>"Hillary lost"
I'm so fucking tired of hearing this lie. She won by an astronomical 3,000,000 votes. She got as many votes as Obama did in 2012.
>"Hillary lost"
I'm so fucking tired of hearing this lie. She won by an astronomical 3,000,000 votes. She got as many votes as Obama did in 2012.
Other urls found in this thread:
deal with it
Okay, puddin.
Let me know when she's done with that wall.
reply to this post or your future daughter will marry a CTR shill like the one above
she will marry a canadian if you don't copy this entire post & use it to derail another pathetic shill thread
Kys juán you shitskin cocksucker.
Still crying ? Come on life is beautiful out there !
Hillary lost.
Um no sweetie, she actually lost hun.
Go away
Yes she won. But she won the metric which doesn't matter
Someone get that chess picture for this fine gentlemen
These threads are becoming more rare.
>She won by an astronomical 3,000,000 votes.
>Germany didn't win the soccer world cup because Team X scored more goals in the course of the whole tournament
To quote the 45th president of the United States: WROOOOONG !
She won what, exactly?
go make me a sandwich woman
>She got as many votes as Obama did in 2012
apparently not
Shit-tier trolling.
I wonder how long the left will keep trying this forced meme.
you should pay more attention to Our President Trump
He knows all about winning
Hillary lost, and she lost big.
only in your world does everyone get a trophy.
Hey cool, what did she win?
hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary lost.hillary
They accept she lost but keep saying this to remind us that most of country still dislikes him.
Not the presidency
And still not President!
>my team won by 21 x 8
>no it didn't because my team had more 1st downs
It must suck being a winner.
Posts pastas that you don't get to use anymore
Don't worry, OP, she'll be back in 2020!
It's true, nobody managed to achieve such a spectacular failure as she did.
You're not still hung up on the 'popular vote' that litterally means nothing... Are you?
Really hoping this is bait and not ignorance
ok honey, she won
lets see her sign an executive order to stop that wall from being built :))))
You're right, she won the popular vote. She didn't win the United States Presidency tho, and I think that's where you may continue to be confused...
read the rule book known as the constitution before you play the game you fucking commie. This is not a popularity contest its a fucking republic. Educate yourself, your claim is like saying a football team won because they had 3 field goals and the other team had 2 touchdowns. Learn the rules. Oh by the way I hate fucking sports so to even have to stoop that low to explain it hurts.
Jeb Bush also won in taco bowls shipments.
Why did it take so long for an ummm no sweaty
She won 2nd place. Sorry their are no participation trophy's in the Presidential elections, better luck next time, Snowflake.
If she won why isn't she president?
Hillary spent more.
That has to count for something.
>She won by an astronomical 3,000,000 votes.
Even though the Russians hacked the vote for Hillary, giving her 3 million more votes, Trump still managed to win.
This is going to be an awesome 8 years.
If Trump does half of what he promised he will probably win in 2020.
And he will probably lose the popular vote again.
This is going to be fucking delicious.
Shows the elite are more retarded with their shekels then previously thought.
>Since everyone replies to this stale ass bait every day anyway
President Trump is doing a great job winning at everything and all you can do is cry about it ahahaha go riot with your pussy hat bitch
This again?
She lost the vote that mattered.
Do you feel like she won?
Numbers are not how you win the game.
> recycling arguments from 2000
> never question the electoral college until after election
kys when?
You're obviously trolling the site. Nobody cares about Hillary anymore. Why don't you promote someone who could actually run in 2020?
She won? When's her inauguration?
>She won by an astronomical 3,000,000 votes.
Correction, she lost by 38 electoral votes.
No one plays for the popular vote unless they're retarded.
Yet she still isn't president. Really activates the almonds huh.
Right because 10 field goals beats 6 touchdowns!
Ohh, wait...
That's right.
Those aren't the rules.
this meme was old from day 1
America isn't a direct democracy you dumb fuck.
someone should have told her to play the electoral collage game
I... I just dont get it.... Why don't H-Dog's supporters know how the presidential election works? Like, we are supposed to trust the group of voters that dont even enough about the government to understand went they lost. Like, really?
Thank you for all the love and your great achievements Hillary. You will always tower over Trump, and the racist, sexist man he is. Because love trumps hate. You, will, hopefully, in 2020, return to save this ALREADY GREAT NATION, and defeat Trump.
Weird career i see Trump in the oval office
3.5 million of her votes were from illegals who shouldn't have been allowed to vote.
Then why isn't she in the oval office?
She didn't win anything. The "popular vote" wasn't a contest. If someone gets Checkmate in Chess, the game is over. It doesn't matter who has more pieces on the board, because that's not the game. Nobody in history has ever lost harder than Hillary did.
