>yfw the NRA named the jew
Yfw the NRA named the jew
Is this real ?
Very real
Oh fuck yes
Holy fuggggg
>Fight the (((merchants)))
Like, with guns?
Hahahaha. I fucking love the NRA.
If I had money I'd donate to them,.
based. you're not white if you're not in the nra.
Is "smear merchant" the new phrase for "kike"?
Hey Sup Forums, from hence forth, kikes are Smear Merchants!
I'm glad the NRA will go Alt Right.
Fuck, I better prove I'm white...
This is the only organization I want to give my money to.
Wtf I love the NRA now
Going for life membership
(((Merchant))) has always meant (((kike)))
Wtf i love the Nationalist Republican Army now
got this in the mail today.
Good read.
National Republicanism
>(((Smear Merchants)))
Looks like goyim know
Post NRA cards faggots
I hope your parents will die in an oven and we will make fun of you.
Holy shit.. best timeline.
Seems like the Minutemen are going to get an NRA endorsement easily if things kick off
its in my masturbate masturbate bathroom pile instead of my gun masturbate bathroom pile.
Saw a copy on my dads coffee table.
year membership is like 25 bucks and comes with a subsceiption to either rifleman or hunter, which is worth it by itself.
get a gift check from a relative thats anti gun and post the look on their face when you tell them.
I'm a gun owner but haven't joined the NRA. Where do I sign up?
what did they mean by this?
OY VEY, Goldberg, dump all the goyim's money into lobbying for the NRA to be outlawed! Yes, ALL of it!
They are talking to Sup Forums directly. It's a shoutout to Sup Forums directly.
this and the goa and you can call yourself pure aryan
>Rage bait for Semites
C-can media assault work both ways?
i sent in a check with a card i got in the gun case of a new one i had bought, im sure gun shops would have the same thing. im sure you can sign up online too. the next year i think i dropped 45 for 2 years and a bag or something. But yeah, totally worth it for that back page girl.
also the defense reports are hilarious
On their website...
What are you 90 years old?
but get a life membership as soon as you can afford it and save money in the long run. it's $1500 right now but they discount it all the time. sign up for what you can afford and jump on a lifetime when they drop to a few hundred bucks.
if you join, it includes gun insurance up to ten grand i think. so if some nig steals your shit you're covered. that's a kike-tier reason to join, but it's there.
It's really a good cause.
They shill pretty fucking hard to protect our gun rights.
Too bad they can't branch off into Europe and rearm them.
Joining the NRA tomorrow
holy fugg
I might too actually.
We should make more NRA threads.
I'd really like to see Sup Forums put their money where their mouth is and start engaging in activism they believe in..
>fight the merchant
>NRA vs US Crypto Jews (aka AIPAC)
Only works here because it's so hard to touch the Constitution.
Exactly as planned.
And I just realized I need a Gendopose Washington.
This is why me and my grandfather have always and will always be NRA members.
here, have your white card. you earned it buddy. proud of you.
>Gun magazine
>Fight the Merchants
>Picture of a Jew
>The Merchants will stop at nothing to end your rights
Oy Vey, this is very problematic
>when the memes become real
underrated as fuck
how did i miss this
i can't afford it, but they have my full support. the nra is the most american organization out there
Kek: Let me please be the first:
A Catholic, a Muslim, and a Merchant walk into a bar.....
it's like 25 bucks how poor are you?
why does it matter if i'm poor?
Lol just renewed my membership, it's $40 now.
i understand your plight, user
but everyone else, $30 for a year right now plus you a get a year subscription to one of their four gun mags and a duffle bag
Is it time to become a lifetime member of the NRA, Sup Forums?
I've been waiting for the lifetime to be discounted to a couple hundred
For now I'm just part of USCCA
nice membership number
wow every single smear merchant mentioned in the article is jewish. oy vey.
I actually got an email from them today, lifetime membership is down to $600. I took the bait, i'm gonna get a backpack. The non-discounted rate would've gotten you a leather jacket. nra-2017.org
lol all 5 names are kikes.
What did they mean by this?
jesus christ so many different pricing options depending on how you find them.
lifetime membership for $600 right here:
H-hey guys,
I-i-I heard my c-cousin Chuck's name b-being said o-over here,... ..
W-what's going on,
W-what are you guys talkinnnnnngg ab.....
Means nothing to anyone but the people taking claims
for memeing purposes
Hot damn!
Bless this publication.