This shit cray

>female marines and male marines will be sleeping next to each other in the field

>large single room shelters

>most marine women are built like trucks so everything should be fine

Other urls found in this thread:

you don't know shit pog bootfuck

is this an insult?

>Guys fuck girls.
>Guys lose testosterone boost.
>Guys perform sub optimally.

This shit is retarded. Is this recently being implemented?

oughtta have segregated gender units like other armies

Doesn't matter anyway wookies are always dtf

wtf I love the usmc now

that testosterone boost shit was de-bunked. mike Tyson abstained from sex during the prime of his life for no reason.



Well, there has to be some downside right? I could have sworn I heard that mixed units performed sub optimally. Was it wrong?

also curious about this, care to expand>?

You're forgetting that the Marines are part of the Navy, so there is zero risk of them shagging the female Marines.

Oh no! The three female marines that exist will have to be shared between so many guys... Gross.

Seriously not that many. They almost always fail the physical tests.

Yeah because emotions, women, attraction, distraction, and fucking pussy.

>They almost always fail the physical tests.
well then these sexist tests need to be redesigned and the bar needs to be appropriately adjusted to make up for all the wrongful sexual discrimination of the past. only a pig virgin would disagree

I have no idea what would happen, although I would think that the majority of women, even in the marines, cant keep up with male marines.

lol, true. the navy IS the female version of the marines.

(((Justin Trudeau)))

They're Marines. They can't tell the difference between males and females anyway.

one could even argue that women should replace men in all combat roles due to the benefits of them requiring less caloric intake, they have higher agreability traits and have shown to be more cooperative. these are all crucial and essential requirements for combat. to say nothing of militaries atonement for prior injustices and sexual discrimination

I-if I join the marines will I be able to get a girl? Or at least get a girl to face smash me?

I-I'll be ok r-right?

don't go full Canada-fag on me. they require less calories to survive because the hardware they run on doesn't have as much power. Its like the difference between a prius and a camero. sure the prius runs more cleanly, but the camero has speed and power.


you dont need hardware to pull a trigger. this is scientific fact, women are clearly better suited for combat roles

don't let the god-king mattis hear you say that

It don't matter when it's Arcturian baby.

Armyfag detected

being a soldier involves so much more than pulling a trigger hahahaha, no wonder Canada is one of the most pussy countries in the western world. and that's saying something when you have the likes of Sweden and Germany.


In DBZ, Goku was also able to BFTO Vegeta because of T boost.

>implying General Mattis isn't impotent, with tiny testicles and a tinier penis
>joining the U.S. Military after the catastrophic clusterfuck that was the Vietnam War

U.S. Military. It's essentially a declaration that you've lost the game.

Think about it. The power of free will and you *still* settle for slavery. Wonderful, no?

From an early age, you're influenced by your environment. Your parents (or lack of), teachers (in some manner, shape or form) and other mentors can help steer your life in a direction, whichever direction that may actually be.

However, during all of this, if you're still alive and have most of your bodily functions, there are a whole world of opportunities available to you. Especially in this day and age of technological marvels and the wonders of the Internet to provide information (and, of course, misinformation.)

The military should not even be an option, at this point, because not only is there enough information to suggest that joining it is only for those who've allowed themselves to be brainwashed by a military-industrial complex keen on retaining what power they have left ... but there is also enough information available for people to make their own decisions on what they'd like to do, instead.

Still, people join. They wish to be broken down and remoulded in somebody else's image.

This is a sign of weakness. Of allowing one's self to be influenced and corrupted by those with power and ambition. Essentially, those who join the military are no-better than mindless sheep.

>tl;dr: Join the military? You're a faeces-flinging, irradiated, nuclear-powered rhesus monkey who enjoys others making decisions for you - and you probably stink.

I don't know about that. The Navy tends to fuck its sailors a hell of a lot more than the Marines.

yeah I was joking, joining the military makes you a (((bureaucrat))) and we all know that means being a leech.
I can't argue with the data man. good job.
if you work for the government its fair to say theres a lot of fucking going on

If they cant avoid fucking they shouldnt be marines.

