For the next 30 seconds I want you to disregard all political affiliation and ponder this information

For the next 30 seconds I want you to disregard all political affiliation and ponder this information.

In December, the head of the Russian FSB cyber unit was in a meeting, until men came in, put a black bag over his head, and dragged him out. He hasn't been seen since. And now he's been charged with treason, presumably for giving information to the US. He'll face a secret military tribunal and nobody will ever know what happens to him.

This man may have been trying to help the United States. He may have been the man who leaked the information about Trump.

Before you re-activate your partisan brain, consider for a moment that Exxon, under Rex Tillerson, brokered a deal with Russia for 60 million acres of land to pump oil from. But when we sanctioned then, they could only pump from approximately 3. Rex Tillerson is soon to be our secretary of state. And as of today, there's information that America will likely remove all sanctions against Russia in the coming days or weeks.

You realize that Putin will make half a trillion dollars from that much untapped oil, right?

You realize that Putin may have subverted out government just to become the richest man on the planet, right?

You realize that Trump may have never been the objective, but to put a man in place who would give Rex Tillerson power and influence, right?

And listen to this: The State Department has undergone a massive purge. People who have been there since the 70s have been fired. This will be Tillerson's workplace.
Guys, what is really going on?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Put Politics aside
>Cornball diatribe about Drumpf's presidency

But did you read it?

There's nothing here that is false. So that begs the question, what are your thoughts?

The truth is probably along those lines....but what are you people gonna do about it huh ?

You had your lunch money stolen by the yard bully and now hes dangling it in front of you saying he didn't do shit.

You can't do anything, i feel for you ameribros in the next 10-20 years, but you had an awesome run with your American Empire.

>Obama literally gives away $850 billion dollars in 8 years for "charity" that pads his favorite's pockets
>Trump/Putin/Boogeymen getting money for doing business stuff

Which one's bad again?

I don't know, Romanianbro, I really don't know.

Diminishing what is happening is not going to solve anything.

pretty clever, pretty unethical

So where is your proof, cited sources please, No Shitrags like Huff Po and CNN

White countries need to be united & help each other out

I think putin is already beyond money
he likes power money can't buy


You're an idiot conspiricist shill for Hillary. Lack of evidence for anything equals Russia hacked it


Google "fsb cyber division treason" for the former, pick your source.

For Tillerson, "tillerson 60 million acres russian".

I'm not going to link individual articles for you guys to shoot down, there are plenty for you to choose from if you actually care about this subject.

Hahahaha I'm not going to link individual articles for you guys to shoot down

The salty tears and shaky evidence of a shill cuck

Few people know that Putin has the controlling state in the majority of Russia's industries through a web of shell companies. It's believed that he's already the richest man in the world, but not by a lot.

This oil would make him richest by a far margin.

>The Shill cries out as he denies to prove his claims

So you don't know how to Google? Or you're unwilling to Google?

It's only one of the two.

I gave you dozens of proofs, you just won't paste a string into Google to find them.

So what? Trump still won loser.

Why are you unwilling to link concrete evidence of your claims, the burden of proof lies on the accuser you know?

Paste in what I told you to search for.

Click any link.

Get information.

Burden of proof fulfilled.

Serious question, how did Putin personally become a billionaire?

Was he the one who made the call that saved Europe?

It's a really interesting story actually, Putin bought them from auction after they were released from government control, and now they're worth way more money than he spent.

How much area is 3 million acres? Sounds like alot

Putin bought many of the industries that were under government control, I mean.

Nope, link the exact articles you are taking this from, unless is your best source, if so, I'll just deny your claims as false due to being unable to support your claim on your own, as well as failing to provide concrete evidence of it, that proves your claims beyond a reasonable doubt.

Your ID is now hidden, you're contributing nothing to this thread and are potentially Russian interference.

So what your saying is that a "2nd world gas station with nukes" totally compromised the most powerful nation known to man? Fuck, we deserve it after the shock treatment of the 90s.

>OP is too busy chugging dicks to prove his claim
>Gets BTFO
>Filters someone asking him to prove his claims
loving every laugh.

>There's nothing here that is false.
>leaked information about Trump.

You're really assuming a whole lot of stuff, especially if the 'leaked info' about Trump you're talking about is supposedly that Russian hooker piss hoax.

Youre being a dumbass

Some guy on a mongolian basket weaving bbs knows about the inner workings of the FSB. More than that, he has access to classified information.
I sure believe you, you faggot

you appear to know too much. I would take a blue pill if I were you.

Trump's followers dont care about that as long as he fucks the EPA and the NSF and PBS long and hard and makes the air and water dirty again, and lets corporations be deregulated so they can fuck us over with another mortgage fraud bubble.

>1 post by this ID

I'm not denying that, but look at it objectively. This man was dragged away in a black hood for helping the US. The head of their freaking cyber unit.

