Is Sup Forums smarter than 97% of scientists?

Do you know more than 97% of the scientists around the world, or do you believe in the alternative facts?

Other urls found in this thread:'_views_on_climate_change

Bernie is a retard

our livelihood doesn't depend on government grant money so we have the freedom to disagree

Literally one study
Asked literally 77 scientists, not specifically climate scientists
and literally only 75 responses of a weighted question led to 97%.

It's literally bogus bullshit that nobody should take seriously.

Let me reiterate.
One study
Asked a loaded question to "scientists"
Only 77 of them
Only 75 responded

Woah the climate changes? And woah humans can change the climate? Wow who knew? It's not like this hasn't been common knowledge for hundreds of years.

Now prove climate change is bad. Oh wait you can't.

>climate change is caused by human activity

Okay, that's outright retarded. Climate change is a natural occurrence as a result of our last cataclysmic event aka the ice age, the impact by man is merely nudging the change along.

Remember when the majority thought the earth was the center of the universe?

ummmmmm, no'_views_on_climate_change

that percentage looks mighty familiar

Their is a difference between denying facts and not having politicians place retarded regulations on stuff because a scientist said that it might affect something

Does it really matter if it's caused by humans? At this point it's irreversible.

not to tip my fedora here or anything, but

97.6% of people on earth follow a religion and believe in a god and afterlife
therefore it's true

consensus has never been a metric by which science was held to. once upon a time 100% of scientists believed sun revolved around the earth

Climate change sure has been fucking commiefornia lately...

Where were they when china was polluting the planet 10000x times more than the usa ever could? Hypocrites.

>85% of economists and geneticists agree the Jews are evil and it's because of their genetics! Denying their is no longer an option!
I'll just leave out the part were the sample for this study was taken in 1930's Germany. Without a credible source numbers are worthless.

>97% of scientists
Do you have a list

>97% of gender scientists believe your made-up gender is real
>97% of sociologists believe race isn't real
>97% of politicians think government is good
>97% of (people who study x) believe (x)

Misleading title is misleading.

They are actually saying that human activity is INFLUENCING the climate in some way, though to what extent and directly how is basically left open.


Still quoting that debunked 97%.

Never change, commies.

>first it was global warming
>now it's climate change

Doesn't sound very scientific to me.

>Is Sup Forums smarter than 97% of scientists?

you know the collective intelligence of Sup Forums blows away any genius, any think tank, any super computer...

ask the 99,9% of species that are now extinct if climate change is bad.

>gee, i wonder why they keep having droughts

no Sup Forums doesn't give a fuck. its crack science run by jews used to implement a carbon tax. that's not even denied anymore. lets see the sauce Bernie, you old faggot. ninety seven percent of what collection of scientists?

that and the "scientists" meme. people who look at things and write down information.

I believe in "science". I believe what some faggot television presenter says because I gargle semen.

What part of trini u from? I used to live in P.O.S, cascade

Just me alone you have someone in the upper 2% threshold


Why do lefties deny science about gender and biology then?

we're that 3%

Which species might those be?

now im not a rocket scientist, but...

maybe it's time to defund nasa

But then how could the dinosaurs die when there were no humans to affect the climate?

californian here . we are no longer in a drought. had 3 huge back to back storms with more on the way. groundwater levels are still low but this is the best weve been in a while

The 97% study is FLAWED and fake.

>Do you know more than 97% of the scientists around the world
I formulate my opinions based on fact, not because I was provided funding with a specific goal.

I think that climate change is real. I believe it is happening. Even if we never evolved into intelligent apes, it still would be happening.

So, what has not been really shown to me is that it is human caused and that it is as accelerated as they want me to believe. Scientists have made many predictions on the ice caps many times....They can guess on all of that as good as me or any meteorologist.

They can formulate and hypothesize, but they don't have the information to prove or disprove that humans are the cause, and how large the impact we make.

The best thing we all can do for our environment is a mass suicide. EVERYONE must do it. You go first, Than I will.

Fuck off, nigger OP

Even if, ex hypothesi, we accept your 97% consensus, it doesn't mean disaster -- there is *no* consensus respecting a looming environmental disaster, as Sanders' carefully worded, lawyerly tweet seems to recognize.

The evidence, in fact, is quite the opposite, as Ridley explains in some detail in video related.

Sanders, a fucking cuck that bowed down to hillary.

American (((scientists)))
Come to Czech / Hungarian / Slovenian (and probably Balkan) universities free of (((their))) thought cycles.

They'll tell you, all physical sciences alike, that climate change is a thing, it has always been a thing, but humanity has very little impact.
Furthermore, CO2 is actually that big of a deal, but in clustered urban areas, NOx and sulfur compounds create aerosol which triggers worse storms etc.

If anything, we need to invest in NOx reduction and not hippy CO2 reduction.

>thinking what the event is called is the actual "science", and not the data that supports it
>thinking a title change that better reflects what's happening means the scientific method is flawed.

>still falling for the climate jew..kys

This. These scientists have a conflict of interest. There are no private climate scientists, only public ones. Why would they say that climate change isn't real? That would be sacrificing their livelihood and paycheck.

Never denied it, just never cared. Flood the coasts and infest the tropics with more Malaria. End the species.

Anyone who has ever gone into climate science research can tell you that the majority of scientists in that field (as with most other fields) are fuckheads who don't deserve to be in their positions, and are desperate to write anything in order to stay relevant professionally.

9/10 dentists recommend camel cigarettes

Fucking all of them, dumbass. Climate changes are what wiped out everything that's no longer here. If not the temperature, then the lack of food sources that died out.

