Is it wrong to date a muslim girl?
Thinking about pursuing this qt in my lab, but idk if I could ever get over the whole hijab thing.
Is it wrong to date a muslim girl?
Thinking about pursuing this qt in my lab, but idk if I could ever get over the whole hijab thing.
Same, I'm no white supremacist, and I think chicks from the Middle East look nice, but the Hijab and Muslim thing is a major turn off. I wouldn't go for it.
They can't date. I guarantee you her parents will kill you once they find out. Also:
>No pre-marital sex
>Dietary Restrictions
>She'll have to pray if she's over at your place
>No talking about religion. Ever.
>If she has brothers, get ready to fight.
>Also get ready to hear her complain about how they could get to do everything and she can't.
>She will force religion down your throat.
The list goes on.
t. Ex-Muslim
Damn... it's all my worst fears and more.
Are muslim women submissive though?
There are a lot of christian middle-eastern girls, user. Just gotta look out for it.
theyre huge cunts alot of the time
Not really. They will do the chores out of their own will, yes. But they have a tendency to harp on you to do the manly stuff. It's 50/50, really.
Hold on to it when you cum raw in her asshole
If she is religious then no.
Pump and dump, user.
>wearing hijab
>5 kilos of make up in face
i see this often and it makes no sense
If she doesn't have any bruises, yes
waterboard yourself
If you're a white Christian I would not do it. It's more opposite then race mixing.
>get over the whole hijab thing
don't get over it, make her abandon it over time
>inb4 op coverts to snackbar
if you do this then you're clinically retarded.
user m8 don't fucking do it.
Any kids she'll make are going to be raised Muslim.
No, not really.
t. Race traitor
They get fat and nag all the time, kind of like the 'boss of the home' deal. Also your kids will be sand niggers.
I'm not looking for middle eastern girls.
Just a proximity/availability thing. No white qt's in lab
Why is her hijab a problem? At least she won't be dressing like a whore. Plus, you will be the only male (aside from her father, brothers, etc.) to see her without it.
>idk if I could ever get over the whole hijab thing.
Go to her house and cum in all her hijabs.
Everything you just said is bad.
The hijab isn't for modesty anymore. At least for the westernized muslim women. It's a status sign; like how rich white women would have a pearl necklace in the 50's. Women who wear hijabs are rated much higher than women who don't in the muslim community. Ask any muslim guy you know. They might fuck around with the non-hijabis (or even non-muslim chicks) but if you ask them what type of girl they would marry, it's a conservative muslim girl who reads the hadith every night and wears a hijab; 100 % of the time. Muslim girls still want to assimilate, that's why they wear makeup and yoga pants with them.
Who is allowed to see them without hijabs though? Boyfriends? Husbands?
I'm an Arab and my boyfriend is Swedish, it's never been an issue. I don't wear a hijab though and I'm not Muslim.
I would do it in a heartbeat. It gets me off to think of a Big Crusader Cock (BCC) plowing some hijabi so hard she converts and begins pumping out babies to fight in the new crusade. Also, many western girls yell "oh God" or "oh my God" during sex, and I would cum buckets if some hijabi started yelling "Allahu Ackbar" as I launched a holy war at her overies
Yeah I get it. At the end of the day, it's better to have any other girl than a muslim one. Especially if she is a hijabi.
>I'm an Arab and my boyfriend is Swedish
Your a dude tho
Boyfriends don't exist in Islam. Only husbands, brothers, and other women.
How so? If I were a guy I'd rather my s/o wear a hijab than dress like a whore.
Everything is fine as long as you are okay with your children being low IQ shitskin apes.
I'm a girl.
You again? send nudes or fuck off
my friend's dating a north african girl in a sorority who posts "inspirational feminist quotations" on her facebook
we're pretty sure she pegs him
That's not what I'm getting at, but the hijab is a major turn off for me.
Seems anti-western.
Can you tell me more about how relationships go in muslim social circles then? I am actually really curious.
I want whoever I date/marry to be able to show her face, head, and hair in public, not conceal it with a cloth.
Also, having only your father and brothers know what you actually look like is creepy. It's subtly incestuous and really oppressive.
I dated a qt 3.14 muslim girl.
They can't date. I guarantee you her parents will kill you once they find out. Also:
>No pre-marital sex
Brah we had sex everytime we met up, still best sex I've ever had.
>Dietary Restrictions
Yeah couldn't eat bacon or she wouldn't fuck or kiss :(
>She'll have to pray if she's over at your place
She never did this
>No talking about religion. Ever.
