Libtard females always look like they are retarded or have fetal alcohol syndrome... and that's the attractive ones.
Why do
Other urls found in this thread:
That girl is high as balls.
why are liberal females so ugly though? like we can all agree that they're all ugly as fuck, but WHY????
>That girl is derp
Here's the real red pill on the situation:
The weak instinctively hate the strong. That's really the simple answer. Those who are weak rationalize and justify their weakness in their own mind by hating the strong. You'll notice every liberal boogie man is some form of strength. That's why they hate masculinity, white people, success, happy traditional families, and so on. That's why weak beta cucks and ugly chicks end up being liberal.
this. these four years should be spent culling the weak with dank memes.
Jewish rapebaby
>Go down there and chant "He Will not divide us"
>After a bit go, "How crazy is it I got 200$s to be here and can get 10$ more for each person I bring.
>Raise hand for high five from REEEEEE Master
bushy eyebrowed fake blondie = Allie
Divide her? We only just met!
>empty space in front of camera
>women occupy to tell hi to friends.
How predictable.
That is a dude bref
This is a man who has his priorities together.
Take his advice.
did he just say defile?
its called fish mouth or fish lips or some shit, google it, seriously
Sure it is
Holy shit.
They're co-operating and being bros.
Why are they being so nice to each other?
Is Sup Forums meet up real?
>adidasbro is banned
Why? What happened?
>Tony kicked out by the cops
Who's Tony?
You've never been on heavy anti depressants i assume. It turns you into a zombie most of the time.
She loves taking filtered pictures that conceals her acne
now all we need is a card stand to be brought over here and pushed over
This girl is from LA
She wants some dick
Jackie, take one for the team and throw her a bone...then gently redpill her
Some angry old man
This bitch flew out all the way from California to stand in front of this camera.
The real question is how is she able to afford to do this? Is she being paid to be there? Is she a trust fund baby?
what in 30? another false sam alert?
"“Write this letter to the angel of the church in Laodicea. This is the message from the one who is the Amen—the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s new creation:
“I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. So I advise you to buy gold from me—gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see. I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference.
“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. Those who are victorious will sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat with my Father on his throne.
“Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.”" - Revelation 3
they are reanimated corpses that are driven purely by their desire for the destruction of all that's good and sane in the world
Taking the pharmaceutical jew.. not even once user
sam hyde in 30
that user had a lot of loafer lightener I think, God love 'em
She is just there praying to marry Shia and she will stay until he takes notice or it ends.
Typical female shit the cuck is worth 25 million shekels
Me too
That's because they are and they do.
Aren't like 60% of the women in your country liberal ?
Guys at the stream reading the thread.
Can you play this?
Have a good fap user !
Why is Sup ForumsBlart and Jackie4Chan so awesome?
People tonight seem pretty chill. That's cool. Peace and love everyone in this thread! Love you guys.
creative zombie user
She was showing up and leaving at the same time as Shia the other day. Now he's not there but she's all drugged out.
Really makes you think...
>white people are still white
they are all drugged up whores.
did he just call my waifu garbage :(
Is this a still from the new Jay and silent Bob movie or something?
Shias father is a rapist
A old guy exactly like that was roaming the stream earlier!
If I don't know my waifu, then how can she be trash?
I don't mean to put you down, but no shit.
That's basically how they sell themselves at this point: one big protest march of anyone and everyone who identifies as oppressed-kin. Weakness is actually a celebrated virtue in their eyes. It's good to be a perpetual underdog - a serf who's beaten down and subjugated, yet never rises to victory. Just misery then death.
But despite their hatred toward religion or any ethical framework, they're among the most inclined to shame and ostracize. This is why Marxism is so appealing. It confirms their own inadequacy to them, then gives them a false ethos to compensate: destroying the straight, white, male, masculine, and/or rich. A kind of quasi-victory. Which ties back to what you said.
She is falling down the rabbit hole.
The reality hit her with educated multicultural nazis...
a man? a woman? both? what the fuck is that
your waifu is trash
they look retarded because they're retarded - kinda like how tall people look tall, and chinamen look like chinamen - it is what it is
If we grab a pussy, this guy is going to knock us out.
"People get heart transplants and shit and we're destroying the earth"
She just looks like she smokes a lot and/or drank heavily last night. Nothing to do with fetal alcohol syndrome, if you want that look at photos from Russian countryside (or American lol)
Slav - I see you. You're an attractive man. But you're not white. And neither are Albanians.
I can't tell if this guy is a troll or he's a fag.
The eternal state of left wing cunts. High all the time and believing what the media says.
Now NASA and the cucks of different environment agencies are involved doing their own protest after Trump banned them from using social media on official statements.
Tomorrow is March for Life(Pro-Life) in Washington. Trump signed the anti abortion funding order the other day. Expect Pro-Choice campaigners to gatecrash that aswell.
Winners are losers
i love how this cam has just been taken over
he was maybe 35.