>You know, there are some things about Sandy Hook that just don't add u--
>All I meant is that there are still some questions that have yet to be ans--
>I'm just saying that there are strange inconsisten--
You know, there are some things about Sandy Hook that just don't add u--
Other urls found in this thread:
>has long convos with himself
I agree with the guy that keeps YELLING
spoon full of sugar m8
Security footage when?
I believe Barack Obama orchestrated the Sandy Hook shooting.
I am from Sandy Hook and I guarantee, I've been to many of the funerals and I tell you, it's real, so I don't want assholes that aren't from here to tell me that it wasn't real. Our community is devastated.
Your flag checks out.
What doesn't add up exactly?
Also, who would benefit from it being fake?
Sandy hook was a false flag.
>the phrase conspiracy theory was originally a neutral term and only acquired a pejorative connotation in the mid 1960s, implying that the advocate of the theory has a paranoid tendency to imagine the influence of some powerful, malicious, covert agency in events.
>The phrase conspiracy theory was deployed in the 1960s by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to discredit John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories.
They've been indoctrinated to dismiss plausible ideas as crazy conspiracy theories.
You think Trump will Tweet out the truth if he ever finds out?
Could you imagine what such a simple Tweet would do to this country?
No videos of Lanza entering the school. None of him walking in the halls with a gun. Sandy Hook got all new cameras earlier that year too.
(((They))) tried the same tactics with Pizzagate, but it's harder to feel bad for some rich DC pedophile.
>in Obama's 8 years in office he never once succeeded in passing major gun control legislation Any attempt were pathetically weak and easily rebuffed by congressional opposition, even when public opinion favored increased gun control.
Really makes you think
And why would they show it anyway?
What good would it bring?
Nobody believes it was fake besides Sup Forums artists.
> be burger
> live in CT, what used to be a beautiful state
> bullied kid shoots up school for no apparent reason
> months go by
> years go by
> fat people start driving around town
> smell terrible
> ask about SH shooting aka the closest thing to the Holocaust the Constitution State has ever seen
> explain what happened according to local news, local police, local teacher's families, local victims families, all of whom were born and raised as god fearing white Christians
> "but where's the proofs???"
> "you won't let me dig up your kindergartner's rotting corpse, THUS YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE"
The truth is out there
Yeah. Its fucking gone and the normies just didn't question it mostly.
They got away with it and its shit.
FUCK that shit
The sandy vagina conspiracy theorists have always been disinfo, because the moment the video of that event comes out everyone will be demanding gun control. As usual /x/fags find themselves as pawns for real conspiracies because they're stupid.
>What good would it bring?
Donald Trump, legend that he is, showing the world that things run just a little bit deeper than the average fucktard might think. People would wake up. People would be outraged. People would demand the truth regarding other infamous events.
The world would begin to be cleansed of the vile influence an elite-few have had on it, for hundreds of years.
>You know, I like my steaks well d-
>All I meant is that I prefer the flavor and texture of well d-
>I'm just saying it's my personal taste that well d-
Kek I actually had this same exchange with my family. They lost their minds
Do you not?
>Nobody believes it was fake besides Sup Forums artists.
spend 5 min on google
Trust me, it was fake as shit
What's more likely a psychopath psychopaths
or the gov does a false flag operation.. for... it happened during a dem administration so it was dem evil governments i tells ya
Sort of like the word pizza being repeated means child prostitution. Because pizzas are very child prostitution like.
You're unironically retarded, go check yourself in a loony bin.
>my favorite soft drink is vanilla co-
>i just think it tastes go-
"lets just hope that this doesn't come back to bite us in the ass"
It's not a fucking strawman if it's an accurate depiction of the only kind of opposing "argument" you get whenever you dare to bring it up. Go on, try it for yourself. This is how the vast majority of people react--overwhelming, virtue-signaling emotion devoid of logic or facts. Show a glimmer of healthy skepticism and curiosity by asking questions, analyzing things you're expected to accept at face value, or not swallowing the MSM narrative being crammed dowm your throat and you are shamed and intimidated and bullied into submission--not by a cabal of globalist elites, but by your own friends, neighbors, and family. It's fucking sad is what it is.
>Believes in conspiracies
>Has long conversations with himself where he strawmans people he's debating against
>Shares these conversations with other people
Paranoid Schizophrenia
wow you're such a fucking victim dude
>Show a glimmer of healthy skepticism and curiosity by asking questions, analyzing things you're expected to accept at face value, or not swallowing the MSM narrative being crammed dowm your throat and you are shamed and intimidated and bullied into submission--not by a cabal of globalist elites, but by your own friends, neighbors, and family. It's fucking sad is what it is.
