How does it feel knowing your President doesn't believe in global warming?
Trump's Denial of Science
reply to this post or your future daughter will marry a CTR shill like the one above
she will marry a canadian if you don't copy this entire post & use it to derail another shill/bait thread
Inb4 "global warming is a myth libtards made"
Climate change goy!
Everything you need to know about Climate Changeā¢ in two words.
>deny science
libkikes love to deny science and pretend this is a woman
Denial =/= Questioning
Also, its fucking 50 degrees in NYC today so fuck it.
Only a Godless Communist piece of shit could possibly think global warming is real.
1. The Book of Revelation does not end with a flood.
2. God promised Noah after he got off of the ark that he would never flood the Earth again and even created the rainbow to forever symbolize this agreement.
There's nothing to question. There's not even a debate anymore. The scientific evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of human induced climate change. The debate is for small people and retards to talk about amongst their echo chambers.
Probably won't affect me in my lifetime anyway.
Haha I love you deniers. "Here is a video of a guy that got his dick chopped off, therefore climate change is fake"
Since when is programming software a science?
Nothing is going to get done about climate change even if Trump pulled a complete 180 tomorrow and started pumping money into meteorological studies.
Stop acting like this matters. None of this matters. You're just flailing.
The science march in two months will be the turning point. Trump will have no choice but to reneg on one his dumbest campaign platforms. He has already backpedaled on climate change on Nov 22.
global warming isn't really science -- its just a consensus belief -- which is more like religion
>another fucking march
When will people understand that doing cardio doesn't cause public policy to change?
AGW is not science, it is politics.
Thank me later.
Funny, a bunch of fucking retard neckbeards on pol are against getting off their fat ass and doing cardio. Keep pounding the mountain dew you fucking loser.
Let me get this straight...
- The mideast turns into an fatally hot, uninhabitable nightmare with heat indices close to 200. Terrorists btfo.
- Coasts lines will flood and Florida will be underwater. Rich assholes with beachfront property in Florida and California btfo
- It might actually hit 40 now and then during winter where I live. Snow btfo.
And I'm supposed to want to STOP this?
>man made global warming
yea ill wait for the proofs too
Who's against cardio?
I just said it doesn't change laws.
it's a mystery!
The point was that liberals are also deniers of science. It's like English is your second language, nigger.
>pretending that liberals don't deny basic biology
Anthropogenic global warming is pseudoscience, not science. Learn the difference.
id rather die in terrible conditions due to global warming than making you libshit happy
pray that youre wrong faggot its all you got
Nah, it's too late for all that caffeine. We on the diet coke now.
Wait, scientists are going to march? Bahahaha.
At least some small percentage of the psycho feminazis wearing giant foam vaginas were attractive.
>strawmanning op's argument
The Left's Denial of Science
no one will read this, since this Sup Forums but here you go anyway.
also, trump probably does believe global warming is happening. he, and most republicans, just can't say so because idiots that vote for them believe global warming is made up by liberal transgender gays
Look when it comes to climate change im a skeptic i think it very plausible that its caused by humans and it need to be taken care soon, but america has taken many steps toward more "green" efficiancies than china or india, and putting people out of a job is not worth supporting them through social benefits.
global warming/climate change is in large part a scam. it is an industry unto itself and they want worldwide "carbon taxes" on top of that. it is an insidious thing far beyond that even.
you won't understand wtf i'm talking about unless you look into these things for yourself. so, you can do that (takes effort)... or (more likely) you'll just write me/trump off as anti-science hillbillies or whatever. that's the easier option as you're being told to do that by those that follow that agenda.
did you know having ice cap is an anomaly? did you know that the earth has been ice cap free for ~90% of its existence? did you know by definition ice caps only exist during ice ages? did you know we are at the tail end of a CURRENT ice age now? did you know the caps extended as far down as missouri/kentucky just 20,000 years ago and have been receding ever since that peak? did you know the caps are going bye-bye even if every person on the planet disappeared 20,000 years ago?
I'm sure Trump has inside sources he communicates with. They have probably known that climate change was liberal bullshit for a while. Australia is famous for climate change denial. Prominent scientists have denied it themselves.
Anthropocentric global warming is objectively not science even if you believe in it. Computer models that have been consistently wrong for decades are not scientific. Scientists saying they believe something is not science.
Global warming is a distraction to push for green energy. We should be working towards fuel efficiency while putting R&D into nuclear energy.
