Metallic Hydrogen

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>whitey doing dumb shit
who cares

red pill me on metallic hydrogen

interesting that it looks green


Serious question, how do you create that much pressure?

Jewish magic and therefore completely degenerate.

supposedly its stable once it becomes a solid, as in enormous pressures arent required to keep it a solid

Is a super conductor (as a solid)

More energy per gram than any fuel we currently have

The article seems kinda ehhh... nobody has vetted their research yet.

tons more but thats the short list

Eat shit nigger.

Bumping for room temperature superconducter.

Does this mean faster porno downloads? Or better boner pills? Because honestly, that's all anyone cares about.

Experimental data on metallic hydrogen can give some critical info to the semi-conductor industry. Electrons delocalized through the primary s-orbital should be the most mobile, so investigating this can give some info on theoretical limits on semi-conductors.

how is this politics?

will this add or take away from my memes

How will this help African Americans? Waste of money.

>More energy per gram than any fuel we currently have
even uranium?

this is the future

Shut up faggot

If it exists and can be made into large volumes then solid rockets motors will be getting unheard of specific impulses.

When they make shit like this, what amounts are we talking about?

Can this only be seen under an electron microscope?

How long does it take for it to move to an industrial scale, assuming its true?

ok ya got me leaf.

But I think their main focus for this stuff rocket fuel. Nuclear rockets are still frowned upon.

/pol doesn't believe in science, OP. You're wasting your time.

this. you gots sistahs witout baby daddies and dey white people be worrying bout hygrogan

we can produce flying saucers now. Most engines we get from aliens contain a centrifuge with a superconducting element we cannot duplicate with earths environment but this may be a sufficient alternative.

>But I think their main focus for this stuff rocket fuel.

Correct. It would get unreal specific impulses and allow us to use solids instead of liquids. Solids currently underperform liquids with respect to impulse but are much easier to scale. Making large or small turbopumps with all that plumbing is hard. Carbon fiber tubes with insulation are easy.

how does this help african americans ?

This is Racist.


It was a technology invented by the black man around the time of the Egyptians when we ruled as Kings and Queens before the evil white devil stole it from us and took credit for themselves. That's what they don't teach you in class.

Is that better than the theorized super conductor at room temp?


Can you build walls out of it?


Self replying because I'm bored. Specific impulse is basically the MPG of jet engines. It's a measure of change in momentum delivered per unit of propellant consumed. That's why things like turbofans have high impulses (little fuel consumption). However you'll see that the most efficient rocket engines achieve about 460. And that's the SSME. Metallic hydrogen would provide about 1700! And would be much easier to operate because it wouldn't require expensive pumps and complicated plumbing.

I don't know much about that to be honest.

3 SJW dykes

Is that helpful for liftoff or deep space?


OK, but can it melt steel beams?

[spoiler] Also, I'm actually more impressed about the possibility of making a room temperature superconductor out of the most common element in the universe. [/spoiler]

>when you ignite it, the energy used to compress it is released
Hold my beer.

I see. thanks!

Praise Space Elevator!

practically available superconducters are a meme that will never happen

Currently we use solid rocket motors for lift off of heavy payloads due to issues associated with liquids. Namely, it is difficult to make a liquid motor powerful enough to generate the thrust need to escape the atmosphere due to issues associated with scaling the turbo pumps and the plumbing. Solid rocket Motors, while less efficient on a per unit basis, are easily scaled. It's why you see the space shuttle at the two solid rocket boosters strapped to the side (generating a whopping 2.2 million pounds of thrust each for the duration of their two minute burn).

Once in space the liquid motor is more appealing. It can be turned on and off, it gets more performance for a given weight, and the scale issues aren't as significant. That said you can't scale a liquid down too far either. In these instances gas generators are used to create the thrust.

If This were to exist it would make the job of getting objects into space significantly easier. You could use a much smaller rocket. Once In Space would probably prefer some sort of engine that you can throttle. So it's hard to imagine the liquid motor going anywhere.

The first application of such a motor would likely be for Hypersonic warfare missiles though. Because of course.

I can understand your excitement. I work in the propulsion industry though, and the prospect of metallic hydrogen is something that we have been salivating over for decades.

*in the third world crater known as Mexico


Does this mean diamond will no longer be the hardest metal known to man?

So it will stay a solid pretty easily?

These kind of things Ive read about before require lasers at 2n/n! angles and at -272 C with a proper litany given before hand to appease the machine god

Just in time for the memedrive.

So are you a rocket scientist or just play Kerbal religiously

>Diaz and silvera creates a thing harder than diamond
mexican intellectuals strikes again.

This is whats in super male vitality

No idea. I'm not a chemist. I'm a materials scientist.

Before I was recently laid off I was a materials scientist for a corporation that produces motors. I don't know a damn thing about propulsion personally, my job was to make sure the thing didn't fall apart.

Especially uranium.

Yeah! An also, has you ever seen hidden figures? What dey DONT TELL U is dat behind every one of dese experiments is a very large number of blacker than black slaves doin all de wurk while whitey reaps all de rewards

No worries, I'm always happy to drop some black pills on some white folk, gorilla mindset yo.

Bitches don't know bout my Orion Drive.

basically, they used niggers as calculators because it was cheaper than using a computer

truly an amazing accomplishment worthy of acclaim

hello kike.

jews invented the term because dr shekelstein needed to give his (((students))) a phd so they made up this shit to explain how jupiters core works.

It's all about liftoff. Once you're in deep space without the gravitational pull of the Earth or the resistance of the atmosphere, acceleration is child's play.

If metallic Hydrogen can be used as a viable solid rocket fuel, you're talking about increasing payload efficiency by a factor of three or four.

>Or better boner pills
you can ride your dick to the moon, familia

The first thing that comes into magination is a bomb. Because thats how it will be user on a first place. Metallic untraceble bomb witch leaves no after-explosion trases (only H2O and NH3).

What happens if you drop it in diet coke?

What if a scientist accidentallies some atom that accidentallies the planet

Interesting, but doesn't seem like we have the technology to produce very much of it. So it seems kind of useless for the time being.

Literally fake science.


Room temp superconductors are better imo. Costs for experiments like the LHC would go down dramatically, but also MRI's would benefit. Basically anything that uses superconductors would be cheaper. The rocket fuel thing is great, but I can't see it being used outside of cheaper space flight.

Of course it isn't theory, wtf do people thing the gaseous planets in our solar system are made of? Dead nigger souls?

Some scientist theorize that at Jupiter's cores is a large sphere of metallic hydrogen.
Metallic hydrogen, if it exists, is the most efficient conductor theoretically possible
Many ancient cultures describe their gods as traveling in ships powered by flowing metal, notably in the vedas
If metallic hyrdrogen exists, is could fundamentally change human technological capabilies in ways we don't even know

It's a theory because it has never been observed.

>Metallic hydrogen is a kind of degenerate matter
It's literally a jewish element

It means Mike "zippity zap no more traps" Pence gets a new way to channel electricity.

>Many ancient cultures describe their gods as traveling in ships powered by flowing metal, notably in the vedas

we're one step closer to Bogdanite

Is this the real reason why the doomsday clock fowarded 30 seconds?

(((Mexican Intellectuals)))

Thank god that wall is getting built.

Stellaris soon

Vaporize Toronto and Ottawa.