
>what do you mean that bashing the heads of fascists in makes me a fascist?
>are being you exceptionally dense?
>taking violent measures to prevent fascists for perpetuating their inherently violent cause is an obligation for those who value freedom, user
>pls don't tell me that you're some spineless spineless lukewarm moderate
>bash the fash!
>scalp their heads I say!

how do you respond?

Other urls found in this thread:


I would say that, at this point in time, Nazis don't have enough power to warrant a physical response. But i agree on principle that when Nazis or Communists present a realistic threat, they must be dealt with in violence.

>Me on the left

how do you even know the people you're attacking are 'Nazis'?

Let's go get those Muslims and Commies while we're at it.

unzip dick

360 degrees f and walk away

goddamn it

I repeated a bunch of words


Stop posting this dumb bitch sage

Looks like a boy. Are you a gay, m8?

This is my favorite new meme. Keep posting them, fellas.

do you hate antifa

do you want to help make antifa the ultimate butt of all jokes

then join


we are going to take www.antifa.rip live soon as a central newsfeed on the totally hilarious fails that antifa create every single day



If you even think of touching that marxist, hang yourself.

Would mind break in my rape dungeon.

Just got back from Milo event in Colorado Springs, took some photos



what the fuck is that thing

Heightened security because event in Boulder didn't go down so well last night


Shoot her for being a communist.

Literally no soul in her eyes--an NPC.


Fuck off with your f.a.s. Bitch

pretty dull event

i want her friend, shes a qt
>you never have a fair skinned beauty laugh lovingly at your jokes as you embrace her

why live

>a NPC

holy shit you just described most womyn

Wow I havent watched the Sharpe series since I was a child. Might have to look that up.

Modern Nazis like the ones on old Sup Forums have been preparing for a defensive war. They resist cultural paradigm shifts and ready to go innawoods when shit hits the fan.
The left will tear the mainstream apart while we read evola in our comfy cabins drinking rain water and growing our own food. Once society has fallen and our country is left with a blank slate, we come out of the woods and peacefully propose fascism as a form of government.

Most Nazis I know are very strict about respecting the rights of others. They'll fuck your shit up in self defense, but Nazis learned the hard way that mass violence can cause more trouble than good. They just want a peaceful nationalist community that they can be proud of.

lmao why do they all have bug eyes?

>how do you respond?

With a kick to the fucking teeth.

Idiocy only learns through beatings, and cannot be reasoned with. Antifa is supreme idiocy, and therefore, needs to be met with physical violence at every chance.

me on the left

Source of gif please

Switch up the OP for once, Leaf.

that dog knows many pains :/

Bashing fascists doesnt make you a fascist, it makes you a communist, which is even worse.

>girl draws a comic about her being tougher than she is and angry about X group
>anons bitch about it
>switch X group with blacks
>anons think she is their queen

I wanna bend her over a barrel and show her the 50 states, if you know what I mean

Actually it just makes you a violent person.

Everytime I see picture of these antifa guys they are always skinny and short dudes. Are they all 15 years old or something? Where are there parents?


does this not look like fun pol? Arent you upset that youll never know how loud breaking giant windows and dragging newspaper boxes actually is in person?

All communists are violent. Being a communist should get you deported.



Place the one where the fat dude is actually a fat dyke.

Antifa have no idea what fascism is. National socialism and fascism have very different outlooks.

Every women I see acting tough I want to punch in the face. They fall apart so quickly. All that confidence gone in a single moment. How they cry and bitch. I fucking hate women. Cancer.

LOL god bless you user

who's this qt?

They only guys that go out of their way to fuck with random people are prison-tier Aryan Nation meth dealers. Everyone else generally won't fuck with anyone that isn't fucking with them. I'm actually happy someone remembers old Sup Forums race war now threads. Now its just a Civic Nationalist circle jerk. Granted not everyone was NatSoc, but everyone wanted to meme the great race war.


Milo is a Nazi Fascist to antifa, they need to be hanged from the street lights.

