Red pill me on food, Does it affect mood in any way?
Red pill me on food, Does it affect mood in any way?
stay away from (((animal products))) and you'll be just fine
so become a vegan?
>do substances you put into your system affect mood
I wonder
>1 post by this ID
It's better to get your nutrients from whole natural food stuffs rather than pre packaged processed items.
It definitely affects your mood and health to be eating non organically derived chemicals and filler.
If at all possible always try to buy fresh and organic, or grow your own. Even if you buy fresh meat and freeze it for later consumption.
falling for the food jew idiot
vitamins are a meme though, correct?
i assume real food is infinitely more nutritious
Your entire body operates on the calories, vitamins , nutrients etc you get from food. Low b6/b12/zinc/ etc etc will fuck your mood , can give you brain fog, depression etc. Eat a balanced diet.
what is the best one can feel eating optimal foods
i imagine its too expensive for the average person?
I mean honestly, id get some labs done to see what you are lacking etc, they can test all this today. So then you can fix your diet, or get some supplements at first to balance out what you are lacking , and then you can taper off and do this with your diet.
ideally you should lead a vegan lifestyle, then eat meat and animal products when you crave it
Don't forget it is a sacrifice to God. Pray.
not a meme,
It's not a bad idea to take multi-vitamins and extra vitamin D3 in case you don't get enough sunlight.
Massively affected my mood and skin.
who the hell could afford all this everyday
how tf does /fit/ make a better portion guide than the FDA?
look at my flag, sunlight pills are not required here
75% of mood is based off food.
so if i ate all those foods in the pic above i would be in a more positive mood, i mostly eat takeway chinese, kfc, noodles, 2min noodles, alcohol
You don't need any
Us Americans realize it were getting rid of our Mexicans who pick our fruits and vegetables and soon the wall will keep the rest of it out.
Only corn and Carl's Jr. In my aMerica
Can u not feel the insulin release after eating sweets? The itis
Bro you can have a banana every day for a matter of pennies. We conquered South America for that.
Potatoes and rice can last you forever. And if you've got flour, then you've got crackers, bread, cookies, etc. A little skill in Italian cooking will help you branch out into the whole world of food despite only knowing how to make a couple dishes. This is because Italian cooking is the best in the history of man.
Also remember there is protein in spinach. It's great.
Food doesn't affect mood in any way, that's why people with diabeetus are so jolly all the time.
Fuck off faggot. paleo or keto are the only redpilled diets
Eating food makes you full
user, get some Fish oil, I recommend skate liver oil. Also I recommend getting a nascent iodine, and a multi vitamin. Stop eating all that trash. I know it seems hard now but honestly if you just start eating differently, all the shit you just listed will literally disgust you. THat shit is meant to make you feel like garbage, and then you will perform like garbage. I was in that same position. God speed.
fish is expensive though
t. Bill Clinton
tilapia and tuna are cheap
I also recommend anyone to start eating like a caveman, no extra ingredients etc. Eat meat, vegetables, fruits.. etc. Think like a primal being and you will feel incredible. You don't have to do this forever, but its a good kickstart.
I rarely eat fish. But it goes on sale frequently so just get it when you can.
No that is horseshit science, lad.
This shit is true. If you consider eliminating shit, be careful to supplement whatever you're not going to have access to or you'll get fucked up.
B12 ain't no joke.
When you kill an animal you are making a sacrifice to God. A lot of people are divorced from this since they rely on stores and middlemen 100% to eat.
It's important to never forget our roots. Animals are our companions; but we cannot survive without eating them. Thus we give reverence to God for the sacrifices we make. And don't eat too much, or you'll be sick.
It's basic.
Also 'paleo' and 'keto' sound like a trick to poison you. You're probably subverted. I don't even know what that is.
Keto is literally starvation.
Fucking retarded cuck milk drinker.
Nope, Heil Animal Rights, The pets and wildlife master race must be constructed
More a lack of food will affect your mood. Hunger makes you aggressive and aggression is useful in the hunt and the kill, and defending your berry bush against competition.
So, how do we utilise this primal rage to our own advantage? We take up fasting.
Fast for three consecutive days a week and then feast on wholesome, nutritional foods on non-fasting days. Use this time well to prime your body for the Great Famine ahead of us.
Good luck, user.
