
was barack obama born in the u.s.?

trump said he was so I believe yes.



He looks like OJ's dorky younger brother in this pic

No, He was born in Kenya.

I never was a birther because they had that old newspaper clipping of his birth in the Hawaii newspaper but that new sheriff Joe Arpio video was kinda interesting

Well, president Trump said he wasn't so I believe he wasn't. Everything that doesn't align with his view is fake news anyways. God bless America.

that's oj you racist

hillary shill, get over it, she lost.

you're retarded. trump said he was.

Yes, but his daddy wasn't Barrack Obama "Sr" that's what he's hiding.

Probably. Birth certificate seems fake though, if that last video wasn't total bullshit.

It's CY+2 though, so it's all academic at this point.

wow, how is hillary still paying you shills?

You have no proof.
No fake news as source either pussy boi.

i'm still coming to terms with bernie

Is that Tito Jackson

There are numerous pieces of evidence suggesting that Barack Obama was not born in the United States. He refuses to publicly release his birth certification which has raised much suspicion. Although I can't be sure, there is a theory circulating that Obama may have been born somewhere in the Middle East or North Africa. His defence of radical Islam has also lead to people thinking this.

I think so, yeah. It doesn't mean much, Huma Abadin was born in the US and immediately spirited away to Saudia Arabia. I wouldn't consider her a native, even though she is.

Hell, Mel Gibson was born in New York State... guess what we all think of him as? An Australian shitposter.

he had a press conference before the election.

No, Hawaiian birth certificates didn't even exist until 20 years after Obama was born.

He was born in Kenya.

bet you're coming to terms with riasing a black son, too

He wasn't even born on Earth!

Okay but wheres the proof he did idiot

All the cool memesters on Sup Forums tell me he wasn't, so in order to feel like I'm part of the group I'll parrot their shitty memes rather than think for myself. Objectively analyzing evidence is a plot by the kikes to control our brains anyways!

"proof" is a liberal code word for "fake news" you're a shill, confirmed

He was born in Oregon.

fucking nerd , wont provide proof


As for Barry Sotelo...

This is Ann Dunham, Barack Obama's mother. Do you doubt that this is his mother? Do you doubt that she and her family moved from Seattle to Honolulu, Hawaii and she enrolled at the University of Hawaii at Manoa? Are you under the impression that after meeting and getting knocked up by Barack Obama Sr. in Hawaii, she flew to Kenya to give birth to Barack Obama Jr. and then flew back to Hawaii to continue her studies? What the fuck?

Probably not.

Never trust a coal burner

Was he the worst president?

Then that answers your question fag.

He was born in Hawaii and was (on paper) the son of Barak Obama sr, a student at the uni there. His real fathers name is James Marshal Davis, and is a card carrying commie. The controversy exists because his grandfather was Fbi, and white. His mother was a white slut from the west coast who got bbc'ed by James m. Davis. Grandpa couldn't have this and the rest is history. His real name is Barry.

Yeah sure, and his father was a typical nigger, "marrying" multiple women at a time and knocking them all up with 1-2 kids each and leaving them.

Still, doesn't change the fact that Barack Obama's mother is Ann Dunham who lived in Hawaii. As far as I know, your mother gives birth to you, so unless Ann Dunham decided to fuck off to Kenya just to give birth and then fuck right back to America to show off her half-nig baby to her friends in Washington State, how the fuck would Barack Obama not be born in America?

Obama was born in the US but the birth certificate given to the press was fake. The father on the certificate was Obama Sr. but the bio-father was probably Frank Marshall Davis, a black communist from Chicago (and probably a CIA asset). Photo comparisons of bone structure and facial features strongly hint at it. Mentions in "Dreams of my Father" and accounts from Barrack's childhood friend support the hidden father story.

Google for more info.

I'd bet my life he wasn't

Real redpill incoming.
There is no such person as Barack Obama.
There are actors who play him at public appearances but he is a character created entirely by nwo and shadow jews.
Most of the televised appearances were a digital creation.