What could he have been giving us that has likely lead to his death?

First of all you're a cuck, second of all all of those are baseless Buzzfeed tier citations of information you've completely misinterpreted with your leftypol brain, third of all I don't care and even if all of this was true Russia is substantially weaker than the US and this would just help balance power between them.

>State Department Purge

Happens every presidency moron, they tender their resignations and trump either asks them to stay or leave.

It is spoopy though

Can you show me a reputable source for this info?

>Guys, what is really going on?
Conspiratard shitposting

That sounds pretty shady. If a US president did that he would be crucified.


Rex Tillerson is the real man in charge doing the real deals, Trump is just a figurehead tweeting about torture and crowd size and insulting mexico for the lulz, whenever he is not snorting coke

>guise what if

Nigga, what if my dick was 12 inches long and 10/10 bitches paid me to let them suck it.

Who the fuck cares. Trump is president and America is becoming great again

Dude he filtered me for asking that, what do you think?

sounds stupid didnt read

The blatant disregard for the truth is truly staggering. You would have Hillary executed for using a private email server but you would let Trump, Tillerson, and the Russian government get away with a massive scheme like this and smile about it.

I have no idea what sources you feel are reputable.

The tzar's job is done here, look at them them go at eachother.

America will tear itself apart in the next 4 years.

Took my 45 seconds to get half way through. Praise kek, and Putin did nothing wrong

Actually yes it will. Putin and Trump both acknowledges that there is a plan in place for a global NWO

These two men are patriots to their respective countries for not being bullied into trade deals that are bad for the masses. Just wait and quit freaking out.

The real bad guys who were taking over the world are just beginning to be unseated from their seats of power

ok, ill admit your post has some merit,
lets assume for a moment that you are right, that trump is fully controlled by russia.
I still support his policies, I support every action he has taken thus far.
this country still has an immigration problem.
we still have a problem with offshoring
obamacare is still a disaster, and needs to be replaced with a system that lowers insurance premiums
whether trump is acting on his own, or his every action is controlled by russian hackers, his actions are good for this country

The soviet occupation of Bessarabia was best day of life, can't wait for part II, Bukovina is russian clay

>put politics aside
>immediately rants about baseless leftist conspiracy theory.

Thanks CTR.

>There's nothing here that is false.

Your entire post is "lol but what if" and you have no sources. You raise an interesting point though. Prove it, come back, then we may investigate.

Do you not trust that Pence could carry out Trump's presidency equally well?

>there's nothing here that's false
>No sources
1/100 for making me reply

Maybe you're right, but maybe this policy towards Russia is just not that important. As long as we get a cut, why not?

Why is the U.S. sanctioning Russia, because of Crimea? What do we hope to compel them to do or discourage them to do?

>Saudi arabia oil reserves are decreasing.
>Republican's are anti-global warming to open up oil fields in arctic
>Global warming will lead to new shipping lanes between Russia and North America

where are the proofs

>Some pro-America traitor in Russia got disappeared
>Rex Tillerson did business in Russia once.
>Four people in the state department left their jobs a couple months earlier than customary

>Guys, what is really going on?
Your paranoia is eating your brain and you're turning into a lunatic conspiracy theorist. Probably exactly the same type of person you spent the last 8 years mocking.

Don't worry though, it's not really your fault. 18 months of constant fearmongering from the entire media can do that to a fragile mind. In hindsight it would've been healthier if you'd stopped listening much sooner.

America doesn't get a cut, my friend. Only Exxon and Putin do.

Rex Tillerson fucked America in Africa once as well, by undermining our deal with Uganda or wherever. We made them agree to not buy weapons and we'd build them a pipeline to the ocean and buy their oil through three US oil companies. Tillerson personally went in, promised them a better deal, he could use the money for anything if he dealt with them personally, and they kicked the US out. They then bought billions of dollars in weapons while Exxon made billions in profits.

>I'm not denying that, but look at it objectively. This man was dragged away in a black hood for helping the US. The head of their freaking cyber unit.
Maybe you should think about it objectively. You're saying that a head honcho at the FSB, name not even given, gets dragged out of a meeting, likely to be tried under a secret tribunal, and yet there was no gag order issued for the witnesses of this act? Also Russia has a moratorium on executions and I can't find a Russian source.

Does your country filter internet? I can find the story easily.

Sergei Mikhailov

>Literally one of the most common names in Russia
Hey I know your faggot ass filtered me, but holy shit stop please.

Pence is a neocon religious extremist, his only purpose is to keep evangelicals from rejecting trump, and to act as assassination insurance by being a guaranteed disaster of a president

>Why is the U.S. sanctioning Russia, because of Crimea? What do we hope to compel them to do or discourage them to do?

