How will you ever recover?
Sup Forums BTFO by the man upstairs
>basic bitch liberal page
Oh cool. It's this thread for the third time today.
You're right, I'm turning my life around.
An Athecuck runs that Twitter account, fuccboi.
>1 post by this ID
What limpwristed fag runs this cringy shit?
fuck g*d and fuck non white people
When did anyone say they aren't people? They're just people I dont care about.
>People believe this is edgy.
Irrelevant. Kill the invaders and kill the traitors who support them.
Christian refugees are people (as long as they aren't black). Muslims are just biological weapons.
same thing I said on Facebook;
Refugees are people. Not people I'm responsible for. Their parents are responsible for them - just as the parents of the unborn are responsible for bringing them into the world.
>If you think dead black criminals are innocent but dead black babies aren't, you're going to have to stop pretending your concerns are about racism.
The left don't understand the right. The left only knows the characterchers of them that they made themselves.
Black babies in a womb aren't people.
>if you think convicted black criminals are worth more than innocent white fetuses you can stop pretending your concerns are reasonable
Who the fuck is saying refugee kids aren't people?
They're both kids, it's just that one is our kids and the other isn't.
Anyone got the cap of this guy going full sperg on election day?
You're just advertising your twitter account, fuck off.
>atheist attack Christians for not accepting muslim refugees
Really activated my almonds
My concerns are religious... in a societal context. Also, momentarily.
But I do care about the refugees. I'm just not concerned with virtue signalling and understand that taking in an unlimited supply of them will in no way, shape, or form, actually solve the problems that caused them to flee from in the first place. You know, the kinds of problems that libcucks immediately disengage from when you bring them up because they are problems that will actually require some effort in order to overcome.
honestly, middle-class christians in america are so far from the roots of christianity its mind-boggling.
i dont understand how their brains dont implode on a daily basis.
Literally who cares about that cuck account
If I hated refugees, I would let them in my country to turn them into degenerate athiest sex deviants who are addicted to drugs, and hate their parents.
>honestly, middle-class christians in america are so far from the roots of christianity its mind-boggling
Can I get a quick rundown on how?
Jokes on G*d, I'm all for first term abortion, especially the abortion of Zygotes.
Not allowing children into America != crushing their skulls and pulling their bodies apart with forceps
Bruh we can see you're samefagging
I want to shoot the motherfucker behind that account. He or she or whatever the fuck it identifies as has what's coming to them.
And they're refugees because of Obama's foreign policy. Make him and the idiots who voted for him take them in.
This is a troll post, motherfuckers not replying or posting SAGE this thread pls.
both are human
but there's a moral difference between restricting free movement of people and killing people
Who the fuck invited the blasphemer to impersonate God?
What about baby monkeys? They're closer to being on the same level of the refugees than we are.
Fucking straw man
Nobody said they don't think refugee kids aren't kids (though, coincidentally, a lot of refugee "kids" that enter Europe have full sets of molars and receding hairlines)
The jesus religion is anti-state, anti-wealth, anti-property, anti-children, anti-marriage, and peripatetic.
A step away from that into pauline christianity, you start to get something that normal citizens can actually abide by, with specific teachings on how a small settled community can deal with its problems and remain together.
Then roman bishops have to invent the interface for church-state.
Now today you have christians saying "you won't take my fuckin' guns or my tax money"
Well, let me tell you, jesus didn't give a fuck about guns or tax money. he wanted you to be having personal communication with him and god in a state of wandering poverty.
>he`s literally saying only religious people can care about murdering children
Their only tactic is pseudo-subtle namecalling. This is the only thing they know how to do.
I think the left has proven that they understand conservatives far less than we understand them. That's why we will keep winning, because a lot of us started out as liberals, but none of them have ever been conservative, hence the lack of understanding on their part.
>The jesus religion is anti-state, anti-wealth, anti-property, anti-children, anti-marriage, and peripatetic.
Confirmed for pulling facts out your ass
This is just like when atheist attacked Dawkins for attacking islam.
Nice straw man, faggot. Your mom would be proud you kicked that straw man's ass, I mean, if you weren't such an obvious faggot.
Now that's a big word.
I don't think Jesus very was anti-property. He just didn't want you to value it over your connection to him, but that definitely contradicts with the materialism we are seeing in American/Western/Word culture.
