This mentally unstable hobo controls you

This mentally unstable hobo controls you.

All he did was put some words on a wall and a camera. Literally anyone could do this. Anyone could have put any words at all. As long as the implication was somehow, even loosely, anti-Trump, then it controls you.

If someone had put a camera with a pro-Trump intention somewhere in this country, it would never become popular. It would never achieve any kind of cultural significance. It would never get articles written about it. You know how I know that? Because it's been done. And they don't fail because the get trolled, they fail because nobody cares.

See, liberals are positive. They see Shia's pointless art project as a way to promote freedom, equality, gay rights, womens' rights, immigrants' rights, literally anything they want to twist his message into. And they're drawn to positivity.

Conservatives, however, different. Mentally different. They despise positivity. This is why even when they get full control over that camera, when no libcucks are around, they still gripe and complain. They still shout things about Hitler, or about jews, or about a million conspiracy theories about how shitty the world is.

tl;dr: Conservatives are spiteful cunts who have an autistic compulsion to ruin positivity and fun. Because of this, Shia is literally holding their balls and compelling them to watch his stream and shitpost about it.

Other urls found in this thread:

No. People dont care about any message. Theyre just using the opportunity to get laid, get attention, spout memes.. etc

>This mentally unstable hobo controls you.

>See, liberals are positive
You people are just impressionable idiots with so much free time that you can obsess over inconsequential shit like this

The conservacucks care about the message, that's why they were fucking raging and trying to start fights and shit. They're trying to convince you to disregard the message, because they have none themselves.

>see they are positive because they put out a negatively phrased message
reall thinking right now desu

>tries to talk about people with too much time
>is literally replying to a thread about it on Sup Forums

Glad you could join us.


The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




is this the new thread then?

Trump has done nothing but divide people at every step. Even his inauguration address was full of divisive statements.

Shia easily latched onto that, and it's working great.

>being this much of a cuck for alex jones

fuck off faggot. we can see a shill from a mile away.

>you people are impressionable
>not just voting in a complete cuck for Russia and Jewish cock who's already doing untold damage to the economy and bringing the advantage to China every day because they liked making lib fee-fees hurt

WW3 when? I don't want any one side to win, I just want the human parasite to die.

Yet you reply. Thanks for acknowledging that he controls you.

keep chanting you fucking idiot sheep.

>If someone had put a camera with a pro-Trump intention somewhere in this country, it would never become popular. It would never achieve any kind of cultural significance. It would never get articles written about it. You know how I know that? Because it's been done

I'm using my leisure time for this
I got off of work 2 hours ago, I bet those unwashed hippies don't even have a part time job

Someone post that tweet of that guy who got laid by shouting fuck Trump at a protest

jokes on you
i literally havent given a shit


That whale is out there promoting her message, when this guy comes to ask her, she doesn't want to give arguments or talk about it!

>because he is giving off bad vibes

And when pressured just a bit she starts drumming.

I am convinced, hating trump and being on the (((good))) side is easy and its fun.

It's completely void of any meaning. I am tired of these dumb fucking cows. The only defense they have is >but ur stupid

I'm going to bed, it was fun with Sup Forumsblart

Liberal information streams are so unpopular they have to be propped up with tax payer money and the communist-style nations they aspire to achieve are so unpopular they need walls to keep people in.

He Will Not Divide Us.

Keep telling yourself that. I bet not a single conservative who has showed up makes more than $20k.

Exactly as Shia wants.

The left is the epitome of diseased culture

Jesus fuck shills are out in full force today.

Tbh someone just needs to smash that camera.

Preferably Shia will drunk because he's a fucking loony. And then he can get arrested all over again.

she crumbled like any other radical left they cant think for themselves.


welcome to Sup Forums

If you don't know how autistic we are I suggest you lurk more. We watched a card stand in NY for 2 years, this is way more entertaining

Yfw hes richer than you

Tell shia hes a faggot and needs to shower and quick wearing his wifes coat out in public.

