Dammit Sup Forums, im starting to unironically become a Nazi...

Dammit Sup Forums, im starting to unironically become a Nazi. After looking at quotes and bad things from history linking up with Jews i now believe that they should be gotten rid of along with their religion. I now believe that blacks are inferior and that fascism is a good choice for Europe.

How do i get rid of the thing you made me become?

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Sup Forums is not a nazi frog board.

i was just thinking this, i dont really care if im a nazi
but how do i get the fuck off Sup Forums and stop obsessing with history/politics

It's a vicious cycle m8. This place can consume you. Be careful. Forbid yourself from browsing Sup Forums or reading about politics and history. I know it's hard but do it until it's gone too far. There's a life ahead of you lad. Politics are not that important. Spend more time outside, do something...I don't know. I dont want to see another fallen soldier.

get a gf , hobbies , friends

>get rid of it

You can't. You learn to adapt. Live the best you can. And wait for the next happening, faggot

Its a pain because most females tend to be liberal and a feminist

How about you red pill those women.

I don't think I've become a Nazi yet, mostly because I'm not white. However, I don't think Hitler was wrong and more than likely was overly vilified and demonized.

these are the beginning stages


National socialism is not fascism, stop with this fucktarded TRS meme

Start with nizkor.org

Try the genetics course below:


Ultimately our success has come from our ability to rational approach problems. Populism and scare mongering just slow down progress.

the true redpill is that the only person you hate is yourself
Learn this now or live in hatredtowards your fellow man until you learn

Embrace it

if ironic means this

happening in the opposite way to what is expected, and typically causing wry amusement because of this.

Then unironic must mean the opposite

I'm from a very leftist country. A very fucked up country. Even the president it's considered centre-right although his policies can be considered more lefty than Trudeau.

We don't even have a proper, ideologically sustainable right wing party as most of the euroanons do. The only one is a neonazi joke. Peronism is the only current this country has been following for the last 70 years. A populist banana ideology based completely on gibs.

Being against the growing feminism, pro abortion, anti Trump, pro immigration and hollow-minded majority population can lead you to the moral rope if you express it in public, or to the complete madness if you keep it lowkey. The latter is my case.

Sup Forums is the only outlet I have from this SJW madness. Don't fall for socialism lads, please. Become a nacionalsocialist or ethnonationalist rather. Do it for the future of your offspring.

im not a antisocial beta i had my first kiss when i was in kindergarten for fucks sake and i have good social skilks
i am currently aware of 2 girls who are out to get me but i dont feel like i deserve them
as for hobbies, Sup Forums is my hobby and it has consumed any other hobbies i previously had
i have no inspiration, i dont feel like i deserve to lead a happier life then the one i have
what the fuck is wrong with me

53% of white women voted for Trump. There are litteraly millions of conservative women in the US. Go talk to some you faggot.

There is no going back.

You don't, we call it the redpill for a reason.

Welcome to hell.

Have you had a convo with a woman recently? They're fucking brain dead.

What took you so long

how can you be a nazi if you havent read mein kampf or alfred rosenberg?