Then don't eat fish, it's not that hard
Also kek wills nazi animal rights so that all frogs can become the master race, as you can tell from the bottom half of this photo
This user is correct. I like to keep it very simple. The most complex items I'll cook are pizzas and crackers/cookies, breads, etc. I'll have whole apples- salted, a plate of cheese, some bread, grapes, maybe tomato and mozzarella throughout the day. Steamed vegetables and stew are also good.
Cook it, season it, eat it. Reward yourself with meat when you're ready for it. (pre/post workout, celebrations, etc)
but they say its required to be healthy?
>Don't forget it is a sacrifice to God
for (((you)))
if sunlight pills aren't needed, neither are fish.
im not jewish though?
It's a fact. You can be a little atheist cunt your entire life, but it doesn't change reality.
You are killing a companion. It is sacrifice. Pray.
but im in the sun all the time and i live very close to the equator
The red pill ain't easy...
that's what I'm saying. You get vitamin D from the sun and fish. You have plenty of sun- you don't need fish in your diet. It's not 'healthy' in your diet.
Actual redpill here: There is empirical evidence that the health of your stomach bacteria directly affects your mood. As in, eating healthy with plenty of fiber can legitimately make you feel happy and energetic, while eating like shit can make you feel depressed. The research is not thorough enough yet, but there is increasing evidence that your STOMACH BACTERIA, and not your brain chemicals, are a very powerful force on your overall mood.
I have been taking probiotics and Metamucil everyday for a few weeks now, and I have noticed a change in my mood. Granted I am also lifting weights to get dem endorphines, so it could be a combination. I encourage you to look it up yourself and draw your own conclusions.
>t. come from a long line of men with diberticulosis (i.e. fucked up stomach syndrome) and we meticulously take care of our stomach health and have noticed how it affects our mood from day-to-day
Take metamucil at the least.... shit makes your poops wipeless EVERY. TIME.
but what about muh fish oils?
Eat shitty food, you'll feel like shit in the long run.
thank you for sharing that information
I did that whole green juice diet fad for two weeks and it helped me with a lot of things. I had no anxiety, no depression, and I could actually shit. It was too expensive to keep up with though. Jews probably put things in shitty food to make people anxious/depressed. There are too many people with anxiety now, think about it.
how is the yogurt meme?
I love me a bit of Vitamin D.
You got it. This needs to get spread to more people. So many people are depressed while living an active lifestyle and don't realize it's because no matter how hard they work out, if they stuff garbage down their stomachs then they will never inner peace. Your stomach bacteria has a strong impact on the workings of everything else in your body because the body requires them to work effectively in order for anything else in the body to receive energy properly.
Yogurt is for women. I take probiotics in pill form and a scoop of Metamucil fiber every day mixed with water. At first you fart a lot.. I mean a lot... but then suddenly all your poops are like logs and require no wiping, and you never get a stomach ache ever again. There's something to it.
if it helps you, then go for it. this is a positive men's health thread, please don't start telling anons to snort battery acid to mimic steroids or something
would u recommend cold or room temp probiotics
No, I mean 3/4 of the letters that make up food also make up mood.
How are any of you making gains if you're eating these vegan or juice diets?
Confused newfags, it is not Sup Forums to write one contextless line, to ask a question that can be easily answered with a little research, and then walk away. This is spam. You probably think it's okay because you see it so often, and you see it so often because we at Sup Forums have paid organizations trolling us since the campaign. Do not reply to "one-posts" as we call them.
I don't know the difference. Mine are over the counter from Publix. You just take a pill each day with a meal, and the pills stimulate the healthy bacteria in your stomach to work better and be more efficient. You'll poop faster, but you won't need to wipe because the poop will not be squishy/watery due to your bacteria not being able to process it effectively. Just get some from your local pharmacy, there are tons of brands.
If you are vegan, you are gonna die.
My approach is to live as naturally as possible until I'm forced to eat meat for gains, as you say.
its not spam, i legitimately don't know if food affects mood there are zero scientific studies on the subject
What the fuck is wrong with yogurt? It's pure 90% protein per serving and easily mixable with fruit, peanut butter, etc.
Unless you're very anti-dairy or prefer cottage cheese there's no reason not to eat it from time to time.
I'm memeing. There is noting wrong with yogurt. Like you said, it is a great source of protein and healthy bacteria. I just prefer to take my healthy bacteria in pill form and drink a protein shake.
Anons need to know though: the saying "you are what you eat" is not a joke. Taking care of the pieces of your stomach that are responsible for breaking down your food and getting it to the rest of your body has an enormous impact on your quality of life and emotional health.