minimal white casualties im game.
I genuinely do. Perhaps there will be some survivors that could fix society, but that's a stretch. I just want it to happen so people could finally wake up.
What about civil war ?
Oh man.... You fucked up...
Wont happen until we gather massive meme magic
Here, I spent all my savings thinking WWIII was gonna happen
You're doomed French Fry
I dont want war but I want ALOT of people to die... mainly other men who I dont know.
Dont be afraid, get real snug
France needs civil war, kick the niggers out and make france white again.
Can't wait sempai
I don't why would I want to work extra hard ust not to starve
>how old are you?
two 7's, kek
What about a Reconquista by the Fearless Mexican Empire?
I dont care. Im probably too old for the draft and if the whole world got destroyed I would'nt even care. No im not depressed, just hate humanity. What a buncha monkeys on a rock hurling through space waiting for the next collision and iceage to destroy this civilization and send mankind back 20,000 years.
I do, and I hope to leave a shadow imprinted in the ground from the blast in the shape of me and OP's mother
>Sup Forums is against hillary because she's a warhawk
>trump gets elected, Sup Forums wants him to start WW3
Could be cool to finally see the new tech unleashed.
but no one here voted for Hillary
You really know nothing do you?
>implying the civil war won't be american
Part of me thinks it's necessary at this point.
USA and China will go at it first, and their respective allies will likely join in/pick sides.
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Can we please nuke the middle east already? Let's turn those sand niggers into glass.
As long as it brings freedom from this place and the sweet release of death.
If you want WW3 it is in the Hillary Won timeline, you're out of luck
pic related are the only digits I needed