Ancestry Thread

These always blow up. Here's my rare ancestry. Mom is an Aryan from Nepal and dad is of Greek descent (but American-born). My mom is Hindu and my dad is Greek Orthodox. Having two cultures is interesting, although I mainly identify as American.

What is the point of this... You want me to jerk you off faggot?

your a poo-in-loo mongoloid shitskinned turkroach

nepalis are have chink and half poo. greeks are turk

>tfw anglo

>brown pooinloo chink


Never knew there were so many hapas on Sup Forums. No wonder this place hates race mixing so much as a whole (not just nignogs stealing white wimminz)

Am..... am I white pol?

Show us a picture. I'm curious what you look like.

My mother was a patty and my father was a pizzabagel.

Wrong Pic, I use that one for political compasses.

What the fuck are you...

What do you think lads.


>that many memes
Reminds me of a melanin-enriched individual I saw today, who was so black that he looked entirely featureless when I had my sunglasses on.
It was like a hooded sweatshirt with an empty void inside, spooky as fuck

Not gonna post a picture of myself on a Mongolian basket weaving site but I can pass for white.


My electricity got cut off, so the pic is kind of dark. I have also included time stamp.

ew, hapas is for chinks. My mom has round eyes.

Why'd you make everyone look as ugly as possible.



What site does the neanderthal estimation in your image?

Hapas are half Asian, Nepal cuck is basically a poo in loo.

Am I white /pol?

Shut the fuck up you fat faggot!

These graphis are bullshit. Shell out $100 for the genetic test poorfags.
>tfw 97% European

The cleft nose and tiny eyes are an unfortunate trait in my paternal grandma and her father, my father and his father do have ripped-up to shit faces, maternal grandpa did have a gap in his teeth, a creepy moustache, slicked back hair, my maternal grandma does slather on makeup, and I do have a fat face and pokey little nose.
Facial features are almost as telling as skin color, I'm just glad I have a lil' snout instead of the Germanic ass-nose.

About what I expect from a Canadian to be quite honest.


It's ok, being white is overrated anyways tbqhwufamalam.

It's better than anything else out there.

reeee it's not that bad

>he doesn't know about (((them)))

Are you as fat as you made out in your picture too or are you just an insecure grill.

(((((((((((23 and me))))))))))

I'm about that fat, yeah.


Assuming it's actually a grill, her post screams low self-esteem.

Do you need a hug, femanon?

template pls

wew lad



All four of your grandfathers died in WW2?

yes and 1 grandmothar

When I saw "shitposter" I was expecting a Canadian flag desu

Am I white, Sup Forums?

Wow. That's pretty incredible...we all know that a lot of Russians did in WW2 but I have never actually connected it to a real person's family history like that before.

In America, probably.



Russians earned that victory tbqh.

Yes they definitely did

It's beautiful.

>Do you need a hug, femanon?
It's just an honest evaluation, the worth of a person plummets in a mass-populated society, I'm one of a pool of millions so my flaws are accentuated and my valor is dulled.

Can't gain access to German grandparents Id. Should I be concerned or is it just standard procedure to prevent nazi hunters.

> redpilled trap

post feet

Am I white?

A therapist to confuse you and a surgeon to chop you.

Are you sure your ancestors weren't Bolsheviks?


So do all the females in your family eat the males after copulation?

no but they got cancer. sucks because I probably will get cancer too

am i white Sup Forums?

Pretty white to me.


What kind of cancer? Depending on the type, it could be easy to monitor and catch early if it arises. Make sure you get tests done with your doctor regularly.

quints reroll

What is your grandmother's mother flag?

Idk about grandfather's but my dad's was lung.

I'm completely Russian on my fathers side and Welsh on my mothers.

How white am I?

White. Trust me i am an argentine.

please rate, it took me 15 minutes

Pretty mixed but still salvageable, not bad desu.

>one stray sandnigger
How did that happen?

pretty sure he was christian,and most syrians are light skinned so nobody really cared back then I guess

ooga booga, wher' 'da whyte womyn att

inb4 moore meme


allahu akbar my arab friend :^)

any ancestry sites out there that aren't heavily paywalled?

iberians are white. ignore the meme.

it makes them so mad tho

probably because they are the mongrel spawn of culturally enriched whites

You're almost VG and Tarisa's love cold from Total Eclipse

Praise Allah



>mfw pure Aryan master race.

Feels good, 'nonny

Not bad.


pick one


Pick both and no others.

>white person from x country

Of coarse. What makes you think otherwise?


lol what a cuck


Half anglo, half German/Ulster-Scott Southerner master race.

A lot of Civil War soldiers in my klan.

Currently suicidal, this may be the last thing I post.

See you later, space cowboys.

Make kids to further the white race for Gods sakes

Your life read likes a soap opera; something out of MTV, if you know what I mean.

Don't do it user.

I can't...I seriously want to die, living is too cruel and I spend every day with a pain in my chest and in my head. I can't take it anymore.

How so?

I'm giving myself an hour. If I still feel suicidal then, I'm killing myself.

I wish someone would save me.

>obsesses about their IQ
>cant choose a sex out of the standard 2, and when he tries to straddle in between still complains about it