He said climate changed isn't bad, so I had to spank him. I don't care if climate change is man made or not. Its a bad thing no matter what, since it killed 99.9% of all species that have ever existed. What you see today are the .1% that haven't reached the tipping point of food and habitat loss.

I swear he posts that same shit about once a fucking fortnight


He got his propaganda wrong

send an e-mail to nasa they need to update this page

I am a scientist. Climate change is just political nonsense

97% of the scientists ******receiving government grant money for bogus research****** around the world blah blah blah

Did you even read your link?
>A 2016 paper (which was co-authored by Naomi Oreskes, Peter Doran, William Anderegg, Bart Verheggen, Ed Maibach, J. Stuart Carlton and John Cook, and which was based on a half a dozen independent studies by the authors) concluded that “the finding of 97% consensus [that humans are causing recent global warming] in published climate research is robust and consistent with other surveys of climate scientists and peer-reviewed studies.”

Sup Forums is smarter than 97% of the population that is willing to believe that a loaded question asked to undergrads and UN cock suckers is scientific fact.

Sup Forums is smarter than 97% of the dumb asses that voted for a hack politician that ran a failed campaign against the most hated cunt in the universe in the Democrat primaries.

Sup Forums is smarter than that hack who is way beyond his usefulness and cannot shut the fuck up on twitter because he's failed to realize he's completely lost his base, and all credibility.

And yes, Sup Forums is smarter than the UN and all it's little people who can no longer tell us what to eat, drink, feel, or think because they've lost their grip on the most powerful nation in the world.

I was literally redpilled about climate change by Trump speeches. Its a theory pushed as fact to generate regulation to promote government bureaucracy. Enjoy recycling your soda cans and measuring carbon footprints libcucks while China chops down mountains and wipes out forests to build slave factories to make your iphones. Things are different now though

>68% if the scientist are female

What about the 3% though?

>What you see today are the .1% that haven't reached the tipping point of food and habitat loss.
What you see today are the species that were advantageously adpated to the newly-changed climate. Environmental change is part of natural selection. Those less fit die, those more fit survive and prosper. It's not "good" or "bad", it's just change.

Obvious sign of climate change, user.

There is a little contingent of people who believe that man-made climate change might be beneficial. Carbon emissions are obviously much higher, which effects the climate in some way, though it is not clear how.


>if only the curry niggers would stop shitting on the streets.

97% agree climate is changing. Wow, shocking, but how many think it's totally man's fault? Or that we can cause it to change? Why don't they boycott the causes instead of individuals? Like, you know, airliners, bombs, and cow farts? Why do they travel so much raising shekles if it contributes to our doom?

>97% consensus
already debunked.

>Enjoy recycling your soda cans
What is wrong with this? Recycling aluminium costs much less than mining and refining it, so it's economically advantageous to recycle cans.

>Is Sup Forums smarter than 97% of scientists?

Most scientific breakthroughs have 100% support in the scientific community - like maxwells equations of light; newtons 2nd law; etc.

Something is missing from the global warming theory that prevents its acceptance.

>97% of scientists agree climate change is caused by human activity
but that's a lie

This is what climate "scientists" tell each other in private

>Something is missing from the global warming theory
Yeah, the tangible linking evidence.

>when Lyin Ted exposes 97% of climate lies

This is what climate "scientists" tell each other in private.

So? Are you saying that we should sit back and let it make us extinct too, since it's natural? Have our race slowly dwindle in food and population over a few hundred years, until the last of us are back living in caves? Would you still think "it's natural, and not a bad thing at all that I used to be able to jack it to any porn I wanted, now I eat once a week"?

This is what climate "scientists" tell each other in private..

droughts and hot weather never existed before science

Why should I care what this guy has to say about ANYTHING?

>be me
>125 iq Russian with BS in Mechanical Engineering
>be called anything by non STEM people

This is what climate "scientists" tell each other in private....


Last week i had sex with a 300 pound black woman i met at churches chicken. i hate myself


(((adjusted))) data


You're a pidorashka for sure. Enjoy.

yeah lets fuck over whites with environmental taxes while china is pumping is going under in smog and pumping their poison directly in the ocean!

I'm not smarter but I'm more honest


>Have our race slowly dwindle in food and population over a few hundred years
Gonna need a big fuckin citation there, boyo.

>still doesn't understand how scientific funding works

Then the crucial knowledge is to now whether climate change can be man-made, cause if it is not, then we need not worry, whatever happens its out of human capacity.

Literally needs more literally




We'll just build an oceanic wall, too. Keep the bad water out. Also a dome, so the rain isn't contaminated. Can't forget the underground barriers, either.

Fuck it, we'll just turn the U.S. into a giant Nuclear Propelled Spacecraft and go somewhere better.


>Fucking all of them retard
Like what? Do you have any examples of major species that are important dying out?

These """"Scientist"""" (A.K.A. paid shills) have only EVER presented theoretical correlation of humans causing climate change. "WE believe there is more CO2 in atmosphere. cars make CO2. uh duhhh HUMANS DID IT!"





Universe has been constantly in flux for billions of years.

Earths climate was tropical during the prehistoric era. Much denser atmosphere.

But, humans are the sole catalyst for climate change. Bernie's a fucking retard.

climate scientists do

>Denying science is no longer an option

It is now, and I'm glad these fuckers have been defunded.

Do you need a fucking citation if your neighbor says it's raining outside? Climate shifts have WIPE OUT ENTIRE SPECIES. Not just animals, but plants, too. And it doesn't happen over night. Some of these species carry on for hundreds or thousands of years, slowly losing their source of food that they've adapted to eating. What fucking source do you need? A source that shows that animals die out? That things go extinct? Or are you just under the impression that extinction is a day long event?