>Trump BTFO by his own party
>Trump BTFO by his own party
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Lmao nice one
Trump is legitimately retarded
Release the hounds
I have suddenly forgotten my extremely low opinion of Lindsey Graham! Now I've decided to listen to him!
>Lindsey Graham
That's a weird way of spelling cuckservative who got btfo and embarrassed by Trump.
what a surprise that the guy who was bitching about Trump a year ago still is bitching about him
>Drinking lame ass Corona, tequila or margaritas
He isnt a republican
just a faggot.
Lindsay GAY --- ham
Fucking Republicans!
Trump is going to deport my family and this piece of shit is making twitter jokes about the tax on his drinks.
Graham is a Democrat
why does South Carolina keep re-electing this virgin cuckservative?
>Mucho Sad
>Lindsey Grahamnesty makes cringy jokes about beaners and opposes Trump
Boy never saw this one coming.
Why is he talking about alcohol so much? Can he name any Mexican exports or than liquor? Is Lindsay Graham a closet alcoholic?
>lindsey graham
post that fat faggot breaking his phone
Incumbents are essentially impossible to get out of office especially from those in the same party. It's why we need term limits.
Are you illegals faggot? If yes how the hell are you still here with that Murican IP?
You have to go back!
So we somehow need Mexican alcohol to grow our economy?
>Lindsey Graham.
>tweet from (((Lindsey Graham))) attacking Trump
Is this supposed to be a surprise? Graham is an Israeli informant.
>tries to name Mexican exports of value
>can only come up with shitty beer and shitty liqour
>Mucho Sad
Jesus christ, Trump will have everyone speak like him in a few years
>no more tequila margaritias or coronas
>24 year old bimbos across the us are btfo
oh no
Bent by his own party... example Lindsey I love young boys Graham. Oh ok, you fucking worthless shill.
What will we ever do without this Mexican nectar of the gods?
Lispy grahm crackers is not in the same party as Trump.
Lion > Elephant
cash me outside how bow dah
Only whores named Lindsey will care about this
our trade with them is so big that if we actually do the 20% tax the wall will be paid for in 4 months
fuck it
quick like a bandage
Yeah my mom and dad brought me here when I was like 3. We are illegal.
Grahamesty is a grade A nobody and will lose his senate seat soon enough when he's primaried next year.
He's very important, actually. stfu illiterate.
Trump doesn't drink alcohol while Ms. Graham is a lush. Why would Trump care about the price of Mexican booze?
>liquid jew becoming unaffordable is somehow a bad thing
oh no, poor people won't be able to easily drink themselves into diabetes and an early death like my mom did!
how will america ever recover?
>(((Lindsey Graham)))
He'll reach 1% some day
Graham and McCain need to fuck off.
Most of hat shit actually comes from California and New York.
Oh now what will we do without our Coronas, Tequilas, and Margaritas!?
>that guy in the middle
Are somalians literally ayy lmaos
>muh booze
Is this legitimately all that Mexico exports to the US?
Well then you have to go back.
>own party
I don't even know what party that fag is part of but it's not trumps
Lindsay Graham is a virgin.
He gets paranoid as fuck if his wife isn't in a booze-induced coma on the couch.
>graham talks shit
>liberals spread it
I fucking hate this neocon fucker
>Trump bans Mexican imports
>No more corona or that pisswater Tecate
Only thing I will be sad about is street tacos. Fuck those are dank.
>Mucho Sad
I cringed
reminder that lindsey graham is a closet homosexual
Lindsay is a girl's name
>mucho sad
This is negotiation 101. Are you sure that (((you))) aren't legitimately retarded?
Look at this way: if Mexico doesn't pay for wall, USA moves on roughly the same while Mexico falls into chaos.
However, if Mexico pays for the wall, disaster is averted.
It's a win-win for the US and a lose-lose for Mexico in either case, but building a wall will be much more beneficial for Mexico's future.
They'll crack, mark my words.
You mean his mom?
True. Mexicans don't like him. Muslims don't like him. Jews don't like him. Republicans don't like him. The public doesn't like him. The Europeans don't like him. The Chinese don't like him. The Russians think he's a puppet.
explain yourselves
Media feeding the world:
Populism and self-control = bad
Leftist control and government-reliance = Good
Except China will move into Mexico. Big lose for US. If mexico builds the wall, their president will be hunted in the streets. Mexicans hate Trump and their president's approval ratings are low AF right now because they feel he hasn't been tough enough on Trump.
And drugs
You have to go back Paco.
Great observation, Britain.
also shit
fancy shit
And nothing of value was lost.
Americans like him asshole
Don't need the worlds approval for how we conduct ourselves in our own SOVEREIGN NATION or our CONSTITUTION
And also because all those other groups you named have conflicts of some type happening in their own home and all their citizens want to move here.
They need us more than we need them.
This is pretty racist thinking Mexicans are only worthwhile because of their drinks.
Kek. SC has ports chinese products faggot. Fuck Graham. Fuck globalism. Fuck (you)
Lindsey Graham is literally the archetypical 'cuckservative'
As a South Carolinian who has been trying to get rid of this fag for years, I'm gonna say fuck you.
What are the effects of both sides levying a tariff on imports when one side has a deficit? US annual trade deficit with Mexico is $60B
No mames buay go back
Very eloquent response that is sure to change minds.
Fucking cum guzzling condom gobbling retard.
Surprised he didn't say burritos and tacos too. Like we can't grow limes or agave and as if anyone who won't be raked drinks carona. "Racist"
>ppl getting butt mad over some fruity drinks
Just imagine that faggot lisping
>mucho sad
Lindsey Graham, he still working on breaking 1%??
Margaritas more important than United States national security.
Opinion discarded.
Graham is clearly just pissed he was Trumps first victim of being BTFO.
Also it's muy trieste. We used to have legitimate foreign language classes at high schools here
In case no one has said it yet, Lindsey Graham is a LITERAL faggot and probably alternates between sipping margaritas and Victorio's cum every Friday night.
I guess he didn't want to call attention to all the automobiles made in Mexico and exported to the US.
>being that assmad over booze
I remember that speech. Stuck with me all this time.
Do all these faggots care about is money? Graham needs to fuck off.
>muh degenerate alcohol
Corona has to be the worst fucking beer in the world. Anyone that drinks that is instantly a person of a shit tier life
>Lindsey Graham
All I get from that tweet is that Lindsey Graham thinks you need to import tequila from Mexico, and probably thinks you import vodka from Russia. It would explain the Freedom Fries thing.
>drinking shitty mexican beer
>not being able to substitute tequila with rum or whiskey
>giving a shit about faggy margaritas
Accurate name, Lindsey
Fuck what am I gonna do without a bunch of shit tier alcohol oh no!
Yeah, its tastes like piss ;)
>Lindsay Graham
>Same ideology as Trump
faggot kike dick sucker graham hasn't been (((the party))) for 9 years
Lindthey Gayrham is the second biggest traitor in the Senate after Hanoi John.
If you need hispanic beer so much just get some medalla light. At least it's produced by an american territory.