Should we exterminate fat people?
Sooo Sup Forums
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I don't think so. Their misery is comfy.
I'm sure they have their uses. Did you ever play Fallout Tactics? There's a secret area you can go to, where a robot oversees a dozen people tiredly running on treadmills hooked up to a battery. Perhaps fat people could be utilized in this fashion, walking (and later, after gaining some fitness) and running on said-treadmills to provide extra energy for the war effort.
If they successfully become fit? Congratulations, they're now ready for military training. If they die during the process? Well, shit happens.
Not exterminate, just stop molding our world around them. Make doorways, seats, and vehicles human-sized
I love watching fat people being miserable
No, they should be denied access to healthcare unless they actively lose a set amount of weight each month.
yes please
No, we need to make being fat illegal and force them to lose weight.
1. they would be happier and live better lives
2. they wouldn't be a medical money pit
3. would create jobs for /fit/ bros
4. would improve the overall quality of Americans and ensure we are ready for war
Killing fat people won't stop fat people. We need to kill off the lifestyle. My roomate was a fat fuck and I helped him lose over 80 lbs. Was easy as shit once we killed off his bad habits.
I live with a super obese (yes, super obese is a medical term) relative, what should I do Sup Forums?
Just remove foodstamps and the problem will fix itself.
Want to eat that Big Mac? Then get a fucking job fatass.
I've had the same idea only using retards
Tard strength can be surprising
Tell them to lose weight and offer to help. If they refuse just let them eat themselves to death. Is it a parent?
>should we
Im fat and even I know the answer to this.
Send us to camps and if u get nowhere theres really nothing else to say.
not yet brother, i'm losing weight atm and i voted trump.
Then, there would not be any american left.
Tie a bar of chocolate to a piece of string in front of their faces and you've literally solved global warming, the oil wars and the energy crisis.
How bad is it? I lived with a morbidly obese aunt for a while, and it was hands down the darkest period of my life. Molding food in the fridge and on the kitchen table, cockroach and mice infestation, and terrible BO
We all know Mexico is the fatter nation and has been for a while.
As a former slight fatty (not extremely bad, was 210 5'11") who has been able to get down to 160, I say we give them all the chance to lose weight. It's really not that hard, you just need to cut down on what you eat and do a little cardio every few days. Give them a year. If they do it, they're fine, if not, put them on treadmills for energy.
No, they're 23 years old.
She could lose half her weight and still be obese, it's bad.
ignore them
just ignore them.
>No, they're 23 years old.
Oh, then make their pathetic asses work out. No excuse for that. Force them to, they'll thank you once they lose the weight.
>Super Obese at 23 years old
Lost cause
Compulsory stomach stapling.
Think of how satisfying it would feel to execute that fat retard moments after he makes a fool of himself filming a video for his channel. God I fucking hate him.
As a fatass, this is the solution. I'm working on breaking my habits right now and putting an end to this lifestyle. It's hard, degeneracy runs deep, but that doesn't make it insurmountable.
They were super obese a decade ago too, kek.
this guy thinks foodstamps buy fast food
It would have been super hilarious if she had actually fell on the other beast that was holding the kid and laughing at her, squashing the kid into jelly
>be fat
>cut out all soda
>working on cutting out all snacks but the urge becomes too strong sometimes
w-we're gonna make it
Great Ideas...imma put myself in a death camp now
I mean, I guess that's one way to delete this board...
his body his choice, sithlords
found the fatty
the reason fat men can't lose weight is because they always try to lose weight by running on a treadmill and then get bored.
fat men should start LIFTING because you get a rush of adrenaline and testosterone from doing it (once you build up enough muscle to do it for a sustained amount of time)
I am positive that if fat men focused on lifting instead of jogging they would lose more weight.
Worked for me. I lost about 30lbs lifting weights and barely ran
no more welfare and make fat related problems not covered by insurance or social security
My father died in his 40s by being too fat because he couldn't control himself. I've seen how these idiots die from lack of self control and I feel absolutely no sympathy for them.
