Ive a question about fascism to you fags

ive a question about fascism to you fags

the only way somebody could like fascism is if the guy in permanent power is a guy you like. What happen if you dont like him ? Do you simply like fascism because you imagine yourself being the leader of that movement therefore you will be able to do whatever you want ? Do you simply assume that the guy in power will do whatever you like ?

is there something im missing ?

i knew i shouldve added a bait somewhere to get free replies

The fascistfags here are just being ironic. Same with the monarchists. Don't take it too seriously.

Hard to dislike someone that is redpilled and actual cares about their country and people

fuck you faggot hail britannia

also op kys

''liking your country and people'' is very vague. any policies could get out of that

Trump and I agree on virtually everything, so yeah I would only be happy to see him become Supreme Dictator. Maybe he will knight me and I will slay communists and leafs with my cherusker.

what your missing is that dictatorship may have its dramatic ups and downs, but democracy just consistently and slowly gets worse and worse. Monarchy is more stable because of heritable traits in the dynasty, but really there's no silver bullet in government.

Its kind of a frame shift, you have to stop thinking about politics in terms of systems and start thinking of it in terms of people. If the ruler is good, times will be good. Democracy will never change this, it just layers an incentive structure that slowly tears everything apart.

But democracy ups and downs last a couple years fascism downside can last several lifetimes.

democracy in the anglosphere has been consistent degeneration since victorian times.

"fascism" is a meme word btw, I have no idea what examples you're referring to when you say that. If we consider life under fascist italy, (the only ones to ever call themselves fascists), it was not rough at all. it was certainly unthinkable that you would have any of the massive muslim rape gangs you now have in england, germany, sweden, these glorious democracies.