Behold: the face of a man who has suppressed his sexual desires his entire life
Poor creature.
That's a lot of makeup
Beside the general “gay” sexual practices of mutual masturbation and fellatio/cunnilingus, other homosexual practices which are common in the “lifestyle” are more bizarre: Anal intercourse that often causes tearing or bruising of the anus or rectal wall, which is only one cell thick and not designed for this extreme activity. Anal penetration (penetration of the anus by hand, arm, or foreign objects)—In 1983, well over a third of homosexuals admitted to participating in “fisting”—the insertion of hands or arms through the anus. Anal penetration by large objects (including bottles, cucumbers, carrots, light bulbs, dildos and other such “toys”) greatly increases tearing, bruising, and the risk of infection. It also debilitates the sphincter muscles which control the anus and bowel movements. According to one medical study, “fist fornication” is becoming increasingly common. About 80 percent of homosexuals regularly use their tongues to stimulate the anuses of their partners, thus ingesting biologically significant amounts of fecal matter. According to one clinical study: 92 percent of these men reported that they practiced anilingus [rimming].
About 30 percent of homosexuals admitted to having “showered” in the urine of others, and about 20 percent admitted to ingesting urine. About 15 percent said they regularly seek to be urinated upon, and over 8 percent said they regularly ingest it. In the latest national random survey, 17 percent of homosexuals admitted to having eaten or handled the feces of their partners, and 12 percent reported to giving and receiving enemas for sexual pleasure. Sadomasochism—At least a quarter of homosexuals admit to ritual domination of partners, which involves the use of physical force, violence, and sometimes mutilation as a sexual stimulant..
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yeah ok faggot
Kind of looks like that ex-marine gaylord from American Beauty tbqh
The focus of male homosexuals is upon the anus. Contact with feces is an anathema to soldiers. Every soldier’s first overnight in the field includes instruction in basic field sanitation, avoiding the diseases that come from mishandling feces—and yet the military is being asked to lift the ban on a classification of people whose sexual practices involve oral-anal contact and the ingestion of human feces. The prohibitions against mishandling feces in the field date at least from biblical times.
Homosexuality is a grave threat to not only our nation’s health but also our national security in several ways. Almost all homosexuals engage in sexual practices involving degradation or humiliation rarely practiced by heterosexuals. The degrading nature of such practices constitutes the real basis of the homosexual security threat as photographs or a video of a service member or of a civilian policy-maker in such an extremely compromising position makes them vulnerable to blackmail or extortion.
I heard on (((Howard Stern))) show he calls his wife 'mother' and has a hard time making conversation
Good post
Nonsense post
all three of these are nonsense posts
lol, also...
hes probably closet fag and he fucks his wife in the ass
And accomplished more than you could ever dream of
Sure, if you think being a rich career politician and sending our country back to the dark ages is an "accomplishment". He also voted for the Iraq war.
reply to this post or your future daughter will marry a CTR shill like the one above
immunity is permanently granted if you copy this post & use it to derail future shill thread & posts
>hahaha he only participated in the leadership of the most powerful country in the world
He has literally objectively accomplished more than you could every possibly hope for in a million years. You faggots are so pathetic
At least I don't worship politicians lol.
more to life than sexuality.