Ask a Mexican-American living in California anything

Ask a Mexican-American living in California anything.

reply to this post or your future daughter will marry a CTR shill like the one above

she will marry a canadian if you don't copy this entire post & use it to derail another dumb shill thread

>replying to chicANOS
lol no

Why are you so brown and dirty and degenerate?

I am also a Mexican-American living in California

Why must you hyphenate yourself. Either you are an American or Mexican. If the latter, you have to go back.

Why are you so pale, gay, and frail?

are mexican-americans generally in favor of deporting illegals?

Because I'm a half-breed. My father is white and my mother is Mexican.

the ones worried about getting deported are illegals

The majority sympathize with the left, against the wall building and mass deportations and such. Personally, I think that if someone came to this country illegally, they should be deported no matter where they came from.

You're in my country, faggot, and you're taking advantage of what the white men invented.

Fuck back to your shithole you mestizo browskin degenerate useless faggot.

looks like the ANGERY white boi didn't get his tendies from mommy :^)

Vete ala verga pendejo

watcha think of what's habbenin' user-san, how long until cops enter cities and hunt illegals down...

>shhiiiiiiiiiiiiieeet dawg

Fuck, I have no clue, but I'd love to see mass-deportations happening in person and on the news. The mass-media shitstorm from those events are bound to be one of the best in modern history.

Africans invented fire. Stop using it and any technologies that spawned as a result of it.

Spics detected.

You have to go back, Paco and Miguel.

My name is Nathan, and I've lived in Cali for my whole life. There's nowhere to go back to.

Stop using African technology.

Can you define Mexican-American for me? I am a non-Mexican American living in California.

Were you born here?



Nice try Jamal. Peanut Butter isn't technology.

Nathan Rodriquez?

Goes being told you have to go back even tho you are a citizen make you less willing to accept the wall and the anti-latino sentiment Trump is drumming up?

*Does not goes

>be me at local convenience store 10 minutes ago
>fat midget spic in front of me (can't speak english obviously) purchasing a bunch of junk food
>Lupita Gonzalez Rodriguez Mendez taking forever, just want to get home and drink my beer. WTF is going on
>card declined, turns out her EBT is out of money
>tries again, nope, still none of my tax dollars left on her card
>magically pulls cash out of her Michael Kors purse



When are you going back?

Sorry, you have to take your trash back.

Like this shit...
...i imagine that would piss me off if i was a legal mexican american. That our president drummed up this sort of shit

>Mexican American
>Not just American

You have to go back.

Stop using African technology.


When you say Mexican-American does that mean you have dual citizenship? Otherwise, that doesn't make sense.

Hyphenated-Americans are not real Americans.

Fuck off nu-Sup Forums

OP must be dead. Maybe the Trump death squads got him

Ask yourself why shitskins hyphenate themselves. They know deep down they are not true Americans. This includes African-Americans.

Niggers didn't invent shit.
Get over it.

Also niggers make degenerate music like rap and jazz.

I'm fine with Mozart, go back to africa nigger.

I'm back. I just forgot about this for a little on the other side of the internet.

>Nathan Rodriquez


Yeah, all these extreme pro-Trump people on here and in politics threatening my safety as an individual living in this country definitely makes me respect Trump and his brain-dead extremist supporters a little less. This is shown perfectly in and , examples of human trash.

Me and all the others Latinos in this are pissed of, mostly that our PRESIDENT of all people is stirring up this shit against us.

¿eres catolico?

No, I don't believe in any higher power or God. I just kinda do me. I'm not horrible enough of a person that I need an ancient book to tell me what's right and wrong.

You're saying it like Chicanos aren't better than Mexicans.

>Esomebody speaka Spanish?

You're believing a fake news LIE

anyone who's descended from a mexican and is a US citizen is a mexican-american.

are you mad whiteboi that a 4.5 gpa is literally the easiest to get

No, its because you are not actually American. You owe an allegiance and culture to a foreign country. You have to go back, Paco

No shit. Trump brought this on himself when he wouldn't clear up what he meant to say when he announced his presidential campaign. If he had said "Illegals are rapists, criminals, drug dealers, " instead of Mexicans (which is what we're [even legal citizens] called by white people) nobody would've made a big deal out of it.

Yeah, tell me more about how careful leftist activists are about calling people Nazis and racists. There's a checklist and a board of appeal, right?

The key word there is citizen. I welcome you as my brother.

Great. You have as much right to be here as I do. Ain't America great?

Firemaking was around before even homo-sapiens existed

I hang out at a chicano bar sometimes. Share some coke with them. They're pretty cool. They buy me drinks sometimes too.

I mean I'll give some a pass if they're here working hard and shit. Those can be given some temp status to prove their worth.

But we shouldn't let criminals go like we do in SF and other sanctuary cities. If they did a crime they should be kicked out. No second chances.