Because it's dumb and you're a cocksucker
Sandy Hook was a massive false flag.
We all know that it is absolutely impossible for someone to take their parents gun and ammo and use it for murder. IT'S LITTERALY IMPOSSIBLE! There is a magic force field that keeps the ammo from going into the gun and being projected at a force.
You cannot take a gun and shoot someone with it. That's why this whole "black on black violence" is a fucking lie. Black people do not shoot each other. Because again, it's impossible for people to use a gun for murder...
I'm beginning to think murder doesn't even happen. It's all a lie.
>there are still some questions that have yet to be answered
Like what?
Do they really still pay you enough to spend time on this shit heap of a site?
it just isn't plausible, how could you believe in a government so competent and able and capable that they pull of such a grand and massive conspiracy, and not even get the legislation passed that they wanted?
>our government couldn't conspire it's way out of a wet paper sack without half the country knowing about it, they're incompetent
>liberal anti-gun activitists thinking they can into satire
Whew. Whew, lad.
In case you're wondering why people go "Muh kids OP"
First, these conspiracy therorists are constantly wrong, and when proven wrong, they just let it slide off them like water and go onto the next conspiracy. They won't bother to be critical of their own beliefs, they'll talk to other people, and let other people figure out why what they're saying is retarded.
Second, they take this approach to a conspiracy involving a bunch of kids that got murdered, and question the parents of the kids.
I recall an early conspiracy about "ohmahgawd the nurse isn't on the nurses registry falseflagproven" and it quickly came out she was using a nickname during an interview and her given name on the nurses registry and she was there.
A primary (junior) school had security cameras?
So uh
where are the bodies
The thing that made me think it might be fake is that dad laughing and smiling and having a good time the day his child died and then right when they tell him action he starts the tears....fake tears.
What, Yanks can't take holidays in Argentina?
>the government
There are groups and agencies that are capable of doing things. The government isn't one entity.
>people are PAID to call me out
Let me guess
- You have a shit menial job
- You've never been to college
so uh where are the bodies tho
Not proof. A few dedicated nutters can create vids for youtube in large quantities. Look at all the nutty threads on Sup Forums - doesn't mean thousands of people are the source.
That's pretty fucking rich coming from a country full of cuckolds who let the government take their guns over the most hilariously blatant and brazen false flag in history.
>a mentally-retarded man with an IQ of 66 and no military experience whatseoever somehow kills 18 people with 18 headshots in the span of just a few seconds while firing entirely from the hip with his non-dominant hand
>manually counted rounds at 50+ rpm in order to tactically reload with a round still in the chamber
>when outside, performed a Beirut Triple to disable an oncoming car--a special forces technique used in Lebanon to stop suicide bomber cars
>conveniently, the only two police officers on the entire island were away on a wild goose chase at the time of the shooting, called away to investigate a stash of heroin that turned out to be soap
>prior to the shooting, a specially-constructed morgue truck unlike anything else in Australia or perhaps the world, refrigerated and capable of carrying 22 bodies, was delivered to the Southern Tasmanian Mortuary Service; it was used only once--at Port Arthur--and then disposed of
>while on the phone with police during a hostage standoff, several gunshots are heard coming from Bryant's position, indicating a second shooter--these gunshots are recorded on the transcript as coughs
>throughout the night, Bryant managed to keep track of police sneaking around to flank his position in the dark, though no night vision goggles were ever found at the scene
>once apprehended, Bryant was denied a trial and kept in solitary confinement until he accepted a guilty plea; journalists were denied interviews with him and were forced to delete any photos they took of him
>Bryant had inherited millions of dollars before the shooting and was literally set for life
>his motive is a closely-guarded secret to this day and has never been revealed
>this event was the sole justification needed for the government to enact strict gun control laws in Australia
It is actually quite normal for childrens funerals and bodies to not be televised, you're just used to a fucked up media whore culture.
So, yes then? Poor and uneducated?
Why would we?
mine did, but maybe that's because I live in the untied kingdom of cctv. It wasn't even in a dodgy area either.
cyprian post best post
Dude go away with this crap. We haven't cared about these kooky conspiracy theories since Trump strated running. Take this shit to /x/ with all the elsa lam threads
oy vey it's annuda shoah
Then maybe it is the way you are bringing it up, or the 'believer' glint in your eyes, or that conspiracy-theorist body language that puts people off?
