>Watch Vikings
>First two seasons are reasonably decent drama about vikings murdering their way through Christian Europe, stabbing each other in the back, and generally acting like savages, almost exactly what I wanted out of the show
>After that we get black extras, lesbian queens, armies of women, Chinese princesses, Vikings not slaughtering Islamic imams, and a Viking converting to Islam
>Just learned that season 5 will include Knights Templar as villains despite this being hundreds of years before they even existed
This took a weird turn.
Watch Vikings
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The creator Michael Hirst allowed his two daughters to star nude in the show. Tells you something
Those two weird guys are both Finnish actors.
more antiwhite kike propaganda
His daughter is bjorns bitch, and he allowed her to get cucked by him and another women. And she was cool with it. He is a cuck.
remember in the first reason when the viking king was a literal cuckold
Let's not forget how in the latest episode literal cuckoldry takes places between Ragnars faggot sons and the slave chick
I stopped watching this last season, and I used to love the series, sad
i dont watch hollywood propaganda
Half the characters, like Ragnar's "brother" Rollo, shouldn't even exist together.
Yea its shit, especially after Ragnars death.
got to admit after ragnar started taking medicine i stopped caring as much, but i still watch
shows canandian so uh, sorry eh?
probably happened more often than you imagine
queens and princesses sleeping around is classic tier meme
>canadian show
>lasts two whole seasons without pushing (((agenda)))
Give credit where it's due faggots
The Islamic mosque scene was a fucking absolute pussy move.
Pretty much all mainstream TV is walking on a tightrope with this shit though, even if they were going to show them slaughtering mohammadeans in the original script some cuck probably told them to change that scene because they would be in trouble.
>tl;dr: TV will never be red pilled in any way until political correctness is destroyed.
>>((())) owners
>>thinks this is strange
>finish season 2
>see these threads
I should have known.
King Harald, best bro Halfdan, and Ecbert/Aethulwulf/Alfred are the only reason to watch right now.
If it wasn't for them I'd drop it, and I've been watching since the beginning.
Fuck everyone else. The womyn shit in particular is getting old.
Yeah fuck this show.
I just want to see a historically accurate depiction of our Nordic overlords
The most enlightened character on the show. True King
And once again another promising show is now judeified.
Really explains the autism
>Finally burning the patriarchy.
>This took a weird turn.
That's called the SJW Spin.
>Knights Templar as villains despite this being hundreds of years before they even existed
Why not just have cowboys and fighter jets?
I remember when this show first started airing. I said to my dad, "Now watch, they're going to shoehorn niggers into this somehow, right when they've got people lulled into a false sense of security." And they did. Which is why I never watched it, because they're fucking kikes.
When will you learn, white man, that there is life after (((Hollywood)))? When will you just stop. Fucking. Giving. Them. Money? They will NEVERRRRRR be your buddies. They want you to die out. They will never give you an accurate depiction of history. They will always find a way to show you racemixing and degeneracy. Knock it the fuck off and get a white hobby. Go fishing or hunting, take up woodworking, but for the love of god, quit watching Jew media and crying on Sup Forums about how unfair to us it was later. We fucking know.
let me guess... they cut off his balls
I stop watching it when Ragnar die, seems like a good place to drop this garbage.
I try to watch the Man in the High Castle since Sup Forums say it was redpill but it was also garbage so now I may try to watch The Young Pope, also because of Sup Forums recommendation
That's fucked up, why would anyone want to watch their daughter naked?
Do they have a sassy black transvestite as comic relief?
Not in current year
>Black viking
>retard wearing nothing but a loin cloth in a Nordic snow covered valley
Yep that's about right...
Just about summarizes how cucked the vikings were
I can't imagine Vikings were ever cool.
Today's Scandinavians are such betafags who love watching their feminist women cuck them while getting fucked by brown cocks.
You'll never see a nordic admit that the vikings were cucks even though their homeland gets fucked by muslims 24/7
Yup, noticed it right off the bat. They shove it right in our faces. Fuckers
Yup I was hoping it wouldn't happen with this show but, the media really is a lost cause.
Ragnar is dead? Fuckit
Two niggers having a conversation.
