An adorable QT who grew up on a farm, dates boys, and hardly pays attention to politics goes INTO college... and four years later... a hardened man-hating, SJW-spewing diesel dyke comes OUT.
How do we stop this?
An adorable QT who grew up on a farm, dates boys, and hardly pays attention to politics goes INTO college... and four years later... a hardened man-hating, SJW-spewing diesel dyke comes OUT.
How do we stop this?
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i dunno man bottom left makes me diamonds
I'm going to an HBCU right now (Historically Black College/University) and honestly aside from a crazy English professor in my freshman year I haven't had much issue. Am STEM though, so I haven't seen any of the humanities bullshit
Don't let them poison your mind, bro! Stay frosty and redpill as many kids as you can!
many such cases
Fuck off
heard you on FDR
Its the brain that becomes the problem.
>Blue haired faggot spotted.
You lost me
They're not poisoning my mind, user. If anything, it's redpilling me even more being here
what are their names again?
who gives a fuck
whatever decent-paying job she would have been able to get is now available to be filled by someone more qualified
the wheel keeps turning and it doesn't affect me
Love to hear it! Gives me hope!
April West
shes hotter now would smash
On Molyneux's talk show? I listened to one a couple days ago with a black guy who said he's going to an HBCU as well. He said he browses Sup Forums
either send your daughter to college on the off chance she becomes a man-hating sjw or don't and she will forever be a loser that gets knocked up by jamal and turn into a single mother
You're a few months and a season off. It's August.
>singles of truth
>kek has spoken
kek I'm not black, user
Are those the ONLY two choices?
Just give her the D and she'll clean up.
It's a proven fact that dick can make the worst cunts into family loving wives if you do it right.
They let non-black people into HBCUs?
What race are you? Hispanic? White?
The destruction of the higher "education" cartel is the only solution
Bring back apprenticeships, corporations won't spend money on liberal indoctrination
>if you do it right
I assume you're talking about anal, right?
brain thought immune system blah blah cognitive dissonance blah blah idea virus spreading person to person blah blah
We have to vaccinate their minds from viral ideas, so that they can build up an immunity. Give them a vaccine every year like for the flu.
IE harmless exposure to niggers and hippies at a young age to show them that their teachers are lying to them about everyone being equal and love and peace is the answer.
Show them what you can accomplish with a days hard work instead of bitching about it online.
Remember the "die cis scum" girl?
Well she got the D and somehow, she cleaned up her act. I'm not sure if it's anal, toys or dominance.
Hell, it could be that she never got a loving, caring man to make love to her.
But she was cured.
What about right-wing universities? Are there many of those? Maybe in places like Utah I would think. Anyone go to a college in Utah or Idaho who can confirm the political atmosphere on campus?
Can you post a pic of her? I don't remember her.
White with a full ride
What percentage of the school is black?
Do you get treated well by most of the black students and faculty?
Is there a strong anti-Trump mood on the campus?
>those pupils
what is she on?
From bright and smiley to furl and frown. It's like before /pol after /pol.
Do you guys think pic related has been redpilled?
She would be really hot if it wasn't for the jaw/chin.
For you, OP
>burgers have different names for each year they are in college
Short hair on women is disgusting. Only cucks like it. To nobody's surprise, they are also femdom fetishists.
pointy elbows, would not fuck
I'm not exactly sure, but probably 85-90%.
Yeah! I got called "Esol" by some Afro-Centrists a while back, which is apparently as bad as nigger, and had a few people step up and call them on their bullshit, while telling me I wasn't the white devil. Felt good man
There is some anti-trump sentiment, naturally, but I've been surprised. Met a girl involved with BLM who was hardcore Trump. She wants illegals gone so those jobs can go to low-income unemployed who need them, i. e. blacks
she looks like a major coal burner
they should call them kike factories
It's not "college" that turns people into communists and radical liberals.
It's specific colleges and universities. More often than not, it's middle of the road state schools (University of Washington, UMASS, etc).
If you rotate the pics clockwise a notch it is the political compass quadrants
Youre a cuck first of all for going to a HNC(historically nigger college). Second of all if a nigger thinks you AREN'T the white devil, you're obviously doing something wrong, niggerlover
>bottom left
...I think you may like boys
>huemonkeys have different names for the ways they get robbed
Many such cases. Sad!
You are probably gay. Hate to break it.
No, you degenerate. You gotta get her off the pill and knock her up. It's a known fact that the hormone imbalance caused by the pill messes up women's minds in terms of how they think, what they're attracted to and how they view society. Get her off the pill, give her a sense of security and let her know that you'll take care of her for the rest of her life. Which you can do by giving her a child.
>Short hair woman
maybe because you are a fag?