What a falacy. You talk big, but I bet you never once read a book about genetics, different personality types, neuroscience, anxiety, motivation, or really, anything that would qualify you to make that statement.

How do I know it? Because im a fucking neuroscientist and I see your bullshit from 5 miles away.

There is no free will in any way similar to what you believe exists.

What molds our choices, is chemical balance and the deph of time in which we plan our actions in advance, and this varies widely from person to person.

Peoples brains are so different, that whenever you are going to do a neurosurgery, you keep them awake and stimulate the brain parts to make sure you actually are not cutting something vital, and since each brain can be widely different, you cant know until you poke.

I expected more from australia.

yeah but you're a surgeon in brazil, which is the economic equivalent of being a carpenter anywhere else.

>He's a neuroscientist

oh please, there is no way you truly believe such drivel. try to actually form an argument for a change instead of just making shit up and stretching weak facts and truths far further than you should

lol wut. iron mike was a huge degenerate and did drugs, drank and smoked constantly after he hit 22

Not really a surgeon. Im a phd student.

If things keep going on as planned, I will be the equivalent of a university professor one day.

ive always been against women in the military,especially special forces.they cant compete on the same level as a man and dumbing down the standards is going to do more harm then good

nice b8 m8

Wait, wrent they were added to the unit for missions involving seduction?

pic of your home in brazil or ur lying

thanks for the 80 yous faggot

burgers truly are tarded when it comes to being rused

>inb4 hurr i was only pretending to be retarded

they're either whores or lesbians

I'm a retard and I'm proud. #Imwithbarrontrump

>that pic

Black girls really are a fucking abomination. That's all I've got to say.

what whore would be so dedicated to taking dick that shes willing to go to a warzone and fight terrorists as a side job from sucking dick?

>There is no free will

I just dropped my pants and mooned my cat. Thanks for playing, favelanigger.

what about kerry Washington,

Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

who knows why whores do what they do

I think pimps understand the psychology of whores, its like how ceasar milan understands dogs

Its a small apartment, I live alone right next to the university.

Now I know how Trump feels when hes taken out of context

>Women and Men who sleep together have had sex with eachother and gotten pregnant for millions of years, and its encoded into our DNA.
>Men competing over women when present has happened for millions of years, and its encoded into our DNA
>But wait, what if we say gender is a social construct, and give powerpoint presentations to new troops telling them hanky panky is sexual harassment!
>That'll fix the issue, problem solved, we just had to figure out gender was a social construct and tear that social construct down!

Liberals putting women in the same combat units as men, having to repeatedly lower standards to get more women above the bar to qualify, is one of their more impressive cases of denying reality.

They will kill people trying to be politically correct. A lot of the shit they do doesn't matter THAT much because it won't kill people, they're gonna kill people with their women in combat units bit.

Senior Drill Instructor Gunny Jones looks like a bad bitch.

not even going to ask about half of the shit I see going on in there, send me ur address tho. how could I not be sure that's not just from page 4000 of a google image search for "dump"

damn dude, you should roll up to Parris Island, find where the drill instructors hang out and tell them they are weak because they dont have the enlightened mind powers you have.

The saltiest anti military people are always the ones that cant qualify to even enlist


you dumb fuck

Frat will happen. Stop reading sci-fi and acting like you know shit about reality

I'd rather masturbate anyway. Gives me a free hand to kill goatfuckers with.

t. Marine

I would be surprised if trump doesn't do something about this that pisses of progressives.

I will fuck them all with a rake and they will be capable of not a fucking thing to stop it.

consensual rake fucking?

How do you separate the men from the boys in the military?

With a crowbar.

Who gives a shit what the pozzed multicultural forces are doing?

What, how much doxing do want a man to do?

Ill send you another one of the computer with some object arrangement if that will suffice

My table is a mess because I have been driven mad by isolation working on my thesis and its due in 4 days and its still not done!

