>Chicago is literally the deadliest city on earth right now.
>Deadlier than Baghdad
>Libs still think it is racist to send in the feds
>Let that sink in
Chicago is literally the deadliest city on earth right now
Other urls found in this thread:
>Black lives matter
Nah, not even close, Bubba...
>Liberals want a soceity that ensure nigs continue killing each other via gang violence and abortions
Are they... dare I say it...
A whole channel dedicated to this
These types of blacks dont even care about progressive movements like that
what's wrong with st.louis?
In 2015, Chicago recorded 478 homicides, more than in any other American city. New York, with 352 homicides, recorded the second-highest number of homicides, followed by Baltimore with 344. Almost everyone who was killed in Chicago that year — 93 percent — was shot to death.
But numbers offer a limited view of a city’s gun violence problem. Chicago, with roughly 2.7 million residents, is the third-most populous city in the country. On a per capita basis, its shooting epidemic is not nearly as severe as the violence in many other large American cities.
Chicago’s homicide rate over the last five years was 16.4 per 100,000 residents. In St. Louis and New Orleans, the homicide rate from 2010 to 2015 was three times as high, on average.
Chicago’s rate of non-fatal shootings was 12th highest of 68 cities in 2015, with a rate of 88.9 per 100,000, according to the Major Cities Chiefs Association. The association collects data from the country’s largest law-enforcement agencies. St. Louis led the list with a rate of 660 per 100,000 — nearly seven times as high as Chicago — followed by Memphis and Oakland.
begins with n and ends in r
9th for decepticons
Damn. 10th for autobots.
Only when they get killed by a white cop.
January to Date
Shot & Killed: 45
Shot & Wounded: 219
Total Shot: 264
Total Homicides: 47
Week in Progress (1/22 – 1/28)
Shot & Killed: 4
Shot & Wounded: 50
Total Shot: 54
Total Homicides: 6
Final 2016 Totals
Shot & Killed: 716
Shot & Wounded: 3663
Total Shot: 4379
Total Homicides: 798
they will pay
this is shameful
shitlibs = death cult
thanks friend this is pretty cool
Don't make the black kid angry.
East St. Louis is Fallout on steroids. They shot Escape from New York there without any alterations to the buildings. In the 90s an arsonist destroyed so many deteriorated buildings that property values actually went up.
>tfw Jackie doesn't know who Voltaire is
Why not just let nigras shoot it out in chiraq? Then once they've killed each other people can move back.
Colin Flaherty is an OG red piller
Never forget it
RIP /r/coontown
They're never going to kill each other fast enough to wipe themselves out.