Hey Sup Forums
Any ideas for a subtly redpilled senior quote? Keep it to a degree that it can actually be put into the year book.
Bonus points if it sets off SJWs.
Hey Sup Forums
We wuz...
"Some crayons are just better than others"
Deus Vult"
We must work to secure a future for our white children.
>Trapped in yearbook factory, send help.
My main goy, Thomas Sowell
We must work to secure a future for our white children.
>Build Wall
>I predicted the 2020s racewar. Screenshot this yearbook quote.
If you want to be a poetic fuck:
>If truly free, be stopped never through all that's happening
If you want to be straightforward:
>Make America Great Again!
If you want to be subtle:
>Gas the kikes, race war now
>Gas the bikes, race car now
Some stoner fag the year before me put "I get high on my own supply" as his quote and it accidently got through. After that nobody got yearbook quotes.
"They are bringing their worst, they're rapists."
That time has passed.
Try something from the King James Bible. Unless public school turned you into a giant God-hating faggot.
Muh dick!
mine was
"So little done, so much to do." - Cecil Rhodes
and it was approved kek
"You guys are lucky I didn't shoot this place up."
They live, we sleep.
>I'm riding the tiger.
Nobody knows what it's like to be the bad man, to be the sad man, behind blue eyes.
"Only Rosie O`Donnell"
Sweat saves blood, blood saves lives, but brains save both - Erwin Rommel
"Is this going to be in the yearbook?"
Skypes cause Googles
Divide and conquer, they said.
Check em
Equality is a false god
Under budget, ahead of schedule
"We will no longer surrender this country to the false song of globalism"
"For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and everyone who humbles himself will be exalted."
-Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum
"Mexico paid for it"
Cubs win the 2016 World Series
There are only two genders.
"Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction."
Democracy was a mistake
Here it is!!
Checked nice
(((year book quote)))
do the goebbels lying jewish mouths quote
What a legend
"If you want to shine like the sun, you have to burn like it." -AH
>Adolf Hitler
bonus points for putting the AH at the end
Andrew Jackson for Trump: The bank... is trying to kill me, but I will kill it.
Check em
That sounds kind of embarrassing. I bet in a couple years, when your 12 youll probably cringe.
"Delet this"
Will be majoring in Women's studies to meet easy women.
"I like to shoot up schools and make yearbook quotes, and I'm all out of quotes."
Putin hacked me here.
Thanks Obama.
See Kyle.
"to learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"
"Women's tender breast are not suited for the convulsions of politics." Thomas Jefferson
> women studies
Will be jacking off alone well into your 50s
>Our government is so corrupt that it needs another shower to clean it up.
I went to an anti-Trump rally with this on a sign with a photoshop of Bernie taking a shower and it actually went over well with "antifa."
Based Jefferson
Been awhile since Ive read his letters. Im gonna revisit them.
I'm for minority rights and the smallest minority is the individual.
Paraphrased from someone I can't remember.
My brother's friend's was "no fat chicks".
tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society
great choice
Give women equal rights. And lefts.
>the smallest minority is the individual
>tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society
consider those, OP
>be graduating from high school
>ask my dad what I should put as my senior quote
>He says "Just don't put any queer poetry in there."
>They actually published it!
A lot has changed in 12 years, I suppose
nice one.
Also: "Opinions have caused more ills than the plague or earthquakes on this little globe of ours." Flat earthers BTFO
You should probably banepost in your quote. Are you next to some buddies in the quote lineup?
>"You can't have success without the succ"
(((Insert your school's newspaper name))) is fake news
Fight tooth and nail to reach the chop of the pyramid because there is nothing good at the bottom.
It's is not enough that I should succeed; others should fail.
Titus 1:10
>Bonus points if it sets off SJWs.
As a white male I have always wondered why do some of you people choose to be obese rather than diet and exercise like the rest of us?
"The education provided was professional and standardised. Three Stars."
I'm in love oh my god. Who is that?
I predict our school will see an explosion of Muslim students.
My ancestors smile upon me, can you say the same? - Some game I think
All men are born by the same clay, but not shaped in the same mold - Slavic saying
Cross the Rubicon -Julius Caesar
Men crave duty A cause to defend, a cross to bear, a family to protect. - Maelurian
What man is a man who does not make the world a better place? - Kingdom of Heaven
"The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead." -Aristotle
People say, 'The government couldn't carry out the September 11th attack, it's too big, they'd get caught!' They DID get caught! They're just counting on you to be dumb and to go along with it.
Alex Jones
"Once you think you have a monopoly on moral authority, anyone who's against you is evil, and therefore undeserving of compassion."
Ayn Rand. If I'm not mistaken, the quote goes something like "the smallest minority is the individual. Those who deny individuals rights cannot claim to defend minorities"
"As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help."
Religion of peace
"If it bleeds, we can kill it" -Dutch
>this pepe
Tits or GTFO
Bernie can still win
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." -Animal Farm