Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are real

>Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are real and God is not 'a magician with a magic wand'
The theories of evolution and the Big Bang are real and God is not “a magician with a magic wand”, Pope Francis has declared.

>Speaking at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Pope made comments which experts said put an end to the “pseudo theories” of creationism and intelligent design that some argue were encouraged by his predecessor, Benedict XVI.

>Francis explained that both scientific theories were not incompatible with the existence of a creator – arguing instead that they “require it”.

>“When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so,” Francis said.


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Cancel yourself.

Didn't Pope Benedict XVI say the same thing a decade ago?

Anyways it doesn't matter because Catholics came up with the big bang theory before Atheistcucks


Too bad the pope's a pedophile.

I'm not a believer but why are popes such cucks. Stick to your guns or dont, dont dictate your churchs beliefs on what reddit and facebook think

These have been catholic doctrine for a long ass time. The church loved the Big Bang because it left open the question (an answerable one to boot) of what caused it.

I hate the kikepope but he has a point.

If god exists, then he took very real steps to create the universe.

However, roman catholicism is not the way.

why would god use such a round about way to create his monkey action figures, why not create them outright?

>still being religious

Who first proposed the Big Bang theory?
In 1927, the Belgian Catholic priest Georges Lemaître proposed an expanding model for the universe to explain the observed redshifts of spiral nebulae, and calculated the Hubble law. He based his theory on the work of Einstein and De Sitter, and independently derived Friedmann's equations for an expanding universe.

yeah Francis this does not erase all the other stupid things you said

I fucking hate him. Its not that I haven't given him a chance and don't quite grasp what he is doing....its that I truly despise him...I despise his attempts to make the catholic church relevant again by bending the knee to cultural Marxism.

This is disgusting and near sighted and he will pay a historical price for this.

He no more speaks to god then he speaks to secular Judaism.

fucking shitskin faggot disgrace to his religion.

Catholics literally invented one of those, and the other has never been denied but with the additional idea of there being a guiding hand of God in the whole process.

The only people who think this is news are retards who never knew where the church stood on this, and think that these are revolutionary or groundbreaking. Also those few Ameriposters who honestly think the earth is six thousand years old.

Francis made these comments like 3 years ago.

He doesn't say they're real either.

>People are still responding to the OP despite it being bait.

>make the catholic church relevant again by bending the knee to cultural Marxism.

Clearly he is a scientist.



God likes soap operas

Pope is considered fallible 99.9% of the time in the RCC fyi

>Catholics propose the Big Bang theory
>Atheists are surprised that the Pope endorses a theory proposed by a Catholic priest
Why are atheists so fucking stupid

I'm a catholic. I don't recognize this pope because of the papel prophecies.

>Francis explained that both scientific theories were not incompatible with the existence of a creator – arguing instead that they “require it”

As always, these headlining-making remarks by the Pope often turn on nuances of translation.

Here the key phrases are:

(i) "not incompatible," which is quite a ways short of the "evolution and Big Bang theory are real" headline claim. (In particular, however, I'd note that Catholics do not have any problem with the Big Bang, which is almost uncannily consistent with the vision of the Creator set forth in Genesis 1.)

And (ii) "they 'require it,'" i.e., the Pope is saying that the theories of evolution and the Big Bang *require a Creator*.

Take that Dawkins/Hawking/DeadHitch!!

The pope kisses nigger feet, who gives a fuck what this gay old homo has to say?

>I'm a catholic

>>“When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so,” Francis said.

Then why call him god?

Honest question here, if God did indeed create the world through the Big Bang and life subsequently came about through evolution, doesn't that invalidate Genesis and the story of Adam and Eve? How could all of humanity inherit original sin if there were obviously more people around?

>Then why call him god?
Because calling them ancient aliens gets you mocked.

Who not? Was Zeus omnipotent? He was still called a god no?

He's a leftist infiltrator deployed to destroy Christianity from within.