Ew user
inb4 ball pit breaks
i kek'd hard
Well he's killing himself. Don't see why you're complaining since he's taking your advice.
fat people are doing us a favor by being human targets when the zombie apocalypse comes
That's a youtuber bro. Don't watch his channel, it's nasty.
Just stop all welfare, don't pay for their healthcare of insure them without huge premiums... then they should be free to get as fat as they want.
Nature sorts itself when man doesn't interfere.
this dude's channel is the pit of hell
Is all that GM food turning Americans into a new species?
We should exterminate that one.
they're doing it to themselves why bother
>playing videogames
>playing videogames made by a company that has a impulsive liar as their PR
>playing mobile games
Fat people should be ineligible for healthcare, welfare, medicare, medicaid, foodstamps, basically everything.
There should also be a fat tax, like Japan. Those who don't lose weight, and don't pay, should be put in labor camps.
>no more burgerposters
Only super obese? I bet they don't even eat their daily burger!
At the very least we should all agree that anyone over 300lbs should be killed.
Great points and very practical, I like it
You would lose 70% of users on Sup Forums
Funny you bring this up...
Currently dating a fat girl, we've been together for about five years.
Creativity is essential to maintaining a well groomed obese girlfriend. Every day I have to think of exciting and interesting ways to interest her in showering. At least four or five days a week I have to shower with her, and the only reason she even gets in the shower is because she can lean against me while I finger her. After she gets off, she lets me shampoo her hair, and soap her up.
The worst part though, the part that I cannot even remotely enjoy, is the wiping. She has trouble really reaching back there after a particularly wet bowel movement, so I have to help her wipe. It's not TERRIBLE, but it is unpleasant.
I don't really enjoy it, but it's better than the alternative of having this smelly fat chick masturbating on your sofa and then touching your controllers with those hands. Before I knew to bathe with her and wipe her, I actually found FECES between the buttons and under the analog stick of my PS4 controller.
Grind them in to a paste and feed it to third world countries.
Just put them on a treadmill, no more fat people, and no genocide.
Nice Sup Forums tier pasta
>Tammy and Shianne
Those are some white trash names right dere.
Yes. Let's start by nuking America.
At least you can stop being fat. Unlike being a Jew OP.
that would create very little energy
Deport them to fat islands.
Where my broeys at?
What about when their fatness fucks up the lives of others? I have a friend, his mum is so fat and lazy. She can barely move about. When she needs toilet he has to help her move by dragging the chair...she has ruined his life...her husband fucked off and ditched my mate to look after her. She won't even sign the form allowing him to claim carers benefit because she may lose some money from her benefits...she lives to eat food and watch tv. He tried getting her exercising and she gave up after a week. Fucking fat cow.
He's no Reviewbrah
There is enough fat people with jobs, even educated and intelligent people, like doctors and scientists are sometimes obese. So it is neither a lack of employment, wealth or intellect.
So that a minor condition evolves into a life threatening one, which causes the tax payer hundrets of thousands of dollars, since fat people are very often poor?
They also die young, so compared to a healthy person who lives to old age the overall average healthcare spend is lower. Same goes for smokers. Aged care is expensive, yo
God yes! Put them out of their misery!
If I learned something from those "Post your hand and prove you are white" threads is that 3/4 of Sup Forums are fat.
Young people have a higher chance of surviving medical emergencies, like myocardic infarction and strokes.
So there is a high chance, that a young obese person will end up in the emergency room multiple times in his life.
Mexico is fatter.
We should first tightly regulate (as in: require big ugly label) estrogenic additives in food and require food containers to use higher-quality plastics that don't leach estrogen analogues into their contents.
Doing this will allow most people with average diets to slim down in a few months.
Excessive estrogen causes:
> Rapid fat growth
> Prostate cancer in men (high e2)
> Breast cancer in women (again, high e2)
> Reduced or altered ability to focus (fluffy brain)
If you are a man and suffer from ED, it is very likely due to prolonged estrogen dominance.