>theres nothing here that is false
Back at ya
>A senior official in the Russian cyberintelligence department that American officials say oversaw last year’s election hacking has been arrested in Moscow on charges of treason, a Russian newspaper reported Wednesday.
>election hacking
Never change NYT

And fuck you I'm too lazy to

>Tillerson made business decisions which benefited Exxon while he was CEO of Exxon

I'm outraged. I truly am.

read it again. he said 3 not 3 million.

If this news isn't pro Trump, then it's fake news
don't bother with the mouth breathers here
this is Trump country

We could easily get a cut. Trump just has to say that unless they agree to pay whatever amount into the treasury he won't lift the sanctions.

>He may have been the man who leaked the information about Trump.
you realize that that piss shit was literally some user from Sup Forums trolling the shit out of rick wilson. that's the guy who "leaked" the info and buzzfeed was the ONLY place to pick it up because they are retarded sleezebags. that october surprise was this garbage he was trying to shop around and no one bought it because it was all a bunch of made up shit

go away you retard redditor

Being a good business man is one thing, undermining American interests and fucking the people of Africa to make money is another.

nice , they only let one nigger in at a time, and he has to wear a white shirt to be visible


fuck that Sup Forums is an image board.
It's been subverted before, it can be subverted again.

>commit treason
>why they arrest him tho???
Nigga you dumb as shit

There isn't any proof that a 4channer made that aside from a post on Sup Forums, which is not reliable.

Anyway, even if true, I struggle to care. I don't see why Assad should be deposed and don't care about Crimea. So long as we get something out of this deal, it's fine with me.

go back to fucking reddit

It's not "fake news". It's not even a conspiracy theory. It's three random, completely unrelated events and a metric shitton of >implying

No, those are pretty much the same thing.

You think any other corporation in the country would worry about American principles or fucking over third world peasants if it meant another billion or two in profit?

Runner: Guy who runs.
4channer: guy who 4chans

Who gives a shit desu?

After reading through the Steele paper, and seeing that the only real criticism of it (at least from media and other laymen) has been that it seems too good to be true with a couple of fact-checking errors, I'm definitely inclined to believe that the CIA and FBI aren't feigning concern in the name of party politics (especially since they very rarely see eye-to-eye on anything).

Putin has experience with using billionaires as leverage in prying apart self-destructing superpowers from his KGB days and the USA of 2017 fits that description to a tee.

It's also suspicious that Trump hasn't made any move to stop sucking up to Russia despite the fact that his entire intelligence network is telling him that the FSB played him like a fiddle and were responsible for sabotaging the American election. Instead, he's just flipped into indignant denial mode and still aggressively pursues a close economic relationship with a nation who is directly opposed to the USA in multiple proxy wars.

>disregard all political affiliation
>In December, the head of the Russian FSB cyber unit was in a meeting, until men came in, put a black bag over his head, and dragged him out. He hasn't been seen since. And now he's been charged with treason, presumably for giving information to the US. He'll face a secret military tribunal and nobody will ever know what happens to him.
Here's the thing. Russia right now is protecting the interests of whites worldwide. If Putin installed a puppet dictator in my country, I'd welcome it if it got rid of all the libs.


Can we get that Finnish autist to BTFO this Canadian regarding Putin Le White Defender?

This. Fuck Putin, but at least everyone knows he's out to help himself. The ZOG is far more subversive. Check out Molyneux's talks with some blonde Danish chick about the spiritual revolution in Russia.

>This man may have been trying to help the United States. He may have been the man who leaked the information about Trump.
>You realize that Putin may have subverted out government just to become the richest man on the planet, right?
>You realize that Trump may have never been the objective, but to put a man in place who would give Rex Tillerson power and influence, right?
absolutely baseless wild speculation. fake news at best. go back to

Thanks, user. Here's a Russian source:

It says he is arrested and charged with treason for allegedly trying to accept a bribe from a foreign organization with an employee of a Russian IT corp acting as mediator. No dramatic story about being dragged away from a meeting with a black bag and secret tribunals and being shot. Furthermore, no mention of "hacking" either, seems like that is a NYT embellishment.

Hey faggot, I said Russia right now is protecting western civilization from degeneracy. I'm not pretending they've been a force for good throughout the entirety of history.

>massive scheme
What scheme? A deal being honoured?

this is how lots of russians got rich after the ussr fell

Yeah but they're not the president of Russia.

Basically if Putin is ever removed from power, he still controls the majority of the country's industry.

>People who have been there since the 70s have been fired


go back

Rex scares me a bit. My dad voted for Trump, but hates that Tillerson got the SoS nod. I'm really, really curious who suggested Rex to Trump in the first place.

You sound like a nigger, and will remain ignorant like one too.

if we learned anything from iraq its that other coutries do not want a Jeffersonian democracy
we dont like it
but its for the best

and he got carried away in a black bag
and has a secret military tribunal that no one knows about, but we no these small details - no

where's the problem? russia owns that oil and rex is simply doing business, at least there's no possibility of war.