>>“When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so,”

Please tell me this is a terrible mistranslation and that the Pope did not seriously say that God is not omnipotent.

As for the rest of this, the Catholic Church has officially embraced both of these theories for ages, this is nothing new. Creationism in its modern form is 100% a heretical protestant invention.


I'm not even Catholic but I despise him with a real, blood pressure-raising hatred. The Catholic Church is being destroyed from within by this fuck and no one has dragged his sorry ass to the public square yet for doing what he's done. Fuck the fucking Pope.

Genesis is an allegory and has been considered that since 200AD. Only the most retarded breed if American protestants take it literally.

He's saying that god is more than a man. You can imagine him has a person who can do cool thing. God is way more than some being.

Ok but then how is it that every human now has inherited original sin if we don't all descend from Adam and Eve?

No, he was a false idol.

>God made it happen
Isn't that exactly what intelligent design is?

Original sin is sapience, it is the state of being aware of oneself and being able to consciously choose to do good or evil. You inherited it by being a human.

this has been Catholic dogma since John Paul II

He's right, the absurd "scientific arguments" of the Catholic orthodoxy and the American televangelist churches have been the biggest obstacle to the advancement of Western theology for literal centuries now.

It's put the world into this mentality that physics and philosophy are somehow opposed, and that we ought to regard our current translations of the Bible as the infallible word of God, neither of which are even vaguely sensible opinions, nor are they supported by scripture.

>This is disgusting and near sighted and he will pay a historical price for this.

No he won't. Mexicans love him especially when he shit talks Trump. That's the future of the catholic church: mexicans.

Can you impeach the pope?

>declares Big Bang Theory is real
>real scientists don't even know

Whatever you say Mr. Funnyhat

This. Take my upboat.

Is this what the Catholic Church actually teaches or is this just your opinion?

Considering the Catholic church already said this decades ago, its more appearant this kiddy fiddler wants to seem relevant.
We need to take back our church from these goofy dressing faggots tbqh famalam

Evolution and the Big Bang don't disprove the existence of god. God can exist in science.

But Francis is a cuck and we need a real pope. I'm no longer Catholic because of this guy.

>ctrl - f "Humani Generis"
> not results

You fucking idiots. The Church has said that evolution can be compatible with Doctrine since 1950. Do some research next time.


You know nothing of the Catholic church.

It is and has been one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet for centuries now. The amount of illicit wealth the Vatican has is absurd.

Plus, do you believe in anything related to pizza gate? Well then I advise you look into the Catholic church's relation to it.

And this is coming from a Catholic. Your local diocese is generally much nicer. (Though I just found out mine had a priest with a shit ton of child porn on his computer that was tied to a larger network possibly. Case close after he was arrested though)

>real scientists don't even know
American education.

All I know is I like this pope a lot.

>there are people on this board right now that unironically choose to deny God and embrace the same non-faith as trans-fluid, feminist, liberals
Enjoy being enlightened and porking teal-haired skags, my friendos.

>God is not 'a magician with a magic wand'
But Sup Forums is.

The big bang theory was made by a Catholic priest you retarded fuck

>Pop believes that Big Bang is the "birth" of everything.
when will they ever learn

>He doesn't know the pope supports fags now
>He doesn't know that the pope tells Christians they should apologize to gays for oppressing them


So God used millions of years of death and suffering to create man in his own image, THEN called everything good...then man sinned and brought death into the world, the wages of sin is death. That is why he had to send his son to die on the cross...blah blah, but lol, death already existed before man did.

I'm no longer a creationist or a Christian, but believing in the Bible and evolution is absurd. Pick one.

Also magic wand? So creating the universe in 6 days is too much for him, but raising the dead isn't? Odd choice of power levels.

Also also, he can raise the dead and tell people to write stuff in a book, but he can't tell them the CORRECT version of what happened or ensure that it stays correct?

Religion is dumb.

You can Big Bang as long as you don't use a condom.

I hate this literal faggot whore.

God damn him and the Catholic Church to hell.

