Why is liberal media trying to discredit our great leader?

>be me
>at home
>my liberal parents watching msnbc
>rachel maddow shilling unconfirmed documents trying trump to russia
>sounded like retards who talk about plane streaks in the sky
>no edvidence
>literally has my poor mom scared.
>what the fuck are they doing



MSNBC and CNN will pay
>praise kek

Same reason I try to discredit those who disagree with me.

The fucking kikes power is waning. They're in their death throws, kek wills their end.

>Every Single Intelligence Agency
>Not Confirmed

So who does confirm things? The media? Scientists? Nope, just you. Let me know when you decide the Kremlins aren't just laughing their asses off at our serious tough guy president, Donald Trump

One of Trump's picks called the media the enemy, and I assume the media is doubling down.

lol jews fail

It's almost like the same exact shit that happened for the past 8 years with conservative media trying to discredit Obama...

is that a sissy


Your going to have to kill your parents

bro im not gonna kill my mom cause the juden is tricking her.

>i should kill the juden not my brainwashed family
>everyone around me is so liberal
>the only republican guy at school loves rubio

Kek will not allow our great leader to be insulted

Don't worry op just show this to ur parents

He discredits himself. Did you see that dress his wife wore at the last White House Corispondents dinner? She literally has sequins in the shape of the eyes and horns of a demon. Where is that nasty picture?

Here she is.

Your such a faggot, Trump will deport you

nigger, our great leader is trump dumb ass




ur digits are not as cool as my pepe banging a slut

Fuck you nigger, your itching for a lynching

t. you

nice digits, self

I am weponized autism for kek



Everything will be free goy lolz


Hitler gets digits like always



>be me
When are reddit/tumblr fucks leaving this fucking site

That og /b shit faggot

>get out new fag
>you go to reddit

Time to kill the blacks
