Why do people think being racist is negative?
Why do people think being racist is negative?
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Because inferior races envy superior ones.
everybody is a lil bit racist
Because they've been told to think that since kindergarten.
Social stigma.
Outing yourself as racist could, and often does, lead to loss of job, family, friends plus it gives the left the mentality that it's ok to harm you.
Everyone and their momma is racist to some extent.
Whites feel guilty knowing they're better.
Blacks are butthurt.
Because (((science))) or something...meaning even if someone is okay with your bigotry, they could still see you as backwards and ignorant.
bet they dont think thats negative
probably because you should treat others the way you would like to be treated
>family, friends
>implying I'm kin to or associate with nigger lovers
I don't really care how others treat me. Just don't touch me or my property.
Because dude. Even if races are different and unequal, they're still one of mankind.
Because it's threatening to the future parasitic potential of Jews.
anti-racist policies in the USA over the last have century have made us the most powerful nation on earth
stormfront bullshit ends in civil war, millions dead and a devastated usa
Humans are naturally tribalists, and racists at the core, some can educate themselves but only to hide it.
Racism is natural.
This. Even if massive amounts of racists rise up and try to enforce their beliefs, it would mean millions of dead Americans. Stormfags need to realize that the only way forward is together.
Not sure but hopefully everyone likes me all the time just let me know how to think.
Racism is showing a preference for your own race, something which is instinctual common sense. If it wasn’t instinctual then there would be no need for diversity training, Forced mixing of schools, affirmative action, racism laws, hate laws, etc. etc. Racism is a perfectly valid response to the biological reality of racial differences in intelligence. Non-whites simply don't belong in our countries. Does Japan have problems with racism? No, because it is homogenous. Does Iceland have problems with racism? No, because it is homogenous. Racism is caused by forcing separate races to live together in the same space, so by advocating separation, we are the only ones advocating a true end to racism. History has shown it has NEVER worked (Babylon, Rome, Haiti, Egypt) as a few examples. As always...nationalists are proven right.
they're thinking what they're told to think
I'm Mexican and Black, and can't bring myself to be even a bit racist towards whites. The only culture I grew up with is the American culture. So I guess the less American you are, the less I give a shit about you. It's not about race to me. I see certain people, or groups of people (like illegal immigrants, and people who dont respect the U.S.) as a threat to American values, so to those people, you can say Im racist towards.
I believe Civic Nationalism can work if people assimilate. I feel like, while White people make up the majority of American history and the development of the country, that they did it for all of us, and I'd do it for every other American too, not just people who are black or Mexican. If you are patriotic and don't seek to try to tear down the values of the U.S. constitution, and are willing to assimilate as well as pull your own weight, I welcome you.
Obviously "shitskins" haven't proven they can do that, but I think they can
It is moralistic bullshit. The white christians are dying out, and so are the people that had that set of morals. Now we are left with amoral assholes who don't give a shit about blacks. So they are trying to force morality based on a nonexistent progressive religion that hasn't withstood the test of time.
>I believe Civic Nationalism can work if people assimilate
Keep telling yourself that, nigger.
>I'm Mexican and Black, and can't bring myself to be even a bit racist towards whites.
Sure, paco-jamal.. Sure, I believe you.
>I'm Mexican and Black,
stopped reading right there
There's something inherently distasteful about treating the minority of ugly, stupid, criminal whites better than you treat the talented tenth of ambitious, intelligent, hard-working blacks.
The truth of white superiority on the macro level isn't enough for some people to justify not treating people as individuals first and foremost.
Also, people whose ego hinges almost entirely on their race are usually unpleasant and have nothing else going for them.
I still think all blacks should be stripped of citizenship but there is no denying that there are valid reasons for race differences to be a taboo topic of conversation.
Because no matter what they fuck the result will be as inferior as they are
100% can't. I have absolutely no reason to hate whites, however, I do understand the reason white people have for being racist towards blacks.
It's easy to not be racist, just understand that being around the worst of someone else's race is no different than being around the worst of your own race.
Is it bad that I thought about Abdul Abjar when I saw your flag?