Why does he look so pissed off in his official portrait?

Why does he look so pissed off in his official portrait?

It's called a war face, princess.

Because America isn't great yet

Look at the state of the country it was in when he was given it

his photographer was brown

You mean "resting bitch face" lmao DRUMPF

trump started his career with the NYC mafia.

no room for weakness.

He's not a little bitch so he knows that portraits are not for smiling.

First post most accurate post


he knows he's going to be re-elected so he's taking a before and after. this is the before pic when he inhereted the country. 4 years later the pic will be him smiling smugly

> Why does he look so pissed off in his official portrait?

Because China is killing us in trade
Mexico is killing us at the border
Obama has been funding anti-American terrorists
Race relations in the US are at an all time low
Fake news is spreading misinformation throughout America

Why would he be happy?

because he's pissed off

He looks stern. Are you just use to men bombarding you with hugs and kisses that you've never seen a stern face full of determination user?


Because he's a Maverick.

because Winston Churchill

First four posts best posts

God bless you, countrymen



Because his tan isn't orange enough

wtf is that creature behind him

That's a "If you actually knew how bad things really are" face.


>not knowing Agent 47

I started to doubt Trump for a minute, but this .gif restored my faith.

>(it's real)

He still thinks he's on Celebrity Apprentice.

You mad Paco?

desu i think this and its kind of sad like i feel bad for him he is getting the pissed ripped out of him daily and he is going to get the white americans completely exterminate.

because he's a cunt. the camera hasn't been invented yet that can wash away the face of a cunt