Yes, call people names, then they'll *have* to agree with you.
that's the funny part. you'll never see those terrible conditions because we have already started making the necessary steps to combat climate changes. Thats the best part in all of this. We have identified the problem, proven it and are taking care of it. meanwhile you retards are still debating if its real or not, you're literally 30 years behind.
Good. We dont need the President wasting time on pseudoscentific garbage.
I'm glad he's investigating the agencies that keep pushing this shit.
Sometimes he lets Jesus take the wheel
Awww did I hurt your feelings your fairy faggot snowflake?? That's the only group of people I know of that gets butthurt when they get made fun of. And now pol climate deniers. That's why we talk down to you in the way you talk down to snowflakes.
>all that fresh Canadian Lebensraum
>Trump's Denial of Sensationalism
Science community is a joke in todays age, The only thing that matters is publishing. SAD!
Hi, it's me again, Argentinian user. Do you have a source on the banking families who backed of the oil industry because of peak oil and started backing green energy? I want to read about it.
retard can't science
Its ideal.
I really really like this webm, mind if i save it?
3/4 of the planet who dont give a single fuck about global warming. the other 1/4 merely pretend to try and it magically solve itself
nice. its almost like it was fucking nothing from the start
Rothschilds and Rockefellers decades ago pulled out and invested in alternative energies
And one of the younger Rothschilds (David) is one of the biggest promoters of propaganda for climate change. He had a book made for children and pushed politicians in some countries to make it accepted material.
maybe you should do that too?
Cool. I'd like to argue with you but I don't know if you'd like that or not and I want to thank you for the info so I'll just be quiet for now.
Did you know you're completely full of shit? Obviously not
only there's mountains of evidence
but let me make it simple for you. in order to disprove climate change you have only to disprove one of the following two facts.
1. C02 in the atmosphere causes the global temperature of the Earth to rise
2. We are releasing more C02 in the atmosphere
bonus chance
find a single scientist who claims climate change is a myth who is not being payed by energy companies
Let me tell you something. Between Galileo and the church, who was actually right? The answer is the fucking church because Galileo couldn't answer their questions and his model was fucking shit. Climate change if it can still be challenged and if the model isn't mathematically perfect is just a theory and not set in stone.
A global median of 54% of people polled believe humans are negatively impacting the climate, so you can take you 3/4 number and shove it up your ass.
and of course this means asia and other places outside the west is doing somethign about it
oh wait no it doesnt and no theyre not doing anything
You know whats funny is that your graph supports the proven fact of human induced climate change and you faggot ass is too god damn stupid to understand it. We know that it has been warmer in earths past, no climatologist would deny that. But the RATE of warmer we are seeing now is unprecedented and will have catastrophic effects. Your graph shows this rate of warming, but it is zoomed out 500 million years to hide the data.
You mean like this you fucking dipshit?
It isn't, see
I'll give you my credit card information over Sup Forums if you can tell me what alpha is in that integration. I'm that confident you have no fucking idea what you just posted, you're just retarded and it looked good to you. And typically the differential comes at the end of the integral, but thats a moot point.
It feels the same as knowing that the only professional scientist to walk on the moon said this
The department of defense recognizes climate change as a force multiplier. And please don't post reddit as fucking proof on Sup Forums, they have as much credibility over there as any of you retards do here.
I am a mechanical engineer, pretty sure we get heavier math than climate ""scientists""
I am going to post whatever I want, alarmist zealot.
Explain this to me. Explain your point. I'm challenging you
Feels good man. It's all overblown anyway.
Cool story. What do you get? ODE's and PDE's? Calculus three and linear algebra? Yep, I took all that too.
When climate scientists are talking to each other in private, they admit what they are doing is a sham, they admit they have to fudge numbers, they talk about how to ruin the lives of skeptics, they talk about deleting data that's requested through FOIA's so their lies don't get exposed.
What do you think about Peak Oil, my man?
Show the evidence
Protips: You have no idea you just trust authority. Scientific institutions are not immuned from politics and finance.
Good, its a board in which you post as much bullshit as you want that will change 0 opionions.
If exposing how corrupt and ineffective climate scientists are changes 0 opinions then why are you so nervous?
There's a difference between climate and weather
What is the surgeon pulling out?
not cool
This nice young man denies science and he has a good job shilling for MSNBC
In 1972 it was predicted by 1995 and some bankers took the prediction too seriously
Sup Forums doesn't care about facts OP, you're wasting your time. This place is the tumblr of the right.
Good, this world is going to shit anyway and the future looks even worse