Estrogenic foods in approximate order of potency (not exhaustive):
>Soybeans (GMO variety is much more potent)
>Flax seed
>GMO Corn (Monsanto varieties designed to withstand roundup - the pesticide is absorbed by the parts you eat)
>Other beans (includes coffee)
After the dust settles from this change, then we can take a serious look at a "fat tax" and "fat camps".
Is this because of that stupid leaf meme, Canada?
>implying GMOs are bad
Hippy please.
>GMO Corn contains or contains a chemical that imitates estrogen
Prove it.
>She could lose half her weight and still be obese, it's bad.
I bet she still gets laid more than 99% of Sup Forums.
Umm... sweetie? You do realize that some people have genetic predispositions to weight gain, right? And that being overweight does not always mean that a person is in poor health?
Not the corn itself, the pesticide that is absorbed into it.
There is an ocean of publicly available research on the topic of pesticides and their carcinogenic nature as estrogen analogues.
GMO corn requires less pesticide.
>>Soybeans (GMO variety is much more potent)
>>Flax seed
>>GMO Corn (Monsanto varieties designed to withstand roundup - the pesticide is absorbed by the parts you eat)
>>Other beans (includes coffee)
pls nigger. This is reaching into hippy territory. People have been consuming these foods, including soy, for literally tens of thousands of years as traditional foodstuffs. If it had any poisonous effect on male reproductive systems, those populations would not still be around today.
How about instead we blame people eating 7,000 calories a day by downing Coke, Cheetos, Doritos, and McD's everyday.
Its usually a problem with the Thyroid, overproduction of Leptin, fat cells are too sensitive to growth hormone, the list goes on...
They are ALL disorders. They all inevitably lead to diabetes. More fat == less insulin available for bodily functions, which in turn requires the body to produce more insulin - repeat until pancreatic cancer develops or the person dies when they try to climb some stairs.
Their blubber can be used for lamp oil.
And btw by far the greatest source of excess estrogen in males is body fat. Fat cells produce estrogen--this is a known medical fact.
Maybe if people would eat non-deep fried foods like the corn and peas they are afraid of, they wouldn't have as much feminizing lard on their bodies.
> How about instead we blame people eating 7,000 calories a day by downing Coke, Cheetos, Doritos, and McD's everyday.
I do, and this behavior is unacceptable. However, there are many others, myself included, who have suffered and are still suffering from additives in food. I've kept the weight off by eliminating the foods I've mentioned, in addition to exercise. Exercise alone was not making the difference it should have, and I don't eat more than 1000 calories in a day.
> This is reaching into hippy territory.
As far as "hippy territory" goes: I've met more impotent male hippies touting the virtues of eating edamame on a regular basis, then wonder why their facial hair stopped growing.
Eating the foods I've mentioned is even advised for MTF transsexuals who don't want to undergo hormone therapy right away.
> People have been consuming these foods, including soy, for literally tens of thousands of years as traditional foodstuffs.
It depends on the person's genetics. I'm extremely sensitive to soy-anything.
Admittedly, some phyotestrogens are momentarily beneficial, as they act they do not bind as strongly with estrogen receptors. However, they tend to metabolize slowly (e.g. Flax) and build up.
Literally not your problem. Fat people who cost the healthcare system more should pay more, this covers their burden.
Smokers and drunks are far more a burden on society.
>labor camps.
You really want the government to have the power to throw people who can't pay their bills into fucking camps? Are you 12 or just trying to be an edgy cock sucker?
yes, you should start with Sup Forums
Though minor correction: They produce aromatase when broken down by the body.
Aromatase + androgen = estrogen. Estrogen causes more fat to grow. More fat burns means more aromatase. This is why weight loss is a challenge for the morbidly obese.
The worst offender is aromatase + testosterone = e2.
Ahh.. I missed Joey posting.