After a day of busting my ass I smoke a joint and come on Sup Forums to relax.

Next to the orange tagged waterbottle theres a small grey bar, its smoking papers to roll the joint, and the little green next to it is weed. up from it its a cigarrete, dunhill london,. on the right there are boxes of empty food, and a bit salt container.

A green cup is being used as my ashtray as the last one broke.

Men's time has come to an end. They can't compete anymore.

Keep up the good work

>that pic
Well shit

How many times has the guy on the right lifted the block over his head as opposed to the female? If they are working out, higher reps would cause greater strains.

how many bitcoins you got?


thanks for that pic. I'm going to the gym now.

What really annoys me about this is that women are driving the debate

Men: "When we see a woman in danger we take irrational risks to protect her. When we're around a limited amount of women, we behave differently and less as a team than normal in an attempt to impress them. We definitely do not think that other men will completely abstain from assaulting the women or hitting on the women. We've served in the military, and believe that lowering the standards will endanger lives"

Women: "Gee you guys just don't know what you're talking about! All of your attitudes are social constructs and can be easily changed with powerpoint presentations! Men don't know any more about the military than Feminist Social Psychologists! You need to lower the standards you fucking sexists!"

I know a few of you women lurk as anons, these broads are gonna get people murdered, and women captured and raped. All in the name of gender equality and political correctness.

zero, I didnt understand enough about it to get in on it when I should


it isn't too late, friend. go ahead and and read "bitcoin guidebook"

How many different times have you posted this? Why are you so salty? Did your girlfriend fall for a real man who has served his country?

Arent the kikes taking over it?

Anyhow, is it worth mining it? Im quite broke

I fucking hate you, why do you have to be so fucking stupid, you have triggered me to such an intense degree, I am shaking right now.


well relatively speaking, next to a favela nigger im like rich. But I feel broke. Shit is too expensive.

mining it is only worthwhile if you have the cheapest electricity of all time, and ridiculous hardware. Even then the profits are marginal.

You can get bitcoin through a number of different sites by converting dollars, and from there you can microinvest in different people/buisnesses directly and get some dividends. get shit poppin. get that E-cash.

and tyson would have done this to such a wasted get

Will look into it, thanks

>kikes taking over it?
after the ancaps scooped all the easy coins up, sure
but man if enough of those ancaps were anti semitic...

even the YPG, which is 40% female soldiers, still segregates women from men because it's a bad idea

but what do they know rigth? They've only been a warrior society actively forever surviving on shitty old russian equipment

Like what even is the point of all this gender equality stuff?

So some girl out there can live out her unfufilled dream of serving not just in the military, but specifically in a combat unit?

Grow the fuck up. I'm a bit too messed in the head to ever be accepted into a military Combat Unit. Doesn't mean I'm gonna go and try to get into one anyways and get people killed. It's not just women that get excluded from combat units.

It's just women are the only ones that think their exclusion is a social construction.

How salty are you?

>most marine women are built like trucks so everything should be fine

lol, people turn gay and start raping guys when they're in jail for a few years. You don't think guys overseas would hop on anything with a vagina?

we used to be a warrior society. shame.

I mean, sure allow them in, IF they can meet the standards, in a gender-segregated unit.

I can't believe the insanity going on in the military now. Militaries have gotten incredibly soft.

HAH yeah I didn't consider that. forgot about the Spartans and prisoners and the like. well, looks like some marines are gonna be P R E G G O

just western militaries. our entire society has been taken over by emotionally weak people. hopefully this is changing, but the virus has already spread to so many people.

How do i get female marine gf?

be a girl and a lesbian


1.join the marines a wig it on any marine you like
4.hammer away at that anus ;)

get ready for a fresh new batch of rape babies.

The two men in that picture combined look stronger than the two women combined.

move to Sweden I guess.

Grilled will know if you served.

Well at least I can finally see a female operator in real life kicking ass and fucking my dick up hard.

My dreams are coming true thanks President Trump