"fascism" is when cops arrest them for beating up people, instead of doing what they ask and arresting people they attack


Antifa and other anarchists are the real police of the establishment. They hate any form of leadership, so when a leader rises to oppose the establishment, the corporate media just has to paint the leader as a dictator and these idiots will serve as the corporate police.

what a fucking shite thread



They are variably middleclass vegan (or some form of eating disordered) faux outcast that's never had to strengthen themselves to be a tough, independent, free-thinking individuals who can handle the real world without throwing a tantrum.

How are you at all surprised they are all stringy sperglords?

True. The German state openly funds them, news outlets openly defend them. They're the worst cucks for establishment leftism since the Soviet Army.

Calling them police is giving them too much credit. They are hall-monitors, sucking up to their cat-lady teachers by snitching on kids who break their shitty rules.

Some far left movements are pretty based, but it's a rarity. I prefer national Bolsheviks and strasserists over capitalists any day though. Capitalists supporters are just as useless as antifa. They are the passive opposition to leadership threatening the establishment. The bitch and moan but do nothing. (Cuckservatives)

antifafu drew a picture of kek

check her twitter name

>how did she know?

They are good police because they are dumb and their ideology can't be implemented. Plus they are politically motivated. Police do obey laws, but it's their job. There is a difference between doing your job and seeing yourself as a hero.

more kek connections

>these are not coincidences, meme magic is real

My families been killing fascists since the revolutionary war. Like my father and my father before him, of course I'm going to bash the fascist.


Praise Kek

>how do you respond?

Freaky hair cut, mate.

i am claiming her as mine. Anyone who wish to fight me for her see me in Yosemite in a fortnight

Average Sup Forumstard in the wild:

Average antifacuck:

We are fundamentally incompatible

too late my seed is already in her

final antifafu redpill

this goes deep, anons

everything we've read about meme magic, it's real, all of it.

does this also mean we can scalp communists too?

Is the the antifa general? Or /antifag/?

/antifafu/ general

antifa not welcome here. this is solely for discussion of kek's gift to us


Come at me



notice anything strange about her shirt in this picture?

don't worry, take your time, user.


wrong thread sorry team
>This is now a HNDHAC thread


On a scale of 1 to 10 how mentally ill are you?


Bump, i love my meme waifu

Lack of tits.

This girl looks a loot like my father. The breadth of her face and structure as well as the nose. I would post pick but 4chinz will docx my bootyhole.

I would say

Antifa is going to bash you once they find out you're not AnCom or AnCap. It wouldn't be the first time the attacked lolbertarians or anyone else that is to the right of Stalin. Go ahead and cuck out until its your turn though.

>mfw im her savior
Check her profile and now it's private, lol

t. white knight

Lost my shit at
>High Energy
We've read about the KEK collider before, but this is an interesting turn. Not to mention that the pic missed her twitter name: Aug Frog. Moar frog symbolism from out of nowhere. Gonna have to read up on Carl Jung's thoughts on frogs.

>cunt punt
>Welcome to equality.

you're an autist, its funny how she ended up ignoring your advice you beta faggot


This won't happen. America is too valuable to fall from fiscal issues. What will happen is it will just become irredemably shitty here.

It's one of their tactics. They think the chant distracts attention from the actual cause of the arrest. It's also why they chant

>peaceful protest

when the people they attack fight back.

The sad thing is it sometimes works.

So limiting the expression of the idea that expression of ideas should be limited isn't contrary in nature to the belief that the expression of ideas shouldn't be limited?

Colors of a frog?

Found it.
"At your low point you are no longer distinct from your fellow beings. You are not ashamed and do not regret it, since insofar as you live the life of your fellow beings and descend to their lowliness / you also climb into the holy stream of common life, where you are no longer an individual on a high mountain, but a fish among fish, a frog among frogs." ~Carl Jung, The Red Book.

Because I do the right thing?
I don't think it counts that way.
Oh man, she ignored my advice. My feeling hurts?

Not for long, faggot