Rape yourself nigger lipped cumslut.
false equivalence. I expect nothing less from a Trump supporter though
nice trips
tried to look for proof of this claim and found an infowars page that linked to a site that says it was all fabricated
why are people repeating this without any evidence?
Trump:" If I'm president we'll win so much, you'll get bored with winning."
She lost honey move on
I am now a #cruzmissile
We can be civil. Here's something to help you with that massive sore on your ass.
You know what makes it best? She lost the popular vote to Obama as well.
>38 electoral votes
>No one plays for the popular vote unless they're retarded.
Donna Brazille. 'nuff said.
Illegal votes don't count
Inner city minorities who breed like rats, consume everything, produce nothing and shoot everyone don't get to decide the future for us all, libtard.
she lost harder than any candidate has ever lost.
>imagine working at a daycare center with actual retards
>they shit themselves and eat it
>there are 10 workers there including you
>and 90 shiteating retards smearing blood, poop and pubic hair all over the walls
and one day you have to vote for what the new menu will be at the retard daycare center.
option 1: fairly healthy and good homecooked food.
option 2: retard shit with farts and piss in a blanket.
>your vote is worth just as much as every single retards vote.
>the results are in
what? i have to eat shit with farts with piss on a blanket?! thats not fair.
>but they won with 90% against 10%
can u imagine if all the big cities in america was full of retards? well now u know why there is a system for the whole country and not just the shit eaters.
What is Article 2 of the United States Constitution?
I'll take butthurt libtards for $1000 Mr. Trabek.
She lost. Go fuck yourself. Didnt you CTR faggots lose your jobs?
>United States
>Not people
>Popular Vote counts by the State
>Clinton won all 55 electoral votes in California.
>She won California 7.9 million votes to 3.9 million for Trump
>Those 3 million literally come from California
>She only won the popular vote in 12 states
Oh sweetie it's electoral votes that get you elected.
reply to this post or your future daughter will marry a CTR shill like the one above
immunity is permanently granted if you copy this post & use it to derail future shill thread & posts
You really don't think it's NYC and Chiraq too?
His approval is near 60%.
Pretty close to the percentage of electoral votes he won. You know, the actual votes that matter.
Not my president
Nobody campaigned for a popular vote election, dipshit. If they did, Trump would have spent a lot more time in California and New York, and smaller swing states like NH and Iowa would have been completely ignored
Are the 3 million votes from California?
Are the 3 million votes from Illegals?
The point is California alone gives her a 3-4 million vote buffer zone. Those popular vote fags are just taking the excess of California, which already has a proportion amount of electoral votes.
3 millions crying illegal mud skins in California.
>muh popular vote
This thread again? Ok, you asked for it
Some facts for you:
Trump won the popular vote in 31 states to Hillary's 19 and DC. 62% to her 38%.
Trump led in the total popular vote for all states except California.
Hillary won California 5,860,714 to Trump’s 3,151,821. 61.6% to 33.1% exclusive of the other candidates. Thus California gave Hillary the popular vote for all states as claimed by the Democrats and their media stooges.
But deduct her California vote from her national vote leaving her with 54,978,783, and deduct Trump’s California vote from his national total, leaving him with 57,113.976, he wins in a landslide in the other 49 states, 51.3% to her 48.7%.
So, in effect, Hillary was elected president of California and Trump was elected president of the rest of the USA by a substantial margin.
This exemplifies the wisdom of the Electoral College, to prevent the vote of any one populace state from overriding the vote of the others. Trump’s Campaign Manager, Kellyanne Conway, whose expertise is polling, saw this early on and devised her strategy of “6 pathways to the White House”.
This meant ignoring California with its huge Democrat majority and going after the states that would give him the necessary electoral votes to win, FL, NC, MI, PA, OH, and WI.
Could this mean the end of the Democrat Party? At its lowest point since the civil war when the afternoon of January 20, 2017 arrives, the Republican Party will have:
1) The Presidency.
2) A majority of the House of Representatives.
3) A majority of the Senate.
4) Almost two-thirds of all the governorships.
5) Total control of the statehouses in almost two-thirds of all the states.
And in the near future, Republicans will be able to add:
6) A majority of the Supreme Court. The above has never happened before in American history.
So yeah, keep saying Trump lost.
Copy this and paste it whenever someone makes this thread.
get back on your side of the wall pls thnx
That last paragraph seems like a bit too much as if he didn't try his hardest to win in every aspect in any case.
I agree, muh dumbocracy cunts need to put a sock in it. Otherwise libbies will decide our president every election and who wants that?
Checking. Oh yeah, she still lost. Fundamental willful ignorance of the Constitution.
Typical Dimocrat: Only follow laws you agree with hurr durr.
>The football score is 24-18 but I had 100 more yardage. I WON THE FUCKING GAME
It was her turn, Sup Forums. Shame on you.