Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums

The only thing keeping me alive is that Trump won.

I'm starting a news website based around violent mexican crimes / border violence / cartel carnage. Like borderlandbeat but more aggressively right wing.

I know that Trump is going to get the wall built no matter what, but I want the people to know why. I want them to be angry. I want them to know the cost that has been draining them for decades. I want them to know everything.

This won't cost anyone money or require a fucking dime of donations. It's all wordpress templates and SEO and faggots sharing on zuccbook. I have a good domain and plenty of design experience from my attempt at being a member of the "technically skilled middle class" before Obama took a giant steaming shit on us.

Altho I'm used to oldfag shit like IRC (fugg i grew up on usenet) if there's a "Discord" I would appreciate an invite.


Other urls found in this thread:



>before Obama took a giant steaming shit on us.
kek cry more poor fag

Want to see my uncircumcised dick, ahmed?



>The only thing keeping me alive is that Trump won.
Neck yourself, faggot

holy shit you got me

i'm FBI

and i'm going to bring down the right wing hacker known as Sup Forums by.... recruiting people to promote information about how violent mexicans are

brilliant plan!

Hello 3 letter org

If that's all the keeps you alive you'll never be strong enough to help save the white race.