He really is one of us
Barron art
For a 10 yrs old this is amazing. For God sake he can draw in 3d
How else is a kid supposed to show that it's a woman? You make sure by givin' her big tits, that's how.
Broof a doodle doo that's his art.
>big tittied blond
I give it 3 years before he's posting ama threads on Sup Forums
Oh wow the kid isn't an artist how horrible...
Pretty bad, but he is only 10
I did worse at that age
looks like he's found deviantart
how long until he finds us?
Thats aspie art if ive ever seen it.
BIg tits and spyro and everdang.
That is absurdly good for a 10 year old
I like the fake pokemon.
>anime girl eyes
sounds like he's a healthy young man. Also a much better artist than I ever was.
>all the girls are blonde haired blue eyed with big tits
Our guy
He's a ten year old kid. When I was a kid I was drawing ultra violent stuff inspired by warcraft, doom and diablo. Let him be a kid, christ.
The art detail is lazy. Leave art to the robots.
Holy fuck he is good.
Is he the Prince Emperor?
Is it really his? It looks way too much like shit CWC would draw. If he likes sonic I'm officially concerned for him.
Looks more like a Sup Forumsck sucker desu
>draws better at 10x better than me at 10
who cares?
>It looks way too much like shit CWC would draw.
he's 10
Some more art
Barron is god.
No. This would be amazing for a 6 year old. This is on track for private grade school art classes.
Maybe he outsourced it to the Mexican maid or something?
Tits or gtfo. I know you're in here.
He's a future superstar gay furry artist. I just know it.
Trump may not make anime real, but damn if Barron isn't trying.
desu its pretty gud
Look at that male power fantasy (shaking my head to be honest family)
Drew better than I did at his age.
And atleast he's not just drawing loads of dicks? Knew some kids like that.
This is pretty normal. Straight kid that likes huge tits and blonde hair. What's wrong here? Nothing.
>an aryan woman about to get MAIZED
What did Barron mean by this?
So, he's a breast man...
Proofs this is actually his?
That's advanced for age 10. Very.
those look better desu
some of the pogeymans and spyros have me concerned he could actually have the tism. That would be fucking awful for a kid in the white house.
is the blonde ivanka?
Another masterpiece
I don't see a original character, so that's a plus/
Looks like he plays Skylanders
Well, CWC draws like a 10 years old child. Where is the problem?
Ivanka trump
That's actually pretty good for a 10 year old. Also
>Poor Barron is going to get bullied non-stop for the next 4 (maybe even 8) years
I hope he doesn't give a fuck about it.
president trump's got to put an end to this now, nip this shit in the bud
artists CANNOT be kings
Dat magma golem tho
Big boobed goddesses.
He is /ourguy/
he's drawing skylanders and big titted blondes
He would get along well with my cousin
Better than I could do and I'm 32 years old.
His perception of depth and proportions is really impressive!
t. /ic/
>Tfw I was in 3rd grade drawing Panzer IVs and Tiger tanks with the Iron cross on them. I even remember my teacher being horrified by it!
Another one.
That caught my attention too. It's great
Turns out he's a brony and autistic lmao
I really hope this is his art. I would commission him to draw more of that busty cave girl.
>that hair
>those eyes
You know Barron watches a lot of anime
This stuff is from when he was 6 according to the archives
I bet he's inspired by john krisfolusi. The ten stumpy dude
how does a 10 year old even know about banjo-kazooie and spyro
That elf is pretty hot ngl
That dick though
Well, at least we know he's not gay now
Barron's gallery.
>those tits
I remember drawing oversized tits at that age, but I think his oversized tits are proportionally larger than most kids' attemted 2-d titties to the fact that he's always surrounded by gigantic breasts.
Pretty compositionally captivating considering his age though.
its jad bro
So he was like 5 or 6?
this desu I am getting sonichu vibes famalam
>that traced trex head
How come I'm athletic and good at all sports but I have the handwriting and drawing skills of a 7 year old? I thought it was about good hand-eye coordination
That stuff is either traced, or someone else has drawn it for him...
>cheating or outsourcing
>the way of the rich people
I think that's supposed to be Baloo
Something tells me Barron discovered porn and is obsessing over huge tits
Holyfuck he truly is /ourguy/.
I saw the same thing, does barron play runescape?
That drawing absolutely 100% had to be jad thundercock
People legit making fun of a ten year old should die in a fire. I'd beat the brakes off any faggot that does this within earshot of me.
I like how he drew the lady on the left with big tits, said, "fuck it, let's go big or go home" and gave her HH size tiddies
you mean /aco/
Art faggot coming through.
You can clearly see the metaphor for the bear being putin and the blonde women with tits being his mother.
Its clear that Barron is trying to show us that putin and his mum had an affair, meaning trump is a cuck and barron is putins son and clearly a sleeper cell, waiting to take trumps position and unite USA with Russia.
Clearly a masterpiece from the artist barron ""trump"" putin
I recognize the skylanders/Spyro shit.
The knockers on these girls - god damn Barron is mad man.
I'm so glad I grew up in a time where social media didnt exist.
Thank god, Gary Roberts has been getting old
Who the fuck is this and what proof do they have that this is Barron's art?
>He draws animu
It's very likely not him.
Shit is pretty old, unless he was scanning and uploading this shit without help at the age of 5. Nevermind drawing.
Apparently these were made in 2009
>The left will now attack him, again
barron knows what's up
>blond big titted cave girl
Are liberals really so desperate they're making fun of a child's creativity? Can you really be that depraved?
hand eye coordination doesn't magically transfer an image in your mind into an image on a canvas
If anything, hand eye coordination is just about the least important arting skill
>leftists are so bootyblasted they've resorted to bullying a 10-year-old on twitter