
>Seventy years later and Nazis still haven't figured out how to be funny.

>Memes and the alt-right go together like peanut butter and jelly that's been spread into the shape of a swastika. Internet memes are, by and large, the currency in which these young nationalists trade, eschewing the stuffy, articulated treatises of Mein Kampf in favor of more virality-friendly catchphrases and image macros to be proliferated around image boards and subreddits.

Okay, I laughed

>Very interesting!
Yes, it's very interesting that they refuse to learn the lesson that constantly calling your opponents racist/sexist/everythingelseist isn't accomplishing a fucking thing besides temporarily making themselves feel better about their constant losing.

That's great for us, though, so don't think I'm complaining.

Christ, so in-depth!


Memes of hitlary clinton...
Don't even need photoshop

Not clicking that shit to give them more clicks OP

>when you try to shit on a website

>when you post a link to the website providing them with income

Are you even trying brodie


>tfw my OC is in the article
I want to die.

which one is it

>Nazis still dont know how to be funny

Alt-right automatically implies nazi...
Using memegenerator to put a pic of your friends head saying "LOL LOOK - DERIK IS A MEME" is absolutely hilarious...

Caps or pastebin this shit nigger

is meme magic real


global special interests isn't a meme


Free helicopter rides for everyone.

Holy shit it's confirmed again.

What the fuck even is the altright anyway? I never found out besides it being the liberal boogieman

We don't dog whistle, we howl.


praise kek

It's a hacking group that the infamous hacker Sup Forums created

>"Global Special Interests"

>All you need to know is that when Donald Trump uses this phrase, a contingent of his base hears "Jews." So now you know to be a bit concerned if cousin Wendy starts peppering that into the family newsletter come Christmas.

These Vice drones want to keep their fellow citizens brainwashed from the truth. When you notice how overt their propaganda is whilst claiming to not even have any it's actually shocking.

People are starting to really see, though. Thankfully.

Remember never to question the Jews, kids! They can manipulate whomever they want and you are just a trash anti-semite if you ever dare look into what is happening.


We already have a thread about this
Check the catalog next time.

Sorry vice, you're losing.

Will I ever get to have sex?

>articulated treatises of Mein Kampf
