What is the most sjw Sup Forums board?
What is the most sjw Sup Forums board?
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
i'm guessing /lgbt/, it just makes sense
I don't use any other board but I always hear bad things about /tv and /vg
Sup Forums
/lit/ and /fa/ probably. Everyone on those boards are massive fag.
Surprisingly no, there are tons of people on there who hate identity politics shit. Most people who push gay victimization shit aren't actually gay.
Answer is Sup Forums by the way.
/cgl/ is pretty bad, so is /his/
Sup Forums
There are other boards on this website?
Sup Forums
/lgbt/, /fa/, and Sup Forums
/fa/ and /soc/
basically tumblr and filled with the same age group
It's Sup Forums without a doubt. Sup Forums should just merge with /lgbt/ so all the faggots can be contained on one board.
this thicc jewess is literally my dream wife
Good answers
Sup Forums are our guys
No /fa/ is gay and full of fags but not sjw
Faggots are slowly being booted out of the lgbt victim club.
Have you even been on /fa/ for a while
All they talk about is nazi fashion, shooter core, dylann roof, fascist fashion, etc
Sup Forums literally doesn't have jannies. Half the threads are Sup Forums threads, the rest are a mix between Blacked, pedoshit, RLM, and maybe one or two threads about TV and movies on page 10 with no replies. I mean, there was a thread with CP in it yesterday.
/vg/ is highly dependent on what thread you're in.
Definitely /soc/ it's the only board where attention whoring gets noticed, which is all that being an sjw is about
Sup Forums
pic related just went over there to confirm
Sup Forums coz lots of kids
/gif/ too becouse lots of cucks
/lit/ & Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Are you high?
Sup Forums
with sjws it's Sup Forums.
the worst board on this website is bar none /qa/, it's just a bunch of whiny faggots that want to shut down anyone they don't like.
best board is Sup Forums.
>Sup Forums are our guys
This, I hope the Bane meme never dies tbqh famalam
>Sup Forums
Sup Forums is literally Sup Forums 2.0
What does it matter? Keep shitty stormfag memes in the containment board.
My friend in Brooklyn matched with that broad on Tinder, and banged her.
>those quads
It was nice knowing you
Can confirm, just took this screenshot a few seconds ago on Sup Forums literally MUH SAFE SPACE
it's Sup Forums.
Same here user
>twf you will never fondle Emily's titts and cum inside her child bearing hips.
/lit/ is full of pseudo-intellectuals that spend their time shitting on anything but their top 5 books. Straight up massive faggots.
This, Sup Forums invented meme magic in the first place and have used it to cause two massacres. The best being the Les Bains plane crash
You must be right, because it's the one board I can't stand to be on the catalog for more than 20 seconds.
What is the most >reddit Sup Forums board?
literally a bunch of peeps who wanna shut down Sup Forums
is pretty liberal and full of cucks.
what else would you expect from autists that watch black men on TV all day.
You're on it.
/asp/ without a finna doubt.
I hope you never cum inside somebodys hips, sounds weird as fuck.
>Sup Forums are our guys
i don't go there but i would find it funny as fuck if they blame the jews for bad films
I'd suck Trump's dick idgaf
>Faggots are slowly being booted out of the lgbt victim club.
Why mang, too masculine for traps and dikes?
Sup Forums
r9k its all just traps
prove it
1. Sup Forums
2. Sup Forums, /sci/, /lit/, /soc/, etc.
This is based on personal experience.
They have some janitors, but 9/10 probably just kill themselves over the endless cunny threads.
Usually when they're online, and some are right now, they tend to focus on deleting political threads.
Blacked threads always stay floating around for a while though, for some reason. They probably get bored.
Seriously though, Sup Forums is like 50% Sup Forums. Likely because the loli-posting keeps the redditors away.
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Not even close /fa/ is one of the most red pilled boards on Sup Forums
who made the hitler thread on Sup Forums
link me
there are a decent number of redpilled anons on Sup Forums too though
jesus christ she needs to be cloned
So when do Sup Forums flood Sup Forums to drive the SJWs out?
I'd say Sup Forums
After everyone who is not cuck and care about sjw shitting things up was driven out of it with GG.
The board is home of SJW.
Sup Forums
Sup Forums is literally tumblr. Sup Forums is also bad.
They do lel
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Plus they worship Grimes. She's even worse than SJWs
Sup Forums is just as bad as sjws, so it's gotta be Sup Forums
thats an impossible task
Sup Forums is deviantart/tumblr.
Sup Forums is leaning too much to the left recently.
>What is the most sjw Sup Forums board?
since bike riders and trainfags hate murika's car culture and the cities they make.
jesus christ that punctuation, where are these people from?
/k/ by a long shot
Sup Forums gets caught up in falseflag/console wars, sadly both sides are becoming left due to Sony pushing politics into the plot of their games while NoA censors the shit out their products which Nintendrones and Sonyponies defend.
Sup Forums is just a low-IQ board anyway, the ammount of threads that made fun of the US dub of Breath of the Wild because Zelda didn't bawl unlike the other ones confused me more than anything
this, Sup Forums is being flooded with faggots
There really aren't many SJWs if at all on Sup Forums altogether. There's lefties though.
as someone who is older than 14, please for the love of God tell me you're not implying that you're an Xbox fangay, console fanboyism is the stupidest fucking thing ever
Place is full cuck
What is the most oldfag Sup Forums board? Sup Forums?
No, that's just the most fag board.
Look at my fucking flag, I'm not fucking stupid enough to blow money at videogames. Also, Xbox stopped being a relevant console at Sup Forums mostly because that board is filled with weebs, where else can you find unreasonably high praise for the Sonic OVA?
I only have my Wii and a N64 and no interest in next-gen gaming, so I'm pretty good.
/tg/ is pretty bad unfortunately
neo-Sup Forums, too many shills.
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
I've seen people get genuinely ''triggered'' on /vg/ and genuinely defending trans mental illness on /trash/, it's no infestation, but I feel like Sup Forums might spread.
Sup Forums can't pick a side. Typical of them.
Sup Forums is being beat to death here.
Sup Forums is high up there too
Why hasn't the rest of Sup Forums raided Sup Forums into oblivion yet?
CO, SOC, lit is not sjw, just very left wing.
/ourguy/ is TV, his and k are half and half, and not memeing, mlp, when leaving the 50 greentext generals for other discussion, is righter then you would think
Are both pretty awful as far as /vg/ goes. Something about WoWfags, man.
Sup Forums
/tg/ is largely a board where I'm okay with keeping my Sup Forums shit to myself.
Sup Forums for sure
The comic book community in particular are irrational faggots. The SJW's turning on writer/artist Cameron Stewart for how he used a transgender character as a villain in a Batgirl comic several years ago was one of my earliest redpills.
Because the cancer doesn't come from tumblr, it comes from the medium.
have you seen what CN is pushing lately? Or what Marvel/DC is doing? or Disney raping Star Wars' corpse? Have you seen a single episode of Steven Universe? Shit, Zootopia is literally communist propaganda.
And despite being a board for western media, the amount of Japanese dicksucking is overwhelming, just look at the ''How's your webcomic'' threads to see the brilliant minds of Sup Forums at work.
SJW boards: Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /lit/, /his/, /soc/, /vg/
Redpilled boards: Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /fa/, /po/, /lgbt/
/lit/ is full of unwarranted elitism, so they'll post 'Sup Forums-->', but if someone posts something SJW people will tell them to fuck off