Why dont you niggers own an AR-15?
Literally no excuse
Why dont you niggers own an AR-15?
Literally no excuse
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good thing i already have 2
If I owned a firearm I would kill myself.
Not joking
My excuse is that I live in New York.
I don't want to own some hideously regulated monstrosity like pic related.
I'll wait until Trump repeals the NY SAFE Act first.
Too many priors
That poor gun.
I wanna shoot it and put it out of its misery.
hey, i'm looking to get one of these sent to England piece by piece... will pay several thousand dollars for your service.
Please contact me on kik: postalservice666
do you stab yourself with knives on a daily basis?
do you frequently drink bleach and put metal forks in electric sockets?
So you won't kill yourself you're just a big pussy.
Are those instantaneous methods that don't give time to abort once initiated?
Fuck you.
This is either the shittiest honey pot ever conceived or you're the most retarded bong I've ever come across.
go swipe a spork out of the bin to protect yourself.
Jumping out a window
Running on the highway in front of a truck
Touching power lines
What happened to that gun. Is he ok?
Idk where you live, but powerlines are a good 30ft above everyone's head here. The others have the potential to involve other parties. And I do avoid cliffs
>implying there isn't other way to kill yourself that are instantaneous
what if im not a poorfag? should i still do what OPs pic says?
im pretty jewy when it comes to saving shekels
I'd shooy my rye out
Illegal for us peasants
I'd probably love my K31 more than one, though
Nice strawman. I stay away from those things in general.
But I do. What do I get next? I already have 1100 rounds for it.
NYer here.
Just get one already. At least buy a lower.
Alternatively do what huge numbers of NY gun owners are doing and just build an actual AR and don't tell anyone. You can't take it anywhere but fuck Cuomo.
I myself have one like your pic and if I so desired I could swap for a normal pistol grip and stock in minutes. And I can take it to the range and actually practice with it.
JUST GET ONE, cuomo doesn't want you to have anything at all
Get this instead
Cold hammer forge barrel by FN-H
Its not a mid length gas system but carbine is still fine.
Gen M3 Magpul PMags are about $12 each and are the best. Get as many as you want.
Its better build but still great value.
Idk, get a shotgun for $300-$500 and a handgun. Glock or 1911
Depends how jewy you are.
I've heard the PSA kits aren't bad. Don't get the cheaper ptac kits, maybe spend the slight bit more for the premium kits. If you want to really be non jewy and get something good, then buy something better like bcm. Then go to /k/ where everyone will tell you your shit sucks no matter what you buy.
Just so you know, the flip sight is a magpul rear sight - it is like another 40$
But great post still. And I agree.
because I personally prefer AKs
based Turkeybro... are you a Muslim?
Here's a Smith and Wesson already put together for $499.
Give me some advice, every place I have found that ships ar-15 parts to canada (including 80% lower) charges up the ass, would be cheaper to just get a license and buy the canadian unrestricted retard ar-15b
I think 900 American (shipping included) was the cheapest I found, which is like ....6 million$ canadian
n-no I'm atheist.
its banned in Massachusetts
Basically you're just a huge pussy. Buy a helium tank or something
Rifles require holding a hunting license for 5 years. Can't be arsed to wait. Full-auto is banned anyway.
Have you checked out Palmetto State Armory?
Believe in Yeshua brother. He is the only way to survive what is coming. Even if you lose your life for Him, you will gain it. Just read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John at least once.
better not be lying, mohammad may take away some virgins if you are
>Why dont you niggers own an AR-15?
PSA makes quality guns. Daily deals are ridiculous
Dirty fed detected.
>its banned in Massachusetts
How is that even constitutional
Canada is so cucked, that to even own a hunting rifle, you have to continually reapply even 5 years for the rest of your life. And an AR-15, despite not being more dangerous than other semiautos, requires a harder to get version of the license.
fuck off ethan
>inter-meme-diate rounds
lmaoing at your """"""rifles""""""
Small helium party tank, tubing, twist or zip tie and a plastic bag
You're welcome
Already do nigger
because i own something way better
do they come in 7.62 or .308?
what is best bang for buck, not cheapest, ar15 freedom spewer
I can only get so moist.
AR-10 does.
parents won't let me have one
>Pic unrelated, my rifle
yes - ar10
good prices , but they dont ship to Canada, all the places that do have shite prices
guess ill have to depend on Sam Hyde coming to save me when shit goes down
>what is taqiyya
when you are 18 (actually 21 if you buy the lower) they can't stop your AMERICAN BIRTHRIGHT.
States have their own gun laws friendo.
>That fucking stock
>That fucking clip
>Not even ironsights
Get an SKS if you don't already have one. I always see Candians bragging about how they can get Russian SKSs pretty cheap lol.
u and jim norton
Cuomo is a fucking Jew. It's easier to get a gun illegally from some nigger than it is to get that raped rifle.
How much do AR-10s cost compared to AR-15s? My dislike of AR15s is that you can't hunt deer with them.
Because I have a felony on my record in 2009 for defending my life.
Detective literally said I was charged for not trying to run first.
I don't have the money to buy one (yet).
They're more expensive than the average AR-15.
Unless it is a legal restriction where you live, 5.56 softpoints are perfectly fine for durr.
I live in Australia, you can't even own a 22 bolt action without being either a sporting shooter or farmer (or a criminal, I suppose)
I do though
>why don't you own an AR
because I own two
yes you can. get 300 blackout (which only requires a barrel change and gas port change) and then you are shooting .30 cal projectiles that can take deer down. Same mags too. The barrel runs about 150$ 300aac (also called 300 blackout) is fucking awesome.
Sounds like some liberal coverup bullshit to me, fucking degenerate
Everything for an AR10 is about triple the price of the same part for an AR15. Shit adds up.
This nigger here owns an AR15 and an AK47 because Merika and Russia should get along
Legal restrictions mainly. If they can take down a human I can imagine they can take down a deer just fine.
>tfw I can get deer BLACKED
Thanks user, that'll be a bit expensive but if I build it from """scratch""" (complete lower) I should save like $50 or something. towards that, right?
nah its about 60% more. build your own
get an AR15 and an upper for .300AAC, or even 6.5 grendel. itll be cheaper than an AR10, and with the ar15, theres not 4 different platforms to worry about when you buy parts
Waiting for my tax return.
they're expensive, and I already have a qt camp 9 carbine which would be more than enough in any situation I can think of, and I can use it at indoor shooting ranges.
Fork and electric socket
Stabbing yourself in the neck
Both are instant and irreversible
--->This is all you will need to convert it.
This and a 10$ gas tube.
Everything else is the same. same bolt carrier group, mags and the rest - it really is just a barrel change. The KI is much better. 300 aac is like an ak and ar had a baby. can def kill deer.
yes, this. 6.5 grendel is a sweeeeeeeet round.
>gucci brand AR
nice m8. here's mine.
>Palmetto State Armory
I shot the SAW they had there.
Good times.
just NEVER shoot 300aac out of 5.56 barrel.
pressures will explode you rifle. Mark those mags!
I did. I recall it being around triple for most of it. Maybe only double.
Are they hard to put together? I want one
Lost all of my guns in a fishing accident probably won't ever find them.
nice. might get a mk18 upper at some point, just for the versatility.
at least you don't live on California, I would kill for that gun
what if i'm a lefty? are there kits for tards like myself?
here is another:
just bid and get it for 600-700
>tfw right handed but right eye is fucked so I'm forced to shoot left handed
i sold my beloved dirtbike for one prior to the election actually. i'll never forgive hillary for making me give up my rm250 for emergency funs money. reeeeeeeeeee