The final redpill is always the hardest to swallow but you must do it anons

The final redpill is always the hardest to swallow but you must do it anons.

Islam is the ultimate redpill, its like beign a fascist and getting away with it, full control of your women, liberals will never talk shit and antifa will never attack you.

Whats your excuse Sup Forums?

I'm not a shit skin who needs a religion to tell me how to create a society.

Why would I become a muslim when Baha'i faith is a flat out upgrade

religion knows no race


No bacon
No whiskey

Fucking Dropped

>Whats your excuse Sup Forums?
I don't want ot marry my cousin

'Islam' is a degenerate religion even for religions. Only shit skins do it.

Islam bans free speech and science.

Islam is garbage.

>Posting in an Australian slide thread

>no belief in reincarnation
>worshiping the god of (((abraham)))
>muhammad being a prophet

it's as bluepilled as it gets

this is a bad thing? how?

Get off my board childfucker worshipper

>turning your back on Christ just because its easier that way

>he doesnt have a qt cousin

Shit bloodline desu, kys

Islam at one point was the the most advanced civilization when it came to knowledge and science, biggest library on earth was owned by muslims until the mongols fucked them up


funny how everyone in that religion are either nonwhite or mentally unwell, often gingers

taking wifes is bad how?

your great great great grandfathers all would of fucked under 16 yr olds, we know it, i know it, you know it. just how the world worked

idk about you user but I want no control over my women.
Liberals need to be reasoned with and converted to rationality. Modern Liberalism is a mental plague.
Antifa is a joke desu.

The final pill is the black pill. Acceptance that no matter what you do, it's ultimately meaningless.

>race mixing
>no alcohol or pork
Nah I'm good

your canadian, your women control you. Not a surprise

none of that shit matters except the last one though

if you have a qt counsin this pays off but it is optional
not gonna touch that cause dont want a v& but its optional
this is a bad thing how?
>race mixing
optional and not that common, more common with white women
>no alchohol or pork
have fun being a amerilard who will die at 50

I'm not very fond of goat-fucking.

nor paedos.

>Whats your excuse Sup Forums?

I'm white

islamic golden age is a myth. literally WE WUZ ALCHEMISTS. no fag it was the greeks, syriacs, and north africans. arabs and turks have never done anything of any worth

nor autism.

A) I'm not Arab

B) Your god is a 7th century fiction

>racemixing not associated with Islam
Look at Anatolia, Northern Africa, Persia, Middle East, and Central Asia. Many people in these places use to be light skinned and light eyed. But shitskin A*bs and their slaves fucked up the genepools.

Actually, the thought of making Europe into a Saudi sharia state sounds pretty good desu

I can have up to 4 wives, and beat them if they disobey me.

I can stone them to death if they're cheating whores.

Nobody would ever steal from me because they would have their hands chopped off

All forms of degenerates would get the death sentence.... trannies, faggots, pedophiles

sounds like exactly what we need against these leftist filth, and they seem to embrace this ideology

the facts are there, its all written in history

tips fedora

>"i-it cant be true because its old"


my brother......... you misunderstand

>islam had science 700 years ago though hurr durr

You sure showed me, user.

>All forms of degenerates would get the death sentence.... trannies, faggots, pedophiles
Ahmed pls, go kill yourself.

they had man kinds first batteries and some of the most educated people on earth

what was white boy pagans doing?........... illiterate, barbaric, pagan and non scientific.

Romans, nazis bother loved islam for a good reason

>saudi inbreds
>against paedos

>read the Bible sandnigger...its explains your fate precisely.

You burned the Library of Alexandria. You fucking burned it. We would be living on other planets by now if not for your stupidity.

>Lunar cult



>Pedophilic goat-fuckers



That's because religion is too bluepilled to know anything.

>it's another Islam shill thread

quality bait OP
quite not leaf-level bait tho
keep trying, Straya

Muslims don't really have a concept of nationalism though? They are globalistic

Also they don't really have a military culture, but prefer to blow themselves up like morons to achieve their goals.

If anything you'll see liberals converting to Islam en masse for the oppression points.

Because I'm not a hypocritical pedophile degenerate

>On June 12, 2016, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of the Islamic State, issued a fatwa stating that: “It is permissible for the mujahid [jihadi] to enjoy young boys in the absence of women.” The justification for the fatwa was quoting Koran 52:24 “There will circulate among them [servant] boys [especially] for them, as if they were pearls well-protected.” A similar verse from the Koran (76:19) reads: “There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them [as beautiful as] scattered pearls.”

Later scholars are skeptical of these stories, given the range of time that had passed before they were written down and the political motivations of the various writers

that's actually a pretty good prayer chant

take the ultimate redpill user
the harder to swallow after 70 yo mollahs sperm
be an apostate
leave your cult and join the real life
give it a shot user



doobs and islam is the religion of pol and u have to kys

close enough

its one of the most insidious viral memes ever developed. it has an almost impossible to fight self referential pattern, and must be spread by any means necessary. its the ultimate religion, by which i mean its the most weaponized religion. im not talking about the people, who are beautiful little gods walking around with a toxic virus in their heads. what we need is a religion which cures you of the need for a religion. advaita hinduism, zen buddhism, come very close.

Because Bahaii was invented by a British meme in the 1840s.