Yaaaaaaasss Queen Slaaaaay

>Malia Obama got political at Sundance by attending an event in protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline on Monday.
>Malia, 18, has been at numerous screenings at the fest and is soon starting a Hollywood internship.


I want to bang her

she looks like a somali sheboon

I wonder why neither of Obama's kids look much like their parents...

Already forgot they existed

I want to hang her

Fucking disgusting.


I want to bang her, while I hang her

last week i fucked a 300 pound black women i met at a Churches chicken.. I gave up on life

She'll run for office when she's old enough

100% confirmed

Will be a radical chich stoner politician tho, more cucked than her dad

Her sister will be more normal

God why? Bestiality is illegal you know.