Pol btfo again by Boogie


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Still confused as to how protecting your borders is xenophobic...

This the man who broke a chair with only his weight and was unable to walk for days

what did he mean by this?


reply to this post or your future daughter will marry a CTR shill like the one above

immunity is permanently granted if you copy this post & use it to derail the next shill thread you see

its ok boogie your diabetes will claim you long before its done.

No boarders no country
Simple as that

>border security is a waste of taxpayer money
>paying for that fat fucks medical care isnt

wall is a waste of money but healthcare for boogie isn't

>Boogie right now

>Only 6 billlion

More like 600 billion. Gotta funnel the money somewhere...

>fall from a chair breaking under your gigantic mass
>almost a month without the damage healing
at this point he is going to die from butt necrosis or something

>2 = b
>9 = i
>88 = hh
Body Incineration! Heil Hitler!


Haha this wide load needs to shut his mayo catcher.

Build a wall around your fridge, fat cunt

A canadian is saying that healthcare shouldn't be free?

By god, the world really has gone insane.

>muh 6 gorillion
i hope this waste of air, space, and tax dollars dies of a heart attack

>This fatfuck wants other people to pay for his poor lifestyle decisions

What an asshole

Nobody is afraid of immigrants, though.

It's not xenophobia we just don't like mexicans

Boogie is right

If you laid him down on the border instead of the wall it would be a far cheaper and friendlier (though still impassable) option

>implying he won't be dead from a heart attack before the wall is complete

i think he has bigger things to be concerned about

is he talking about himself

And just how much tax money has been wasted just to keep this fat sack of shit alive?

At least a wall will have a tangible benefit.
This fat fuck is just a waste.

Don't worry.

He'll be dead soon.

Obamacare can't save a man with that many health problems.

>bitches about america spending 6 billion protecting its borders

>wants america to spend 60 billion keeping his fat ass afloat

I hope that the gibs-care is down just long enough for him to starve

But what happens to my mom?

I truly do wonder, how does one live with a body like that and not want to kill themself

Recall the backlash that one actor received after the Paris attack?

Is someone building a chair strong enough for his huge, fat ass?

He's right. We should save ourselves the time and resources and use his fat ass to block the border.

reminder that
>he is physically incapable of having sex with his wife
>his legs are turning black from lack of circulation
>he's blind in one eye from diabetes
>his wife openly admits she married him for his money
>his wife is sleeping with a black guy
>he's at risk of losing his healthcare since Obamacare is being repealed

Why should I care about someone who is so fat that a chair literally, not figuratively, but literally exploded underneath him?

Also the chair exploded from so much stress and he hit the floor so hard that he bruised his arse so hard he didn't realize he had two ear infections.

So now this literal arse hurt fuckwit who literally can not hear the support that is being given to Trump is carrying on about a wall that will in the end up protecting him so he can carry on being an eternally fat fucker, fuck him and his political views, when he takes a knife to himself and cuts 300lbs from his massive carcass I will then listen to him, until then he is just an arse hurt bernout whos opinion carries no weight because all the weight he has is stuck to his skeletal frame that is buckling under the pressure like the chairs he sits on.

i can't wait for that worthless mound of decaying flesh to fucking rot away. it's long overdue

Can't recall what you're talking about. Link?

why do Liberals act like there's no border wall already? are they that ignorant?

Wtf I think Mexico and America should become one country now

pretty sure he makes enough money off youtube to not give a shit

Could care less what an obese person thinks about anything

Isn't building a wall big government?

>unable to walk for days

In his recent vid, he said the doctor told him he won't be able to sit right or walk without pain for 4 more weeks.

its the clear cut definition of xenophobia. The thing is there is nothing wrong with xenophobia just another fake word.

This motherfucker has wall and locks all over his house why is he so scared of people he doesnt know is he xenophobic?

Everyone tweet this to him

I don't have Twitter cancer

>6 billion for a wall that spans the entire US/MX border

the One WTC was 4b and it was just 2-3 buildings and a memorial

for a wall that long it's gonna be AT LEAST 30B

Well the better option would be to drop Boogie from orbit on to Mexico and let the shockwave sort them out.

And in this gif we see why he is still resentful towards borders and defined nation states. Fucker must have been massively owned in that game of settlers.

America WILL become a majority minority country in 25 years, with or without Drumpf. Minority babies already make up the majority of infants born. Millennials overwhelmingly voted Hillary. Too many powerful corporations are involved in the immigration(H1B) process for it to change substantially. Even Drumpf admitted the need for high skilled immigrants. Maybe not now but eventually Republicans WILL have to cater to minorities just to get elected. This isn’t some kind liberal harangue or conspiracy theory, just stating simple facts.

