Hey g-guys...?
I..I think we made our point. Let's cut out the meme's, h-ha. Trump might actually fuck over the entire world. You realize the doomsday clock is the closest it's been since 1953 right??
Hey g-guys...?
I..I think we made our point. Let's cut out the meme's, h-ha. Trump might actually fuck over the entire world. You realize the doomsday clock is the closest it's been since 1953 right??
Other urls found in this thread:
you mean the Jewsday clock?
I'm never gonna stop memein, son
Fuck off faggot. Shitty slide threads belong in the
whats a doomsday clock
Doomsday Clock is literally a meme that doesnt mean anything
>Implying Trump voters are smart enough to recognize how bad things are going to get
reply to this post or your future daughter will marry a CTR shill like the one above
she will marry a canadian if you don't copy this entire post & use it to derail another shill thread
?ctr / CREW concern shilling
saging a CTR thread
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Closer than during the Cuban Crisis ?
Are you literally retarded.
Oh nevermind, just noticed your flag
Get gassed kike.
hillary would have been moved to the lowest it can be possible, then we would have nuclear war out of nowhere piss off.
remember to sage or your future wife will be pic related
a song by smashing pumpkins
Let everything burn.
>Jokes on them, I won
>group that created and maintains the clock
>those names
It literally is always the fucking kikes
Sup Forums is always right
is the doomsday clock just a toy clock made my jews?
>world is closest to doomsday since 1953
>what is the Cuban Missile Crisis
one knows instantly he's talking to a traitorous piece of leftrytrash, when you hear some bullshit about "the world"
get fucked, commie
the DOW broke ALL-TIME records under Trump and he's been in power for a week
you should kill yourself
>You realize the doomsday clock is the closest it's been since 1953 right??
Did it just conveniently forget about the Cuban Missile Crisis?
I voted for trump because he is either gonna make everything awesome, or burn it to the ground
Holy fuck, where are these campaigns being funded from? Where are they originating? I know CTR was rebranded and freshly infused with several million dollars.
how does one stutter while typing?
Its the Jews. I always knew it was the Jews.
Hillary literally calls for war with Russia (more nuclear weapons than us, with newer delivery systems) over hacking allegations...
>Doomsday clock doesn't budge.
Trump says we might tax imports from Mexico (not a nuclear power)...
>T minus one planck time to armageddon!!#!#@!#!
1. The doomsday clock is commie bullshit
2. Sup Forums is in favor of happenings and welcomes the sweet embrace of death
F-f-f-fuuuuh F-f-fuck you. I-it's n-neur-neur-n-neurological.
f-fuck of faggot
It was closer in 91.
>Make efforts to NOT end up at war with Russia
>This somehow brings us closer to the end of the world
Ok, jews. Whatever you say.
Libtards will start a nuclear war just to say "See, I told you electing Trump would result in nuclear war" As they stand there jabbing away at the launch button.
Is it that hard to believe that some people would care about an issue enough to advocate for free?
the doomsday clock is pretty obsolete desu.
globalist propaganda
anytime things dont go their way, they move it closer to midnight.
doomsday will be the end of globalism
good. fuck this gay planet.
Why contain it?
That thing created by two kikes and maintained by kikes is being used to scare whites about Trump? Really?
>the doomsday clock is closer now because libcucks got their fee fees hurt than when two fucking superpowers had eachother at the throat with nuclear weapons
Are these people actually serious?
Thats what we fucking want. Living in a dystopian nuclear wasteland will force liberals to face reality and become functioning human beans.
>tfw the crying ones that don't want to pull their own weight get summarily executed as traitors
More like Jewmsday clock
Why do shills even bother with Sup Forums this late in the game? Just spite?
>cool clock, Donald!
THE DOOMSDAY CLOCK??????? you fucking faggot.
Atomic Scientists, no it should be maintained by Tennessee hicks.
Oh no, the jewsday kike is half past my nutsack.