So you're saying Jackie Sup Forums is better? A guy who rides a train 2 hours to stand in a mudhole for EIGHT HOURS and goes full autist when a libtard stands in front of the camera?

Come the fuck on.

It bothers you so much that you want it destroyed. Got it.

Actually that card stand was better because it had no spiteful intention involved, it was just funny.

>Keep telling yourself that. I bet not a single conservative who has showed up makes more than $20k.

What makes you think the liberals are any different? This is Astoria, NY a shithole.

tfw you're way taller than him

>had no spiteful intention involved, it was just funny

you smell like newfag

>having fun



having fun and shitposting is what unites all Sup Forums users. Shia is just giving us a real life platform to do exactly what we love to do

Yet, who throws the first punch?

libs, everytime.

a pro-trump video rally would become popular, but for the wrong reasons

At least I'm not a kike.

what an idiot liberals all want free shit and do nothing. while conservatives run shit look at trumps cabinet

3/4 of the liberals are wearing brand-named clothing and look fairly decent. Either they have rich parents or they have good jobs.

You're not having fun, you genuinely despise the liberals and despise when they have control of the camera.

The only person who threw a punch was Shia, he's crazy and doesn't count.

tl;dr: liberals are spoiled children who think virtue signaling will make a difference. Conservatives enjoy fucking with liberals and OP is triggered by this.

Liberals are attention-seekers. A celebrity created this thing and has been present at it every day so far, thus the liberals flock to it like sheep.

someone get reddit away from jackie4chan

this is only popular becuase of le reddit army. I give it a month or two tops, before theres a mass suicide there.

>3/4 of the liberals are wearing brand-named clothing and look fairly decent.

Or you know they spend all of their money on clothes and a shitty apartment.

>You're not having fun

How would you know?

>Jesus fuck shills are out in full force today.
>Tbh someone just needs to smash that camera.
fuckin ell mate, is this, like, clever clever double double ironic here, or what?! Cos otherwise, you'd be exactly the type of dickhead OP was making his original point about, wouldn't you now?

I just farted and it was the exact same tone as my phone's vibration.

Try yelling:
SHE will not divide us

don't tell people what they enjoy and don't enjoy.

Conservatives trigger me in general because they're subhuman. Their nigger-tier desire to destroy is almost unmatched.

You can try to explain it away all day but the fact remains that the liberals all look well-groomed and the conservatives look like they came from a grease factory.

>If someone had put a camera with a pro-Trump intention somewhere in this country, it would never become popular. It would never achieve any kind of cultural significance. It would never get articles written about it. You know how I know that? Because it's been done. And they don't fail because the get trolled, they fail because nobody cares.
You're ignoring the fact that the only reason this stream is getting attention is because it was setup by a celebrity. There's no doubt that if a celebrity setup a pro-Trump stream it would get a ton of attention.

Lets puut it another way

As much as I hate the cunt, Pierce Morgan got snubbed this morning. He was meant to interview Ewan McGregor this morning on British TV. When Ewan found out it was Pierce leading the interview he declined, because Pierce opposed the womens march

Pierce came back with movie stars should do their job and promote their movie, not engage with political opinion, that's all he wanted

So Shia crossed the realm. That is why this is here regardless of your opinion

Tumblr would love your blog though

I feel like you're a mod or janitor for some reason

>All he did was put some words on a wall and a camera. Literally anyone could do this

Right but no one would care. Someone probably already did this but wasn't famous.

Guys, why doesn't somebody dress up as an terrorist and trow a backpack into that crowd while screaming allahu akbar repeatedly?

Would help if some shitskin or spic would do it. I would love to see those cucks react to something like that.


No, because who do you think funded them before? Conservative celebrities are irrelevant.

This has literally been done before without a celebrity, people protested George Bush on a 320x240 webcam in LA for a month in like 2006.

Are you all newfags?