That upper inflection and trying to articulate everything. Reminds me of the fedora "zombie apocalypse is my forte" guy. Dont you hate it.
Who is this semen demon?
I have full respect for you. Can't be easy going to a school where you don't automatically "fit in." Takes guts. All that matters is that you're in a STEM program you like.
And cool about the BLM girl who's a Trump-supporter. Nice to see she "gets it" and THAT Trump is trying to HELP Americans by sensibly dealing with our massive illegal immigrant problem. As Trump says: AMERICA FIRST
>passing up that full ride
>not putting yourself out of your comfort zone
>not getting along with people
Don't think you can tell me how I should be living my life. You sound like an SJW faggot
So, no anal?
>how can I infringe on other people freedom?
That montage is tragic.
This is terrible advice in the era of no fault divorce and anti-male government. It would have been good advice a few decades ago.
I see you're already a college senior
As soon as she graduates she'll got back to square one there once she has to find a good provider to take care of her after college. I see it happen all the time.
I thought you wrote "zombie fedora apocalypse". that would be cool
She comes in around the 3:20 mark.
It'll be good advice again in a few months, user. Also, don't live in a no fault state.
Anal is for faggots.
>and four years later... a hardened man-hating, SJW-spewing diesel dyke comes OUT.
Well one thing about this is how much of it is just confomirty to the group she's hanging around? I'm 29 and a college graduate, I see a ton of these far-left people changing their minds after college, well being at least not as into it. There is a social element to all of this, like protesting and these activities are an excuse to socialize basically. It's a crowd to belong too. Usually attracting the "nerdy" type person who already doesn't feel like they fit in.
This OP girl is cute, how much attention do you think she got? Dudes obviously wanted to hang around her and then they kept trying to make her conform more and more to what their views were. She probably never thought of this shit before and started dating some dude or hanging out with some group of other girls who were on tumblr all the time.
See notice how it's like a fashion thing too? That's what I'm talking about. It's about cultural preference really, not politics. Politics are just the excuse.
A raging SJW dyke like August will some day end up marrying a cool redpilled MAGA dude back in West Virginia and raise a few MAGA kids?
If true, gives me hope.
Not to that extreme, she'll go from raging leftist to moderate centrist leftist because that's what's more socially appropriate later in life.
Pic related.
OP you fucked up. It's supposed to be
Young qt goes to college. Turns into man hating liberal idiot. Many such cases. Sad!
And pornstars. Don't forget the pornstars.
I added the "dyke" part because she's a confirmed dyke. Pic related. It's her ex-"wife."
Thanks! Coming here was probably the best thing that happened to me.
I remember one time I was sitting in a lecture hall when one of our city council leaders came to speak. She loudly talked about how "Trump is emboldening the racist elements of our country" and how "we must support Clinton, as she is the only moral choice". Me, being one of two white people in the room, and the other one was commenting loudly on "Drumpf", was singled out by her. "You voting for Trump?" She asked me in front of nearly 80-90 people. I'm not a pussy, so I said yes, and she laughed in my face. She asked me why I came to this school if I felt that way, and many people were shooting me looks that could kill, and mumbling loudly. I was about to answer when another man across the hall yelled out "Cause college about gettin different points of view!" She huffed at him, but finished the rest of the talk without bothering me again, though she would glance at me when she made a comment about Trump. I found that guy afterwards and thanked him, and he said don't worry about it. "We just need to wait until bitches like that die off. It's people like that not letting shit go that's making things worse." People will surprise you, user, if you give them a chance
would smash all except bottom left tbqh
I could change her back.
there isn't a bar saying "No whites allowed" idiot. All HBCUs have students of different races, they're just majority black.
Great story. And totally agree. Liberals constantly advocate tolerance and acceptance, yet the second you don't agree with them, they instantly label you as their enemy. HOW is that being tolerant and accepting???
Good to see that one bro in the crowd was cool though. Rare. Need more like him and you. Sensible people who accept other's views and are just seeking to find out what makes the most political sense on various issues in this turbulent day and age.
You mean bottom right. For God sake, say you mean bottom right!!!
A woman's place is in the kitchen anyway. When did they start teaching sandwich making in college?
That is horribly depressing.
>>Short hair woman
>maybe because you are a fag?
It's okay, she's probably now into lesbian sex.
>no drugs involved...
The humanities and [x] studies courses.
she also had a boyfriend. the whole dyke thing is just a phase that came along with her current ideology.
She can be fixed.
Bottom's left makeup is quite simply unacceptable
This girl was always a tremendous, insufferable cunt.
Just look at her.
She is. Sadly.
Fucking kek
is that tucker?
the same way you stop every other societal ill, user
should kill this slut
Even when she was just a cute farm girl?