We never really did talk about religion
>If she has brothers, get ready to fight.
She only had a sister (was dating a white dude too lol)
>Also get ready to hear her complain about how they could get to do everything and she can't.
She did complain alot about how her parents were so strict.
>She will force religion down your throat.
Never forced it down me up until the last year when she kept pushing marriage and that I would have to convert.
Get her drunk and hammer her doggy style with the hijab on. Stream live on kikebook.
>Are muslim women submissive though?
So when did the hijab come off?
just defile her so she is damaged goods to her own culture and move on. you act like we arent at war here
tell her to stop being a muslim, then date her
is it even possible to hook up with a hijab wearing girl?
OP you have to do it for science.
She never wore unless it was a religious event even around her parents.
It all depends on how much she keeps to her faith.
Hmmm, touche.
Not worth it.
You're goddamn right, there's no dating. You fuck them in the car and never see them again.
> fighting brothers
You cucked shitskins couldn't fight a fucking paperbag, don't make me laugh.
Either way, cucking sandniggers is the easiest shit to do, but you are kind of right about having to "deal" with family if you get close.
You're wrong about the lengths your sandnigger women go to, for that sweet and superior BWC.
Islam in it's entirety is anti-Western. Here's how the typical Muslim "relationship" happens in most Muslim circles (including my own family).
Contrary to popular belief, arranged marriages don't happen in the West; at least not in the way you think. Instead, the girl is given a list of "suitors"* (sometimes distant cousins, but mostly men that are in the community that her mother is somehow connected with) and she is able to refuse them or not. It's like courting in extreme Christian communities. Ultimately, they get to know each other on the basis that the end goal will be marriage. This period can last for any amount of time. For some cousins of mine it was only one to three months. They can meet up, but only if people she knows comes with, as well (sisters, brothers, female cousins. They get married, the end. No touching, kissing, etc.
There are the "love marriages" (actually called this) too. These are when two muslims meet and get to know each other (usually through school or the mosque) and IMMEDIATELY tell their family so they do not get hit with rumors of them fooling around outside of the binds of marriage. These relationships are usually looked down upon in Muslim communities.
*I don't mean all at once. Just over the course of her young adulthood.
Go for it.
I fucked a muslim girl around october. Fucked her in a public parking within the first 2 weeks of knowing her. This was after i told her i voted trump when we were eating in a Chinese restaurant and was triggered and on the verge of tears because she couldn't believe i was a racist etc. Dumb bitch lol.
That's the other thing - the second my love of DJT slips out, she would never talk to me again.
As this user pointed out, they're a lot of muslim girls that break the mould, but you wouldn't want to pursue anything with them. In their later years their guilt pretty much kills the relationship. These are also the girls that end up ultra religious either during the courting process or after being married. Stay away from these ones.
I dont know about that anons because a white girl dressing modestly can actually be a turn on.
Guilt of what? breaking the mold?
t. Chad Nationalist
Flag checks out
Course then theres the fathers that drag their daughters to the middle east and sell them for oil shekels
Plus he have brown vaginas. Very gross.
God damn it. And I though hot black chicks with British accents was my fetish.
I wish i was joking. She had a man jaw but i was desperate for some hijabi pussy. I wanted some exotic pussy so i went for it. I'm a hispanic though so i guess that's why she let it slide. But after i pumped her i dumped her.
my biggest concern would be her dad honor killing her
Muslim women are the bomb
Yes. Muslim girls are told since before puberty that their virginity is their biggest asset. That no respectable man would choose a non-virgin over a virgin. My favourite quote from when I was younger was that a non-married man and non-married woman are never truly alone; Satan is with them, too. Basically, fornication is one of the worst sins in Islam and as these women get older they just tend to fall into guilt. I guess it's because they feel as if they're doing something wrong by marrying after all that they've done. So they pray to Allah for forgiveness and then they become ultra-religious to compensate for their bad deeds.
I'm ex-Muslim, but I was raised in a Muslim Household.
Damn user, thanks for shedding some light.
So why are you an ex-muslim then?
What made you leave?
I'm a science-fag and a lot of things just didn't add up for me. I was told at the mosque I went to as a kid that heaven, hell, and earth were made in a week. I clearly knew that was bullshit so I kept digging. I couldn't reconcile the two so I eventually left the religion. I was thirteen.
>not just living with the cognitive dissonance
wew lad
I think looking for a hot qt wife this could be a cool fetish but its so uncommon nowadays imagine telling her your fetish is for her to cover her head with pretty scarves and wear pretty dresses that cover her legs, etc. Youd probably be better off, she would better understand, if your fetish was like feet or something.