And imagine if you were wrong, and it was a horrific slaughter of children mostly, how you might react to someone arguing that it was fake?
A lot of them do. All the ones around me do. At least at the front entrence and they are all secure and fenced in. We also have cameras at all the streetlights.
Also all the doors are made from this heavy metal. I don't see how someone can shoot them open. These are justvthe schools in my district tho.
they were offered to moloch on epstein's island
My wife watched that whole drama, she watched the weird ass parent that laughed, and the coroner that literally was fake or told to act stupid or something. She didn't believe any of it.
>Accepts SH
>Pedophilia is fake news
did you know that i'm actually god?
i can't prove it tho
>Man these guys that visit a neo-nazi larping forum must REALLY care about other people shaming and intimidating them into following the MSMs narrative.
They were ALL cremated also the school was bulldozed
Autism kills
It is still beggaring belief to imagine that such a thing could be done and have NO leaks or betrayals.
You forgot the part where no living witness was within 10 metres to accurately identify the shooter, other than being "6 feet tall, male and with shocking blonde hair". You also forgot the part where CCTV cameras were not in use at Port Arthur during the time.
Watching the birth of a fresh pasta in real time
You're not entitled to the details of every crime.
I was a victim of crime as a kid. It was nicely covered up. Not reported in the papers. Saved me a lot of embarrassment at school.
Nobody is going to disprove your conspiracy, or believe dipshit conspiracy theorists wild speculation.
Now you know why the muh 6 gorrillion shit made people hate jews.
Oh, please! "fellowship-of-the-minds dot COM"??? As soon as someone is making money from this sort of stuff, you should get the salt grains ready. Same as "ant-vax dot COM" etc. Sheesh!
makes sense
Don't question it.
Can other ppl confirm. This all really happened in australia?
>You're not entitled to the details of every crime.
So if you got arrested for murdering Abraham Lincoln tomorrow you'd be okay with it?
The food was some of the best I've ever eaten, and I'm from Australia. Also, you can take cruises to Antarctic peninsula from there.
This is how you know you've lost the argument.
nothing strange going on here, quit asking.
Yeah, I tried to argue with someone poor and uneducated!
do you expect anderson cooper to tell you the truth?
they cite sources in the article.
pic shows adams death the day before
Adam Lanza killed 13 kids and shot himself in the head. Talking about what should happen if somebody gets arrested and goes to trial is a completely different matter.
Short version: "schizophrenic idiot with a confirmed IQ of less than 80, goes on a shooting rampage that left 35 dead, with extraordinary accuracy that leaves many military and even special forces military personnel, in the dust"
Now that you mention it, I wonder if the schools here are the same these days. Sorry; it wasn't like that 50 years ago when I was starting school. Sad, really.
How come you people never talk about the three survivors?
Just like Holmes and Roof, you called them crazy and claimed MK Ultra, then interviews with the FBI or whoever were released showing them as normal people then they're never brought up any more.
prove it.
It's warm but not deathly hot like Australia right now, and the population really is mostly white.
Weird ass. People respond to stress in ways that are odd on the surface. Haven't you ever had to suppress laughter while at a funeral or other solemn event? This isn't because it is funny.
He's not but I am. whut do you Jew faggot?
>Sandy hook parent was connected to an anti-gun politician by 3 degrees of seperation
Bush did 9/11 confirmed.
Newtown and that whole area is a fucking heroin addict filled shithole
So much shit, more than can be fit into one thread
And plenty of people and groups would benefit from Sandy Hook. Gun control lobby and private security firms who sell schools overpriced security to name a couple.
Really, part of anyone's critical thinking process towards tragedies like Sandy Hook should be 'Who stands to gain from this event', along side 'What other things am I being distracted from with this event'
Skepticism is the body's natural response to bullshit so if you feel it, chances are something isn't right and it's warranted.
And stuff like that happens in real life. It is our common human tendency to not believe that a coincidence is just a random thing that supports a lot of these conspiracies.
An interview with a child who was at sandy hook was interviewed an hour after the shooting. She did not hear any gun shots.
Not proof. Not on the interwebs like Sup Forums certainly. Haven't you seen "proof" online that Obama's birth certificate was a forgery?
either he went full idiot savant from elite training or he literally never did anything and was just a mantle piece