Racemixing barely exists in Scandinavia. The biggest political cucks out there are still diehard "Swedes only - family and friends" segregationists on intuitive level. The moment SVT and airs "Race War Now", same cucks would knife down ayrabs. Meanwhile in reality
>52% """"white""""(20-35% real European)
>white kids are already a minority in their age group
>quarter of said whites has injun, polish semite or negro blood
>media/education/banks all run by the jews
>fight wars for the jews on the other side of the planet
>mutilate their sons genitals cause mr rosenberg said so
>white guilt over slavery worse than nazi guilt
>worships niggers one month every year
>adopting niggers and chinks is a normal american practice
>elected nigger twice over white guilt
>normalized coalburning
>normalized homosexuality
>in the process of normalizing trans shit
>home of radical feminism
>ground zero for all modern degenerate anti-white propaganda
>at the front of pushing the islamophobia shit
>clockboy gets a free scholarship to top universities and white house for bringing a old clock to school despite the family being on record for race baiting
>biggest shooting ever gets ignored because the shooter was a mudslim
>tolerates a black domestic terrorist group
>almost all food is unnatural shit created by monsanto
wrong. You have no freedom, shart. You can't
>not send you kids to school
>not have insurance
>not pay for Obamacare
>refuse to buy/sell from people based on race/religion/sexual orientation
>refuse to pay taxes
>refuse to hire people based on race/religion/sexual orientation
>lesbianism is the lack of dick
>crazy unreliable bastard has islamic tendencies
>Christianity being the superior religion
I still enjoy it.
Honestly, it's not that far off from reality. The Vikings were cuck faggots who were buttbuddies with mudslimes and sold Europeans as slaves to them: secularafrican.wordpress.com
You can deny it all you want but the fact remains Scandinavian countries are the biggest feminist shitholes in the world.
On top of that, Scandinavians are the most awkward people to try to socialize with. Almost all of them seem like autistic retards.
>That's fucked up, why would anyone want to watch their daughter naked?
YEAH! thats disgusting...uhh which girls are they in the show again?
I'm pretty sure Bjorn Ragnarsson did raid in muslim Iberia but they were not niggers. It's like getting Indians to play Greeks.
Sven is traveling abroad, I see.
Its started with Olaf Palme, not with Bonniers. He never said he would allow ditch the eugenics and allow subhumans in, while running for office, he just did, when he got in. Like you retards thought (((Trump))) would remove the kikes
written by jews what a coincidence
We both know you're an actual nigger.
And this is a Slavic women
Ukrainian to be exact
>implying Russia for Sweden is not what USA is for Britain
She claimed her Ukrainian ancestors were raped by Vikings though so it's all good.
Not to mention Rollo's historicity is undisputed.
Would you suck his dick?
Eastern Slavs such as Russians, Belarussian and Ukrainians are Vikings
The Rus Vikings came down and settled Kiev, this is why the have an abnormally high percentage of blonde hair and blue eyes compared to other euros that aren't Nordic
He's played by an Aussie actor who has German, Polish, and Italian ancestry lol...
So you aren't Bavarian anymore? Make up your mind.
>>Just learned that season 5 will include Knights Templar as villains despite this being hundreds of years before they even existed
Give sauce for this.
I am going to be pissed if its real.
Here's what the real Vikings wore.
Barely pointing out the colonial mindset prevalent amongst the old school Swedes and basic history. Travel, conversation and historical accuracy is, of course, something out of reach for a Portuguese nigger
Horned helmets is a Vandal thing. Stop cultural appropriation
Well, the Varangians colonized the hell out of Eastern Europe; while the Vikings(virtually same people, different name) colonized the hell out of the west.
I'm just happy Jasper Pääkkönen has found work.
One less starving Finn.
Also, she's fucking hot.
the seer was poorly done 300 type crap. 300 wasnt a bad movie but horribly misrepresented the oracle of delphi and her living conditions
its gets worse when harbord or what ever his name is shows up. magic in a "historical" story is a bad idea
the show isnt bad but those parts you fast forward through
>52% """"white""""(20-35% real European)
Are these more alternative facts? I know I'm responding to bait, but at least make it somewhat realistic.
King Harald and Ecbert definitely are the force carrying this show. Both great actors and good characters.
>keep saying they're in kattegat
>suddenly says they're norwegian
Kattegat doesn't even touch Norway.
That's why I stopped watching it.
Cut the views, cut the sheckels
What's going on here?
I am 3 episodes into the Young Pope and it is pretty based so far.
It's not bait. It's a genetic reality. USA is a mongrel minority-White semite-run nation. Not even 60%, or even 50% White. More like 20-35% White? Let me help you. Anywhere between 28-32% of the US """Whites""" has negro or amerindian admixture. USA is like BEST CASE SCENARIO 35% White country.
