ITT: Hillary Clinton is the president


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fantasy time

Ooh fuck Sup Forums today when I woke up I had a fucking livid moment: russian tanks rolling over my yard, just like my grandpa told me!

I try to dodge the draft for war with Russia

jerk off

I'm so glad that all those Trumpsters are now corralled into FEMA camps and Drumpfs pelt is affixed to the official White House broom.

Also I can't wait for the new trade under the TPP. I never believed that goods could get cheaper than Chinese made, but Malaysian slaves proved me wrong!




thanks for the pix before bed, user.
> nightmares assured

>women conflating masturbation with taking load after load from Chads and Jamals

Good thing I stocked up on ammo before the election, just sold 20 boxes of 9mm at $2/round.

Welp, time to get a million lads to DC and all jack off on the street.

that crazy cunt would start ww3 i have no doubt

>Abortions give women orgasms

>"Hillary Clinton met with Angela Merkel today..."

>wake up, it's 2045 in the year of our Lord Hillary Clinton
>get out of bed, head into the kitchen of my Goldman Sachs owned apartment
>say my daily 'thank you' to her majesty (hillary declared herself the queen of the world just a week after the election, she nuked china and russia, and told the rest of the world to basically pay up or get fucked)
>the 'morning thank yous' are salutations to Hillary that men must save three times a day to hillary. they are videotaped and emailed directly to a private server farm she owns
>open the fridge, only a small bag of GMO oranges left
>eat one, then glance at my clock and realize I'll be late if i don't leave
>head to my job downtown, I work filling needles with estrogen that all men are required to use 3 times a day
>it's one of the only jobs men are allowed to have these days, all high paying jobs are mandated to women
>on my walk there (men are not allowed to own cars, white men cannot drive, not that I make enough to buy a car, base models now cost $300,000 adjusting for inflation) spot a Hill Bill on the sidewalk
>hillary reissued US currency with photos of her in strange denominations ($1.24, $4.65, $10.90, $60.23, $113.78)
>reach for it when my hand is smashed by a misogyny officer
>they're a branch of the federal government which enforces anti-misogyny laws
>the 3' tall mentally disabled turbodyke and her 7'9'' ultranigger transfolk partner jeer at me and grab the bill for themselves
>I lay spread eagle on the ground, waiting for them to penetrate me
>they seem to have forgotten me and walk off
>get to work, spend 18 hours there like usual
>walking home, can't wait to get my nightly 'thank you' to hillary in and go to bed before work tomorrow
>notice a huge police presence around my apartment
>oh god
>forgot that i left my grandpa's copy of 'mein kampf' out
>start to run when i hear gunfire
>legs explode from under me, destroyed by the poor aim of a woman
>as I bleed out I close my eyes and say 'thank you'

>what's the punishment for ejaculating?
>and what's the punishment for rebelling?
> it's treason then

What is she doing wrong?

look at how she is holding the pistol

Based Chinese anecdotes

What is she doing wrong?

being the wrong sex for the job

did you hear what happened to the guy who posted pepe-roni pizza in the last trump general? he was taken in by the feds for hate speech. Don't post any PP in this thread!!!

One of the gun safety rules is you should never point a firearm at a person you don't plan on shooting. Also, the other rule is assume that whatever is in the front of the firearm will be destroyed

> Hill Bill
Top fucking Ken

No one ever notices the rifle leaning against her stomach either.

wow I didn't see that.

The other rule is to always assume it's loaded, you dumb faggot.

Taste her bitter tears

someone finally pointed it out to me the other day so I can't unsee it.

So now I tell all the anons who see the picture when posted if no one mentions it.

That follows from the ones I put, but thanks for adding that, dickhead

G-guys I got my draft notification. Being sent to boot camp in a few weeks... I didn't want this. I just wanted to MAGA...

If I don't come back, I had fun here. I'll send greeting from Russia when I get there

came to post this


I sell my belongings, travel to America and join the kekgaurd in the American civil war

Sup Forums, where the Nazis pussy out at the thought of fucking Russia like she deserves.

My dad was executed and my imprisoned for questioning our bank after they charged 450 dollar overdraft fee.

Stupid drumpftards deserved it huehuehue


This is a board of love and peace. You must be mistaken my friend.

Glad we dodged that fucking alternate dimension

>this is the same as abortion
Keep throwing that dirt liberals, you lose a little ground each time.

>wanting to die fighting Russians while communist consume your homeland

How is your mandatory housing of an immigrant going? My guy's name is Maleesh, he's nice and all but my dog isn't too keen on him

All video games are banned.


Nonsense, only SEXIST games are banned. I received my signed copy of Revolution 60 in the mail the other day, really enjoying it

Go pick up my brother
>get in faggot we're overthrowing the government

Did people seriously not vote for her because she is a woman and they think women are out to get them?

>smoke pcp
>get all weapons in my house
>get ammonia + bleach
>drive around blasting right wing death squads
>kill everyone


>Did people seriously vote for her because she is a woman and they think men are out to get them?