He certainly wasn't anti children, but he did say not to marry if you can remain chaste, but that it's better to marry if you can't.
I don't think he was anti-state.
I think a lot of your points do make sense, and I do see a schism between a lot of his teachings and christian culture in America.
Wow. At least try to make you blasphemy funny. And/or accurate.
Made by an SJW who fingerpaints vagina pictures all day, right? Remember when folks like this were institutionalized?
If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23
Looking at his disciples, he said: Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort. Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will go hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep Luke 6:20,21,24,25
Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, that is a marvel, but if spirit came into being because of the body, that is a marvel of marvels. Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has come to dwell in this poverty." Thomas 29
If you separate the words of later Christians from the acts and sayings of Jesus Christ himself, you will see that he is against everything that we consider an essential part of middle-class lifestyle.
He is a poor, wandering, unemployed, childless, mystic (as in esoteric, anti-rationalist) accused of treason.
>caring for smelly brown heathens
Good one
Notice anything similar?
white embryo > niggers, junkies and criminals
>Put God above everything else
>This means he's anti those things
Talk about grasping at straws
I know that Protestantism took a significant change of direction from the Catholic church in regards to affluence and Capitalism, but I can't believe it would contradict Jesus' words that greatly.
This isn't a topic Christians normally discuss considering how entrenched wealth is into American life, but I guess I'll have to give the NT another read soon.
You're not superman, you don't have 1,000 hours in a day. You have to decide to spend your time serving God or paying your mortgage. Or bass-fishing. Or washing your car. Or building a new deck.
The middle-class turns its back on God every day and indulges in the basest material and most worldly concerns.
All I can say is that if you look at the choices made my Jesus and his immediate followers, they never chose wealth, security, family, and comfort. They always chose the opposite of those things.
The middle class is defined by those things. So there is a huge problem with the idea of middle-class Christians. Jesus never said, "This type of stuff is only for people in my generation, later on you guys can do whatever you want."
Who the fuck unironically said that """Refugee""" kids weren't Human?
No shit they're humans doesn't mean they're not terrible dangerous shitskins
Solid point. Actions speak louder than words, as it were.
Isn't this faggot breaking the Second Commandment?
>You're not superman, you don't have 1,000 hours in a day. You have to decide to spend your time serving God or paying your mortgage. Or bass-fishing. Or washing your car. Or building a new deck.
>how dare you call me out on my bullshit.
>muh questionable analogy
>The middle-class turns its back on God every day and indulges in the basest material and most worldly concerns.
and without Jesus Christ all fall short.
Look at the Old Testament the Jews repeatedly failed to keep God's Laws.
That's why he punished them.
Without Jesus all fall short of God's Grace.
Are you Christian?
If not then this very much seems to apply
Ad hominum attacks deserve a mandatory death sentence IMO.
The only one in this picture that isn't human is the tweeting faggot and my concern is removing retards from the gene pool, not a religious one
Black babies in general aren't people
God also ordered the destruction of Arabs and reclaiming the Holy lands. I'd rather listen to Pope Urban II's message from God than some neckbeard with a twitter account.
I don't have contempt for Christianity. Authentic Christians are beautiful people. I despise people who call themselves Christians yet openly worship Mammon.
What does any of that have to do with allowing muslim refugees in?
John 1:9-11
Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works.
fertilized American eggs don't run over people for their religion.
nothing, why?
Are you Christian?
You're correct if they worship worldly possessions and pleasures of the flesh they are not following God.
But the call to poverty is a voluntary one and most will fall short of the True path.
Do you remember the Nightly Ossuary Threads?
A fellow by the name of Skullcross used to make them before giving up everything and joining a monastery.
Because the original argument was against letting muslim refugees into the country.
I think they should be sent home, one and all.
I enjoyed our conversation but if you do meet cultural Christians remind them of Jesus and the rich ruler and not to worship Mammon.
They have a choice
It's up to them which path they take.
peace XP
Refugee kids are as disgusting as abortions and I don't want to pay for either.
Came here to post this. Also fuck (((refugees))) let them all die
>making an account on Twatter to imitate God and falsely inform the population on things God wouldn't approve of
Get this heretic out of here
Stop posting your twitter account you atheist fedora faggot