Haha the blonde idiot that had basically a mental breakdown yesterday and shoutet like fkn crazy reminds them to stay quiet omg.

LOL dude is totally unhinged and the fat whale needs to go somewhere else

his frequent proximity to the AllSpark has produced some madness in his ways


video plz, will suk yo dick.

>You can try to explain it away all day but the fact remains that the liberals all look well-groomed

You can try to back up your non-existent argument but the fact remains that the liberals look like patients from an insane asylum and the conservatives look like average Americans. You think others are nigger-tier, but you are nigger-tier. You are not clever. Maybe you should be a little introspective.

Keep crying, child. No matter how much you blather on about positivity you'll never be able to talk around the fact that liberals who participate in Shia's bullshit are virtue signaling morons who aren't making a real difference. By the way, why are you here? Did you hear about Sup Forums on buzzfeed?

sorry, I am a normie and am new to this Sup Forums shit.

jackie4chan sent me


We all put words on a wall.

I just stumbled upon this.

Milo promotes violence?

FUCK THE NORMIES fuck them you guys show up pre game tomorrow SATURDAY SAM HYDE

on youtube dont have the video on my pc, the link should do it

>I'll return around what he said and try to sound like I'm making a profound point

Just gas yourself, Jesus Christ.

I've probably come to Sup Forums since before you were born, before the stormfag invasion, so go tell your dad to kill himself for seeding you.

>Conservative celebrities are irrelevant.
Chris Pratt, Bruce Willis and Clint Eastwood are irrelevant?


fuck yeah an old school guy arrived



who are these psychopaths

Yes, Chris Pratt is a bad actor, Bruce Willis lost all respect when he was on sitcoms, and Clint Eastwood is busy smoking himself to death while yelling about niggers.


dude is killing it.

What abvout the Blowjob now?

>Desire to maintain a culture is a desire to destroy

>it doesn't work like that

Yes it does

I always hated this stupid motherfucker. But now I love him.

Fuck you all nazis!

>Actually that card stand was better because it had no spiteful intention involved , it was just funny
> no spiteful intention involved

Nigga get the fuck outta here we were waiting for some brave user to come by and knock that bitch over.

we don't despise positivity. We despise liberals.

See, look, fat angry son of a bitch is back.

Listen to him, guys. Listen to this angry, crazy, evil fat bastard who would strangle these people to make their fun go away.

Chris Pratt is the only one that's even remotely relevant

>libtards take virtue signaling from a Hollywood millionaire seriously
>Sup Forums doesn't
>this makes all conservatives pessimists

Liberals are dreamers, Republicans are doers.

Now go dream about your woman president while we fix America you fucking child.


before it was just some fags droning
we made it must watch television

>a list (might be a b lister actually) celebrity starts bloodstreaming his apparent loss of sanity after an election
>people laugh at it and call it weird
>lol this means he controls you
Don't know that I would've released this bait to the public without some more fine tuning OP.


We're such good capitalists



>Chris Pratt is a bad actor
He's one of the biggest leading men in Hollywood right now. I think he's overrated but you would have to be retarded to think he's irrelevant.
>Bruce Willis lost all respect when he was on sitcoms
At least Bruce used to have a great career. Shia has always been a joke. He started out on a Disney channel show and then did unwatchably awful shit like Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
>Clint Eastwood is busy smoking himself to death while yelling about niggers.
Clint is busy directing successful films while Shia is losing his mind over silly trolling.
Clint is still relevant, Bruce is more relevant than Shia.

Someone needs to show up and just stand there is the same spot looking at the camera. Dont say anything no emotion just stare.

been done

Wow, what happened to positivity? Wishing death on someone isn't positive at all.

Remember, this fat angry fuck is half of Sup Forums personified.

Give me a quick rundown of what just happened with Unlce Tone

I never said I was positive, I've been around you fags too long

It's you against the world user.

Somebody needs to go there, and i front of his live cam reveal and Infowars Bill Clinton rape shirt, then start yelling Bill's a rapist.