Sure they did. I didn't vote for her because she knowingly got Americans killed, and her failing health

>Over a million women attend inauguration
>There's no week-long fiasco where the president invents Orwellian-tier phrases because he can't stand facts
>No waste of resources implementing a delusion-based recount looking for 3 gorillian phantom voters
>Mexico is still our ally
>The UN is still our ally
>The EU is still our ally
>Millions of people aren't afraid of losing their health insurance
>Kellyanne Conway has been reduced to a nobody
>The EPA is posting about climate change like normal
>The national park service isn't being censored
>Science is still happening without scientists suddenly afraid that an ignorant retard is going to cut their funding because he disagrees with established and supported theories

>The education nominee is someone other than Betsy DeVos, the most idiotic choice in the history of education nominees
>The EPA nominee isn't an oilman
>Ben Carson isn't the nominee for anything
>The country is much more moderate because we have a democratic president with a republican congress

Honestly, that sounds a hell of a lot better than the giant swollen nipple clusterfuck we have going on now.

Women decidedly voted him in so... No?


welcome recruit!


Nah. I didn't vote for her because, one, I love Trump, and two, she's the most corrupt politician in the history of American politics.

Women are completely out to get men. They want to enslave us to the state.

>un and eu are our allies
Are you retarded or just brain damaged? The only allies we have in either group rely on defense welfare from america in the form of nato.


You forgot:
>"Middle" class taxed further
>No fly zone in Syria
>Middle East fucking melts
>Globalist forces grow exponentially
>etcetera etcetera

Why is CTR still operating?

I'm loving this new administration.
I went to a job interview at Google.
Hundreds of white guys, hundreds of asians, 1 black guy and 10 women applied.
Thanks to the new government mandated diversity quotas us girls all got hired, and did that lovely chocolate man.
Not only that but our starting salaries are equal to that of even the most senior men in our position, and half of us immediately got promoted to management.
What a golden age.

Really no different you degenerate scum

It took some serious autism to concoct this message, here is your well-deserved (You)

>try to install no fly zone over Syria on day one
>Russians flip their shit, point out that this is clearly a violation of international law
>UN calls US to stop infringing a nations sovereignty without mandate
>won't comply, womyn power doesn't back down against evil Russia
>shoot down Russian planes over Syria
>Russians activate multilayered air defense network they embedded in Syria and begin firing on coalition planes
>SEAD missions take out Russian SAM launches and radar systems in syria while suffering losses
>Russia launches SRBMs emplaced in Armenia and Latakia on NATO infrastructure in turkey, the black sea fleat goes down in a blaze of glory
>the first women in the oval office only took one day to kill modern civilization in a nuclear holocaust
>still, #i'mwithher, how could anyone have voted for that mysogynisy brumpf?

>mfw at this moment in time every white male in America would be wearing a mandatory cock cage if Hillary had been elected.

>en the most senior men in our position, and half of us immediately got promoted to management.
>What a golden age.

>checks out.

I hate these fucking smug SJWs circlejerking about how the Electoral college is the most perfect thing ever.

Good luck enforcing that

>tfw the fact that it is illegal just makes me cum even harder

>knife hands internally

No retard we are just memeing, the reason we didn't vote for her is because she is a corrupt piece of shit, ie she is the very model of a Clinton

looking more like you'll be sent to Mexico at this rate.

Things like this make me want to innawoods

In all seriousness if Hillary brings back the draft to fight Russia I'll seriously consider starting/joining a resistance group. If I'm gonna die it might as well be for my country.

if you cum from penetration i don't think it counts? :O

Because (((SOROS)))

>ending a human life is the same as discharging a gamete

Nigger I am working and in a few years I will have land and a passive income for innawoods. I'm done with this shitshow.

Hillary signed an executive order today protecting the addition of "bona fide" in the Fair and Equal Pay Act.


Why is Todd Howard there?

I almost wish hillary would be president for a term just so feminists would finally shut the FUCK up about the patriarchy and male privilege.

Hillary Clinton created left wing frog stomping squads today...

I stare at land packages for sale like its porn. I'm working currently but my goal is to establish some form of passive income. Having a bit of trouble on that last bit though. Any advice?

>Fighting for no reason against a nation that should be your ally
I'd be worried,too. I wouldn't want to die for Hilldog.

>Country would be much more moderate
>Liberals actually believe this country is divided because of Trump instead of the FUCKING NIGGER thats been in office the past 8 years

> you cant ejaculate after nuclear fallout gets you

>just so feminists would finally shut the FUCK up about the patriarchy and male privilege.

so just like black people stopped screaming "racism" and complain about white privilege all the time when Obama got elected?

You'd get the exact opposite. They get emboldened, not satisfied.

You know nothing of global politics. Because of Trump's election Russia feels empowered and may soon continue its aggressive expansion policies into sovereign nations. When that happens the NATO, the EU, and the UN will harshly condemn those actions. Trump doesn't have the presence of mind to fully comprehend what's going on and will likely side with Russia, ostracizing America from our European allies. America largely funds the defense, yes. And that funding is a major reason that we haven't had a global conflict in almost half a century. Please elaborate why for some reason global peace irks you.

Half of those things are tinfoil-hat theories with no basis. The other half don't affect me in any way.

Believe it or not, there are sane rational humans on Sup Forums who lean left. Name-calling doesn't refute my points.

Your children's generation is going to suffer under DeVos as the secretary of education. Thats something that I would really like to see any of you refute.

just like niggers shut up about racism when obongo was elected?

> russian tanks rolling over my yard
Dont daydream, pal. That will happen after you will vote for this at local referendum.

He is creating Fallout 5 as a real-world holocaust game. He needs Hillary for the nukes to get things rolling.

shit, you're probably right

This should be good.

How is this Obama's fault?

>knife hands internally

Oh you know same thing I usually do when faced with any level of difficulty or small obstacle in my life. Contemplate suicide.