Kek. I may have for some time because I thought that my family would hate me. They're muslims, yes but I do love them a lot. I eventually told them and they surprisingly accepted it. We're actually pretty cool, thankfully.
yes it is wrong
That is incorrect, Leaf. There are very few Christians remaining in the middle east, because they are being systematically eliminated. Your media does not report this of course.
date? never
fug? easy. They are not that difficult to get as long as you know the rules.
She can NOT EVER be seen with you. She risks a lot to be with you so don't be lazy and stupid and tell anyone you are banging her. EVEN YOUR BEST FRIENDS.
Approaching them also can be very difficult. Most of them only go out in packs. So trying to find one where you can talk to her one on one is very difficult.
But there ARE places to do that. There is a mall close by (high end mall) where you will see a lot of rich daddy's girls shopping.
One of the things I do is go into one of the shops and look around the women's clothing section. If someone comes up to you (person working there) say "I am just looking right now" and they generally will leave because they think you are just "kicking the tire".
Now the trick is to watch the girl you like. If she is with another woman / women often times some of them will try on clothing. Just wait till the others are trying on things.
Then quickly come up to her and say "I think you are cute. Here is my number. Text me" and leave.
Do this in other shops around the mall or park or university where they gather.
Trust me on this she will be thinking about it.
One risk - brother or some male will see that number and catfish you which might lead to your death. So be careful when playing with muslims.
Personally I just did that to get my flag. I don't think they are worth the time and risk.
Oh no, I know they don't. Idk, I see a lot in my area. I think they're a growing demographic actually but I can't be sure. All I know is I've been seeing way more Christian Arabs in the past four years then I did before.
Literally the only bad thing in that list is dietary restrictions. What kind are we talking about, here?
heres another qt covering her head with a hat
>cute middle eastern christian girl in my class
>we get put in group work together
>we chatting and she's smiling back and shit
>inauguration day comes around
>"hey user, did you hear about Russia hacking the election"?
No OP,
you'll never have peace because anytime Islam comes up or another muslim blows shit up she'll always take the side of islam and make excuses for it no matter how obvious the problem is. You'll also not be able to speak freely about Trump or anything non leftist, most muslims and especially muslim girls are hardcore leftist/sjw/buzzfeed readers.
If you can pump n dump, do that, otherwise, its a huge fucking headache.
No alcohol or pork. If so, she will not touch you, at all.
It's your job to redpill her, user. It's not too late!
>check out her cuckbook page
>gay marriage filter photo
My soul when
She was checking to see if you're a misinformed idiot.
You were supposed to try to redpill her.
You failed.
Not only that but even if she was a blithering liberal idiot then she would still respect a strong man and learn from you.
I've had a couple rebellious arabic chicks and man 3 out of the 4 girls were straight bald down there. They came like a well in the desert too. I just could not get enough of their pussy but I didnt want to convert all 4 times so yeah I'm dating my bland german girlfriend atm. Got nudes if any interest.
>No pre-marital sex
i see nothing wrong with that
>Dietary Restrictions
So... having a diet?
>She'll have to pray if she's over at your place
if it keeps her trap shut, i'm cool
>No talking about religion. Ever.
ok that's a con
>If she has brothers, get ready to fight.
over who gets to sleep with her?
>Also get ready to hear her complain about how they could get to do everything and she can't.
rightfully so. she needs to understand her place in life: the kitchen and the bedroom. though if she's smart enough to have a good career, i'm all for it.
>She will force religion down your throat.
eh... some don't care. most muslim wives don't really care about how religious their husbands are.
are they "confirmed" christian though?
a lot if them know that they can't be sent back as Christians because it's unsafe for them
they're supposed to keep their pussies shaved per their religion lol. also yeah, wet pussies.
post em
Commence the dump bro
Can't win them all, user.
hit it senpai, we're waiting
If her parents find out, they'll kill her. You know that, right?
Do you have any idea how rare it is to find an attractive middle eastern Christian girl? You can do it user, I believe in you! Think about all the other Sup Forumsacks who have converted their wives and girlfriends into pure rightwing conservatives. Just stand your ground, be firm in your convictions, but be kind in spirit. Don't go full autismo and reference Hitler, but correct any liberal conditioning she brings up with cold hard facts. She'll come around eventually.
I dated a Muslim girl and none of that is true at all. She only wore the hijab around her family because they'd beat the shit out of her.
If they knew the things we did together, they'd probably be after me too.