You may of won the battle but the progressive march of history will win us the war.



Tourists are still visiting the wall in China...

I think we should build a very large and very long solar/wind farm along the border. This would provide power and would negate the need for a more traditional wall, as it would be gaurded infrastructure. Think on that for a bit.

Is that the walking blob of fat that complains about health insurance when he won't stop killing himself with food?

pay the actual cost for your own healthcare you glutton

>"fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign"
>it's the clear cut definition of xenophobia.
Sauce: merriam-webster.com/dictionary/xenophobia

Protecting your property or protecting your land isn't xenophobic faggot.


He also bragged in video how cheap it was kek

Who the fuck cares what this 6 billion calorie waste of life that represents gluttony thinks?

>$6 billion is a lot of money when the US federal budget was an average of $1.4 TRILLION each year under Obama

This is because insurance companies denied service to those with help complications. They had to state their health complications when applying.

An actual wall would cost way more than 6 billion.

Still think a wall is a waste of money. If he was serious about keeping people out he'd invest that money in better surveillance/patrols. He just wants to build a thing to show off to stupid people.

It's better than I ever even knew

boogies fat ass alone costs the tax payers more than 6 billion dollars

a waste of money, like every attempt at providing him with healthcare.

So this is the guy who popped his chairy.

Its no xenophobia because its not irrational. Someone's doing the raping

they cant. too fat to kill himself

False. The US will balkanize before majority of white America cucks for parasites

I'm sick of seeing America fund the healthcare of what is ostensibly the embodiment of western degeneracy.

Meanwhile he's happy wasting tax payer dollars keeping his grotesque body alive despite needlessly gorging on inhuman amounts of junk food.

>America WILL become a majority minority country in 25 years, with or without Drumpf.

Not once we remove taco.

Save money by throwing this fat fuck over the wall. Tax payers won't have to pay for his insulin any more.

How is that fatty bean pole fucking a semi qt like this?

It's not a clear cut definition of it. It's not a phobia. If illegal migrants weren't crossing the border, it would be xenophobic. But they are, so it's not.

Needless....that's up for debate.

Some women really, really hate working.





He's not.

At most he gets is a pity handjob from her or maybe a blowjob.

Boogie is so fat that his hormones and other bodily functions are so damaged that he probably doesnt even get horny anymore, he lives to eat, shit and sleep

He's a millionaire thanks to YouTube money.
She knows he'll be dead soon and that she'll be able to rake in the leftovers.

It literally is xenophobic by defintion. It's just than xenophobia isn't a bad thing.

>starting off your argument with "sorry"
>winning anything, ever

Pick one.

she's fucking this guy

and he said he can't have sex because he's too fat, so he uses his hands and mouth

>pretty sure he makes enough money off youtube to not give a shit

YouTube doesn't provide health coverage or a retirement/pension plan. It's a literal meme "job" for all but a very small few. Some younger, fatter, funnier meme "person" will come along some day soon and this fat fuck will fade into obscurity and die alone in a group home living off his SSI check.

Not as bad as he btfo of his colon

Gas the fatty's foot-race now!!!

I see Boogie finally managed to crawl back to the keyboard.... wasn't sure if he'd make it after that fall last week.

>is a wall of human flesh
>superior wall is being created

this gif explains a lot


because worrying about the Cartel isn't something to worry about or how about the illegals that murder american citizens ?



How many viagras does it take to get someone that obese to get a manageable erection?

Does Obamacare cover that?

because they have a (((gay black friend room mate))) who we all fucks her

what a sad sack of shit

soooo i guess his post went right over your head? damn it sure is summer in here

>paying for this fat sack of shit medical bills so he can sit at home and Tweet about how people should spend money

Whew lad this really boils my blood.

This guy gets it.

Even if I was prone to listen to what they have to say, when they call enforcing the law xenophobic and etc... They always have something morbig and disgusting about them.

Ideology and appearance are tied to each other. His mind is ugly as shit, as are his ideas, as are his physique.

Doesnt matter when you're making 100k a year
average amount someone is estimated to make in their lifetime is a million dollars

I can assure you he is well above that bar

in reality a wall is very effective in stopping most illegal immigration, as shown in Europe and the middle east

It's not though.

By definition I mean.

There's nothing irrational about border controls being placed on a notoriously porous border that is responsible for a huge amount of illegal migrants and contraband.

>Protecting your property or protecting your land isn't xenophobic faggot.
Protecting from whom tho?

can we just spend the gas to haul this fat fuck to the border? he would make a perfect barrier

could just turn him on his side and lay him down at the border and that would be way cheaper

we should be spending 6 billion to keep his fat ass alive

he has a good point.

white people have a tendency to go complete ape shit when they feel truly threatened