It was specially non-Hispanic Whites who got studied. Beware of purity!
>Eastern Europe
Settled and intermarried with the locals. In percentage terms Russians are 3-5% Northern Germanic and that's about it. Fair complexion is a common Batlo-Slavic trait
Fun Fact: Only Finns and Japanese get Nasu-Hakola.
Ergo, Finns traveled to Japan while VIKINGS WUZ KANGS AND SHEET.
The Finns, who were forbidden to travel on Viking ships were therefore world travelers while the "Norse" could barely make it to England.
Helga and Torvi
>In percentage terms Russians are 3-5% Northern Germanic
I think it's a little higher than that.
That Ivar the Boneless kid looks like a fuckin wop or spaniard. He annoys the shit out of me.
Floki is the only one that looks like a true viking. Tall as fuck. Skinny. Crazy ad shit look in his face.
Rurik was a Finn though :-DDDDD en.wikipedia.org
>According to the FamilyTreeDNA Rurikid Dynasty DNA Project, Rurik appears to have belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup N1c1, based on testing of his modern male line descendants.
A lot of Swedes have N1c1 too.
Come to think of it, about 25% of Russian men carry haplogroup N1c1.
Why do Russians get so upset that they're not pure Slavic?
Fug, never heard of that. Does that mean my skull will grow some fucking cysts in my brain and cause dementia and death in 20 years?
I don't wanna die bruh
Too many fugs and benises to bost :DDD
>People unironically believe that the Christians dindu nuffin to piss off the Vikings
Topkek. Its the old school leftists (Christians) versus their new foil (cultural marxists). Of course both of them we wuz'ing about false narratives of the Vikings.
I heard about the not killing muslims thing but this is ridiculous.
They don't seriously have lesbian queens, black people, and muslim vikings do they?
The show was visibly changed after the wessex/viking alliance was starting to form.
wonder if they were ordered to do so and jew it up
Funny enough Tyrone is a British name
>tfw 10% black
>didn't know until 2 months ago
Feelsbadman, i don't look it at all.
I have it (Thanks Mom), and both my Finnish diaspora male cousins have it. It is now likely that the males on my mom's side we thought died of early Alzheimer's had it.
I'll be dead by 2020.
It sucks. My joints have no mobility anymore and I never got to see Rovaniemi.
(It's more likely a disease of the Skolt and Inari Saami than it is of Southern Finns. They're still trying to figure it out.)
You stopped watching it just because he ate leafs :^)
People of every generation like to prject their own political / worldviews onto history. Christians like to LARP about how they were victims of aggression for no reason, gays like to LARP about how they were pre-Christian to therefore they were pro gay (they executed fags), and of course jews make lots of shekels exploiting the gullibility of people.
You're correct Swede. I'm a white guy and my name is Tyrone. I'm so annoyed by all the faggots on this board who don't even realize Tyrone is an Anglo name.
Who gives a fuck? It's less pozed than 90% of the show out there, why can't you guys just enjoy shit?
It's literally shit writing the show
Ancient Finns wuz VIKANGZ and spread their superior Turanic seed in Scandinavia. It's obvious.
I'm curious what Scandinavian countries have you visited?
>I stop watching it when Ragnar die, seems like a good place to drop this garbage
Don't worry, I've seen the finale and there is about 15 minutes worth of fighting that represents the greatest viking army invading and conquering half of england. They've completely fucked it. As it got worse and worse I thought the Invasion of england would save it but they rushed it.
There's more cuckold scenes than action scenes this season. The show has been absolute garbage since the first paris raid. The entire show should have been building to the great heathen army and the invasion of england not crammed in to the last 3 episodes.
I haven't visited any but we had a lot of Scandinavian students at my college and most of them were socially awkward as fuck.
>On top of that, Scandinavians are the most awkward people to try to socialize with. Almost all of them seem like autistic retards.
Wanna know how i know that you haven't been to Scandinavia?
He wasn't
t. Pertti Kurika
oh and they were liberal Democrat-loving faggots.
These type of people don't belong in my country.
im watching the latest one.
The stronk independynt womyn warriors are retarded.
There was literally one or two shieldmaidens in Norse sagas and the schlomos made it a whole battalion of womyn who can kill an average man in a second.....
If he thinks the Scandis are awkward, he's just never met a Finn who went ALLUH PERKELE with the autism.
I'm legitimately curious, are they? All the pictures I've seen of the Scandis they seem to be uniformly distant from each other. The Finns almost seem to be legit autistic.