ITT we assert our dominance across the rest of the country
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And the Browns will win 3 football games! Yes!
How long does it take to drive through Ohio? Are the legends true?
I like dis
>oh look another shitty flyover state thread
If you don't live in a state that touches ocean, then you don't know shit.
t. Californian (best state in the union)
New Mogadishu reporting
There's only one sure thing that I know. I've got to get out of Ohio.
> California
Touch the ocean all you want. The spics are going to touch your wife and daughters
> Californian
216 bump
Howdy neighbor
How do Ohioans view Hoosiers?
We view you guys as slightly more libtarded versions of ourselves but love you all the same due to mutual hatred of Michigan.
> more libtarded
We would be happy to destroy columbus
We are as redpilled as you deep down
>Aerospace engineering
Good shit man, I graduated from UC for aeronautical engineering awhile ago. You aiming for working for GE? There's also Northrop and Lockheed offices out in the suburbs of Cincy in the Springdale and Union Center area. Or do you plan to go work up at Wright Pat?
Hoosiers are the most powerful race in the world
> More liberal than the state that gave us Mike "zap the gay away" Pence.
Who isn't? I grew up outside Ft Wayne. Mostly I thought Indiana was boring
We have plenty of those jobs up here on base
You've got a hell of an eye
If I can get to NASA I will because Im more of a space man than an Airplane man, but im working towards my flying license
mentorfag here, feels white man
Like I said, only *slightly*. Was very happy to see you guys swing resoundingly red this election. Proud of Wisconsin and (begrudgingly) Michigan too, but they barely squeaked by. You guys sent a fucking message.
>Ft. Wayne
My condolences. South Indiana best Indiana
He ain't a real Californian or he'd know Lebo's.
It's weird thinking ohio as a flyover state. It has a lot of amusement parks, manufacturing, big sport teams, and Cincinnati used to be one of the biggest music hubbs in the US.
As a Former Ohioan, its true... IT takes a LOOONNNGGGG TIME
I can't take this state anymore lads, I have had a taste of the south and I can no longer wait to slowly die in this dome of sadness.
At least Ohio is so shitty that they think they run the nation.. wait until your time comes taco nigger.. you will learn that you commie formnians dont!
anyone ever see the flying triangles at night
no im not even memeing i saw one over route 80
It takes about 4 hours on 70 and maybe closer to 5 on 30. North/south not much longer than 4 on 71
Who gives a shit what Californians think?
Middle America, flyover country, whatever the hell you want to call it is the best part of the country. The coasts are too liberal and the south is too BLACKED
Who near /columbus/ here?
Do you have a lot of Somalians too? I saw a woman what looked like a burqa a few weeks ago. I was happy when the local news had some story with crying Muslims over Trump today
Ohio touches a Freshwater Lake.
I lived there for 6 years. I'd say they are the largest immigrant population (other than Asians, but I think that may be an illusion), but there really isn't a crazy number of them. At least not around downtown up to campus
>drumpf elected
>whole country isn't brown
poor little drumpflets are so stupid and easy to manipulate
>implying Michigan wouldn't rape the fuck out of Ohio again
Was pleasently surprised to find out the 20th that only a small group of cucks actually gave a fuck in the cinci area. I guess the rest of the niggers are too busy taking H
Yeah, I'm in Dublin m8. Mostly Nips and Poos here. But when I lived in Westerville as kid there were a shit ton of Somalis. My early exposure to Somalis in elementary school is probably what cemented my racist outlook.
Ohio's alright.
t. Misery
Indy's pretty cool too, even though "hoosier" is an insult here for whatever reason.
No it's not too bad. Some areas are worse than others. For some reason when I was high school we had a ton of African Muslims
I am near Columbus and there are hundreds. There are several that have integrated that I'm actually friends with
The reason for all the africans in Columbus is because of the main Ebola treatment in the Hospital there
Southern Indiana is redpilled as fuck
I'm mostly~ okay with them if they assimilate.
I fucking love this state.
Ohio is where faggots go to fag around and be all faggy.
Something about Hoosiers working as scabs during union strikes in St. Louis way back in the day.
Hi, Floridian here. Thanks for putting Ohio in red, otherwise I'd have no fucking clue where your insignificant state even is.
So it's a relic of butthurt commies? Terrific.
>mfw my CBJ win the cup this year
You live in the most degenerate state in America. And that's beating Cali.
From South Bend, the mayor is a literal fag
fuck me
It's only a matter of time before your entire entire state is underwater you all flee here like a bunch of rapefugees.
Same warehouse district
Illinois. Chicago. Suburbs.
Since we are back, I will ask again. Who here is from Wright State, Wright Patt or the 937?
You think union men are commies? How would you like to work in some shitty coal mine with no rights you stupid fuck.
