How soon before complimenting a woman is considered sexist?
How soon before complimenting a woman is considered sexist?
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too late
Already is.
> If you're ugly & awkward
Always has been
> If you're attractive & charismatic
Never will be.
Clearly, you don't go to college in the US. Some have even have classes on how not talk to women unless they want to be talked to.
Its litteraly considered like you want to have sex with her.
I gave up on women man.. whatever you do if you are not chad you are in the wrong.
lol cultural indoctrination centers
Seriously folks, do 2 years community college and then 2 years state. Same education without being indoctrinated, and its cheaper.
This senpai.
Women have always taken a pretty boy's compliments over an ugly one's. They get them all the time, so it's natural for them to only pay attention to the most attractive sources.
Men, by comparison, almost NEVER receive compliments, so when we DO get one, no matter the source, we tend to feel great.
this. not all women but a large group in burgerland will only have you talk to them in a certain way. or they automatically assume you're flirting if you're being friendly. they've turned to shit.
It already is. If you're not Chad.
I don't know where to put this but it's 4AM here and I need to get it off my chest:
>browsing Sup Forums thread
>someone posts anti-white propaganda YT vid
>watch it
>shit that's disgusting
>read comments a bit
>someone says it doesn't have much effect on older people but on the young ones whose minds can be molded
>kinda makes sense
>head to facebook
>find the most attractive typical popular high school girl stereotype
>she has a picture of drake. just a coincidence right?
>open tabs of 10 of her popular friends
>9 of them, I shit you not post black culture related content
>their idols are literally black men
>guy in youtube comments section was fucking right
Keep in mind this is in a country where we're somewhat insulated from American media. I'm not sure how much of a worse situation it is if you go more towards the West. But safe to say I was shocked. They have studied this shit out, they have complete control. FML
It is just one of the involuntary games women play cause of evolution and shit. Women get wet over dudes who are bold enough to take chances. A woman could literally want you to impregnate her but she will still naturally try to be coy and show some initial resistance. Only exception is insecure women, or young women who have been taught to act like men cause feminism and shit.
Feminists are just stupid women who take this bullshit natural response too far.
>they have complete control
Only if you don't assert your right to say "nigger."
I started ignoring them at work 20 years ago.
They only consider it sexist if you're sexual market value is below theirs.
Case in point, I complimented a single mom at work when she changed her hairstyle and she acted like she wanted to fug me on the spot for the next month. She acted like a starving person who had just been given her first meal in a month.
But I'm several pay grades higher than her and I lift. If someone she viewed as below her in status had done the same thing she would have viewed it as harassment I'm sure.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
It isn't already?
If you have to ask, you already know. Also beta to ask if something is sexist because you're playing into the mindfuck that is modern day feminism.
You can't win with women.
Tell a woman what to do, you're controlling.
Never tell her what to do, you have no spine.
god these alt-rights fantasies are just getting weirder and weirder
>not including her most attractive role
Just because they try to indoctrinate you & claim they believe something doesn't make it so in practice.
I met this qt american girl with fucked up sense of humor, and i liked her. We talked shit to each other, than we met couple Canadians and Australians, drinking and two fat ass ugly murican girls come to Hostel, so we are drinkn and i say to her that she has nice tits, she takes compliment and goes on like nothing hap end, fat bitches flipout.
It does when it gets young men expelled from college and their lives ruined for "sexual assault."
step 1. be attractive
step 2. don't be unattractive
do you have a girlfriend user?
they own tv and the news. we pretty much control the internet outside of normie sites though
thats the problem though. we need to push redpills on facebook and reddit. dont bother trying to convince women, once enough men know the truth the women will virtue signal their way over
how soon till being seen a sexist is a desirable trait for a woman to see in a man
51% of white women voted for Trump. There is hope yet.
i'd plow her so hard i'd start a new dust bowl
Who cares? I have a gf and thus no interest in paying compliments to any woman who isn't her or a member of my family
>How soon before complimenting a woman is considered sexist?
It is only sexy if she does not like it.
If your face is not ugly as hell, you dress like a normal person, doesn't have acme or greasy hair and does not act like a creppy weirdo women will generally crave your compliments, and will greatly enjoy it, unless you are rude or talk like a disgusting sexual predator.
You should try telling women they got a nice ass, you have no idea how much booty that I have caught with that one.
It's still desirable, I'm not talking about real women hating misogyny, but alpha behavior.
>If your face is not ugly as hell, you dress like a normal person, doesn't have acme or greasy hair and does not act like a creppy weirdo
well fug
that was my entire assumption my whole life. They get hit on so often I don't want to add to that. So my contribution to society is abstinence
>How soon before complimenting a woman is considered sexist?
>he's never watched a woman's face light up and a sly smile creep across after telling her she looks exceptionally lovely today m'lady
what do you call brazilian chad?
el chado? fuck
why do redheads make me so hard, nnng
never too soon if you're good looking
Most of those have treatment you know...
>what do you call brazilian chad?
>el chado?
That is spanish.
And to be honest im quite average, but I guess I do live in an oversexualized country.
>who cares when theyre drunk and horny
ITT a bunch of robots
yes, good goy
You never compliment a woman, ever.
Negs or charming jerkboy comments. Compliments are for beta cucks.
Wtf solid advice in Sup Forums? This is some bullshit!
I got a look of disgust the other day when I opened the door for a women. It was my privilege.
Only if you're ugly.
Girls want attention from attractive guys not fat fedoralords.
Is a wolf-whistle a compliment?
i have a compulsion to open doors from people
1. young nigger women ignore me
2. old black women thank me
3. young black men mumble
4. feminist white women sneer at me
5. old white people thank me or somehow dont see me at all
i'd clap and squint while smoking a cigarette. classier than the wolf whistle.
If you are not handsome, it is already.
>he fell for the pua maymay
If Pick Up Artists are soooo successful (at being degener8 no less - because we judge women for being sluts but being a chad is JUST fine) then why do they spend their time writing, selling and shilling their books/sites/audio cds? Shouldn't they be up to their armpits in pussay?
Chivalry isn't dead - it's just negging that grill at the bar on her own....
>then why do they spend their time writing, selling and shilling their books/sites/audio cds?
For money, obviously.
You can't live off pussy alone, you know.
Depending on how it is done, context and stuff, it has been sexist for a long time. As you well know.
Your sources are weak and unconvincing
Why do you even care about their opinion in the first place
>one mongrel asian
>thinking his opinion is worth shit
Well did not your parents told you, that rape is pretty much sexist?
You call it nigger.