> drop any 50s aesthetics in this thread
> propaganda
> paintings
> pictures
> sculptures
> commercials
> cartoons
Keep it traditional and classy
50s traditional aesthetic thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Although its meant to be a feel good thread it makes me sad to think how far we fell
My folder doesn't have dates, you okay with just cool old photos?
(probably 1939)
We should seriously try bringing this back instead, instead of the vaporshit.
Our next goal could be to admit to ourselves that the 50's weren't exactly the Leave it to Beaver utopia we see it as, and then to attempt to make it real in the late 10's/early 20's.
# yeah I just mean photos that are the same style as this
Only that style?
must have been nice to have this before we had to worry about muslims shooting up our city streets
You realize there were whores and abortions and affairs and race mixing back then too, right?
I always find pictures like this wild for the children.
Think about what they saw, the period they lived in, and how they actually got to see it all slip through their fingers. Those kids would grow up to see Vietnam, the collapse of traditional American values, the 70's drug and homicide epidemics, and eventually reach their old age in our strange modern times.
In some ways I pitty the Boomers, for they have beheld a paradise we will never see, and bore witness to its passing before our time.
50s? 60s?
NY in any case.
Sadness is a myth made up by poor people
too many 30s and 40's cars around to be the 60s, looks like late 40s or early-mid 50s
Jesus man, that's like some kind of fevered hell dream.
Goddamn the cultural marxists and the 60's...
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
It was not embraced or promoted though, that shits been around for awhile but only now is it something people strive for.
The generations that have followed the boomers have been in worse shape than them.
Image that, we are actually worse off than our grandparents.
They screwed us. And we have to lie in the bed they made.
But yeah, life always seems simpler. How much of it is looking at history through rose-tinted lenses though?
Ok Hillary
Yeah, but at least society as a whole looked down on it and it was far less pervasive.
50s was shitty in terms of aesthetics. I know this is unpopular, but there it is.
Oh, you're right.
Didn't even look at the cars.
I didn't ask for these feels user
Thinking of all the beautiful, marvelous cities white men built that shitskins destroyed breaks my fucking heart.
Whatever happens, we did to ourselves.
that guy on the bike probably got mad pussy that night.
Grandma on right a cute
Hey pol what does Kino mean?
I see its the hottest new Sup Forums meme.
Is Kino the new AESTHETIC?
>looking at history through rose-tinted lenses though
yes, yes, believe that goy
Browse this while playing a classic movie in the background:
One of my favorite places to visit on the internet.
is it even possible to return to this time period of non degeneracy and wholesome western european values?
Like Detroit
>Me and this girl are going steady
>Might even get a french kiss tonight
Everyone in history was attractive.
Life wasn't perfect, friend.
The first step is to make yourself better and then spread out to your family, friends
You need to start with self and basic family networks
Destroyed by bolsheviks.
sucks man
>that plane about to fly into the globe thing
What did they mean by this
people were overall nicer back then. the quality of people has changed, and thats largely due to losing our homogenous society
Thats 1920s dumbfuck
Looks cool.
Huh? I'm just dumping pictures. I wasn't keeping to the 50s.
I'll give you that.
its an objective fact that poor people were less likely to kill you back then. a nigga today wont think twice to pull the trigger on a white pregnant woman to steal her car
back then someone robbing you would almost never want to actually kill you. violent crime was much lower. drugs is probably a big component
A bit tangential but these universities still offer degrees in Home Economics. Huffington Post of course finds that extreme problematic but this is fertile ground for finding a homemaker.
It's 1948 to be exact.
>Girl and boy sharing a shake romantically
Protip: This was the first stage of Jewish hypersexualisation.
All true. But what went wrong, user?
Just drugs?
You are expected to pay for their idle leisure from here on out.
Niggers back then knew they wouldn't spend decades in court dodging the consequences of their actions. They'd be found dead swinging from a tree within a week if not the very next day.
>what is I Love Lucy
I fucking hate dumping shit on Sup Forums.
Capcha is cancer.
This. Individualism and atomization destroyed our country and destroyed our culture.
You guys are too focused on the 50s thing. I think the OP just meant cool old pics and stuff
That's 1948. The movie poster is for "Berlin Express," a movie released that year.
Oh, thank you.
I'll name it now.
What happened to Detroit is criminal
Detroit city on the move hits the feels
Crime rate is all time low now.
Problem is fatts and whores and the new democratized niggers.
Yes, but it wasn't something showcased with an example in every tv show.
How can you not love Art Frahm.
>yes, yes, things are better now goys
shit parenting from the hippy generation seems to be a focal point. shit really seemed to unravel after the 60s. the 80s and 90s is when you started seeing shit like school shootings and the rise of murderous shitholes like NYC, Detroit, Chicago
what aesthetics?
i think this too to some extent, although i think that it applies really to all races. criminals in general knew they got fucked the fuck up. at some point all the states decided to stop using hangings shooting squads, and electric chairs as swift justice, and the age of bleeding heart 20 year appeals on death row began
What's the solution?
Isn't what's happening now the inevitable course of all civilizations?
>this is what white people actually believed
I'll never tire of golden age fallacy and the delusions it causes.
Reminds me of a similar scene from that cheesy Chuck Norris movie I saw a while back, "Invasion USA".
Nelson Riddle.
>tfw you don't live in a house built by your father's bare hands
It was evident much earlier than the 80s. By the 40s academia was already undermining state and religious authority, it just took a few years for it to filter down.
the first one on there really activates my almonds
Ugh, I'd hate living in that time period because of the lack of amenities, but damn I would love to see Wall Street that day. Just take in the sights, the sounds, and get lost in the movement of the crowd. It looks amazing.
Its worth the watch you cucks
Definitely 40s. Good pic.