We were sooooo close on that streak
Columbusfag here. Seems like the somalis are mostly on the northeast side. Check out the Morse rd. walmart sometime. It's like a little mogadishu
>Who gives a shit what Californians think?
Watch it. Don't make us send you back to the stone age like Kansas
Lol, one of my libtard friends from
High school goes to Notre Dame and keeps sharing shit on Facebook about trying to get Buttigieg to become head of the DNC. I'm very sorry.
Who 614 masterrace here?
Fuck Ohio. Next to Wisconsin you guys are the most shit state in this country. I am ashamed to be your neighbor and every one of you faggots deserve to be gassed.
Wright Patt
PA fag here. You are the Bozo State (aka clown state!)
UC has sent me to San Francisco for co-op. The amount of liberal butthurt here is immense.
what major?
Im Aerospace Engineering
You are guys kinda funny.
There only Siberia is significantly different than the western parts. And, yeah, both retarded capitals.
Let me guess, Michigan?
Please, ban travel here. I beg you.
After seeing what you roaches did to colorado, I have no desire for commiefornians to move here en masse and ruin it too.
Lets be honest, Ohio blows
Sure we are pretty white and our gun laws are OK and we have one of the higher end average IQs and low cost of living
But we have a few nigger cities surrounded by cornfields with a couple amusement parks sprinkled in sandusky surrounded by miles upon miles of corn fields connected by the worst roads in the country overseen by the shittiest nigger politicians that make African politicians look competent.
Not to mention the cuckservatives led by lunchtime cucksich
Northern Ohio is a frozen tundra 5 months out of the year and a gloomy deluge of sadness that makes Seattles rainfall look pitiful, filled with salty assholes, poo in loos stinking up every Costco and Mr Hero
There a few diamonds in the rough shitpile that make living in this state semi bearable but it is a sad, cold existence.
Hey, faggot, I don't know if you noticed, but square flag fucksticks aren't allowed in this thread, wolvanigger
Yes. A real state.
how ironic,somebody from california calling other states shitty.go cry about trump some more you babys
A real poor state.
614 reporting in
What did Dmitry mean by this?
Don't listen to these fools FL is safe and is also one huge fort basically.
gonna go cry into my 6-figure starting salary and good job benefits lmao
heroin capitol of america atm.
What's a matter unionfag, can't take a little hyperbole?
I find american regionalism fascinating.
A slight improvement over PA, but only of you can avoid traffic. Which is tough given you're practically guaranteed to hit one major city at peak given the layout.
330 Reporting in. Tri-state region.
Good luck out there, you got a leg up being from Neil Armstrong's stomping grounds going into rocketry.
If you ever decide to go the military angle with rocketry, L3 or Raytheon have places in Ohio and are always on the lookout for people who have a decent blend of skills for missile design and electronics work.
I spent a year in that shithole and couldn't wait to come back. My gf spent her whole life in cali and likes Ohio better as well. Midwest and PA are okay, the rest of the country can fuck off.
>tfw kc chiefs fan
Yea, I've got that and the cost of living of fucking Mexico. Eat my cock you communist fuck
REMOVE CALIFAG remove califag
you are worst westerner. you are the yuppie idiot you are the hippie smell. return to california. to our californian cousins you may come our state. you may live in the zoo.ahahahaha ,diane fienstien we will never forgeve you. yuppie rascal FUck but fuck asshole hippy stink california sqhipere shqipare..califaggot genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead califag..ahahahahahCALIFORNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget the great migration period of 2014. yuppies return to your precious new york.hahahahaha idiot califaggot and new yorker smell so i can smell it. REMOVE CALIFAG FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. Colorado+Wyoming+Arizona+Texas=kill California,you will ww2/ hank williams sr alive in colorado, hank williams sr making album of colorado . slow country colorado. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of mountains you are ppoor stink califag, you live in a adobe hahahaha, you live in a suburbs
Lots of countries are the size of states and don't have intranational regional arguments like our federation
Russia is also a federation but slavs are slavs except for extra cold slavs
Construction Management / Architecture.
San Francisco is beautiful and I get free housing, but the people here are just awful.
Go Bearcats!
>6-figure salary
>80% of it goes to rent for a 400 sqft apartment
Purchasing power per dollar is way more important than raw income
You're alright, Vladmir. It's kinda like being in the military. We love each other, but like to make fun of each other. Except Michigan. Those fagbags can get meteored for all I give a shit
I grew up near the branch college and spent two years there before transferring to the main Dayton branch this semester. The tunnel system is very comfy, though I actually miss bumfuck nowhere, outside of the shit internet you get in the boonies. I can shitpost at practically warp speed now, it's a good feeling.