Mfw I have a Jewish last name

>mfw I have a Jewish last name
>mfw no one in my family, going back generations is Jewish. Name was changed at Ellis Island

>6'5", straight hair, raised Protestant then went non-religious

>Started getting weird e-mails in college to join Jewish Groups
>Got invited to a Birthright Trip to Isreal
>Never responded, but I continue to get regular updates on the Jewish community and financial aid stuff

I've had people who were shocked when they finally met me in person

What secrets does Sup Forums wish to know?

Stealth glorious master tall race thread

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Im a 5'8 italian manlet. Must be nice to be tall user.

You should've been an undercover Jew and learned their secrets.

>straight hair
what do you mean by this? what color are your eyes and hair?

It's mostly nice, but there is a sad secret I must carry.

While I like being able to reach the high shelves and look down on everyone...

[spoiler]I have a thing for taller girls[/spoiler]

I'm part Maori, its not that much but it's my eternal curse.

at least its not african i guess.

That I don't have a jew fro

Light brown, my Finnish genes are a bit watered down by my German.

Ah right, spoilers

I mean, I'm not saying I didn't get my college and med school paid for through assistance programs...

I learned a few things

reminder that the normal height of human male is between 5'8.5 and 6'1.5, if you are not in this range you are to be considered a physically deformed person

>Mom had green eyes
>Dad had blue
>I ended up with hazel (very very subtle green)

what the absolute fuck

Fun fact, all eye color is determined by one dye.

>Implying that the term for "above average" is deformed

It's "superior" man, easy mistake to make

You have light brown hair and eyes and straight hair because you're a mongoloid. You sound like a kike, kikes have straight hair too, they don't all have curly hair.

>tfw find out im jew
>tfw now have to instinctively defend jews by posting seductive jewesses in these threads

>No Jewish heritage whatsoever
>Last name is literally Goldberg
What happened to my ancestors lads?

Better than brown, my dad has amazing blue eyes yet mine are dark as fuck because mum and both her parents having dark eyes.

you will never be tall enough. 6'2 isn't tall enough to shit on 5'11 fags because we have lots of 6'4+ cunts around here

>then went non-religious
Confirmed a kike.

t. 194cm anglo-celt with grey eyes


so, uh, you were invited to jewish events, JUST, because... uh... surname? WHAT?!

>I've had people who were shocked when they finally met me in person

What people were shocked? Jews? If they were shocked to meet you, how exactly are you stealth master race?

What kind of events were you invited to?

Being tall isn't that great if you're white, but if you're from a short ethnic group then it's awesome. I'm 6'0" which isn't that tall by white standards but is pretty tall an Indian person. Makes it easier with Indian girls. But I've never seen a white guy get fked because he was short.

>5'11 king manlet here

well at least I can get away with saying i'm 6 foot tall to gullible chicks

Howw did they she their armpits when razor wasnt invented?

They didn't Sven.

kek sjw healthy at any size
>400lbs is just more of me to love
same logic faggot. kys you're a freak.

>Physical disability
>Helps attract mates
The homosex flag explains the lack of understanding of biology

you have to go back

Join the synagogue and then record what kind of propaganda they're pushing.

>tfw ashkenazi jew
>tfw 5'7''
>tfw taglit birthright trip

>>I'm part Maori
>>at least its not african i guess
>implying it's not equally bad


>tfw Spanish/French/English genetics

>tfw poofy,curly, brown hair
>thin face, defined jaw
>pale af
>Mediterranean build/skull structure
>family has been catholic as far back as we can find

I have a theory my family was Jewish but I white?

So...sephardi? You can claim Spanish citizenship you can proof that your ancestors were expelled in 1492 or by subsequent decrees.

There were Spanish colonists whos families were jewish before the inquisition but converted, they still observed jewisg holidays and continued to in secret while still being catholic

You're probably not Jewish

Yes probably. Paleness is generally Jewish outside of Finland.


This is the Finnish pale, extremely unlikely this is what you are talking about. Jewish paleness can be described as milky or corpse-like. Mediterranean Jews also often have a yellow or orange tint on the skin, it can often be seen abundantly clear in the right lighting.

>tfw no Jewish Goddess to cuddle

Hollywood Jews sometimes like to bring out this special yellow tint though not so much anymore. It is especially apparent in many older films like "American Graffiti" and "Meatballs". Often special filters are used in TV and movies that conceal the strange Jewish skin and make it like whiter.

Were these Jews semitic or European?

Pic related is my skin.

It looks like the corpse-like skin they often have. Congratulations I guess.




Maori are one of the best non white races in my opinion
Don't get cut up over being part Maori, it's not a curse
Look at based Winnie, he's part Maori and our best politician