I've at long last learned God is finished with the church.
He operates individually through believers now and through His Holy Scriptures.

Normies I tell you...

>all I know is I like this pope alot
Have you ever read the bible m8? Specifically any of Paul's letters, for instance where Paul talks about the meaning of Christendom is to persevere as Christians as opposed to bending knee to sin and heresy, which is exactly what this muslim loving kike is doing.
If you accept this man as the pope, then you are a part of the problem.

I'd embrace a god if I had any reason to believe they were real or that any of our religions got anything right.

I can confirm this.

fuck... you have a point


What a fucking degenerate cuck, fucking catholics

Literally kisses nigger feet and then goes against the bible and declares that liberal shit is real all just to look good to the left

What the hell is next?

maybe the death part was human specific, not to mention the garden of eden (where everything was perfect) wasn't the whole world.

Is masturbation a horrible sin?

This isn't news. It's been accepted in church doctrine for awhile. Also big bang was theorised by a priest.

Man you people are morons.

So adam and eve were actually primordal goo?

Its a theory for a reason.

Christianity can be reconciled with evolution without too much mental gymnastics

Good old communist anit-pope Francis

>Stick to your guns or dont, dont dictate your churchs beliefs on what reddit and facebook think

The Pope is doing this because of this
Trying to get some good PR on the catholic church after decades of sexual abuse cases in the US & all over the world.

It just struck me that what Trump is currently doing to American politics, is what the Pope has been doing to the catholic church, except in the opposite direction.

>its just a theory
so is gravity. do you not believe in gravity?

This is true about most of what be says. But the claim in OPs post is probabaly the first sensible thing he did

Most people believe the word "theory" means "hypothesis".

Yes, been all about philosophy and metaphore since the beginning . A push for literalism was a large part of the reformation as it was spearheaded by uneducated yokels.

First, old news.
Second, no, he can't claim them as true.
Those are the most plausible theories we have but we can't claim them being true like in absolute truth.
Third, Big Bang theory was founded by Christian. That doesn't necessarily mean that all Christians are smart (in fact it's quite opposite). Same goes for theory of evolution and atheists.
Believing in deity in modern age is silly regardless.

The catholic church has become a fucking meme for cuckdom.

>...the Teaching Authority of the Church does not forbid that, in conformity with the present state of human sciences and sacred theology, research and discussions, on the part of men experienced in both fields, take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter—for the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God.


This certainly would be praiseworthy in the case of clearly proved facts; but caution must be used when there is rather question of hypotheses, having some sort of scientific foundation, in which the doctrine contained in Sacred Scripture or in Tradition is involved.[9]

Wow. Awesome. Fantastic.

I am so glad that all the atheists and "cultural" catholics of Sup Forums took time out of their scheduals of fapping to anime traps, smoking weed, and circlejerking on an autistic, nazi anime website, to come in to this thread and offer there perspective as to why the church is wrong.
Thanks so much for your input.

You claim to have a bleeding heart for the "purity" of catholicism, yet you fuckers take every opportunity you can get to shit on the church. What the pope said just reaffirmed an old position that has been around for years. But you don't give a shit what the vatican says, do you? You only give a shit about what the tabloids say that vaticans said. This sad little handful of these sensationalist news articals and pictures you use to discredit catholicism all follow the same pattern. Pope says something inline with the scripture or reaffirms a long held belief, tabloids sensationalise it, you spread it.

There are some genuine traditionalists out there who want to return to the old ways. But I'll tell you right now, their vision of old catholicism is different from the vision you have gleaned from le epic DEUS VULT XD memes on facebook. This isn't roleplaying for your conservative facade you put up in between you masturbation sessions and anime binges. This is people's lives. This is existence.

So if you really appreciate catholicism, stop treating it like that and start taking it seriously.
Practicing chastity and abstinence is hard. Forcing yourself to be involved in your community is hard. Loving your fellow man is hard. Daily prayer is hard. But people do it out of faith, and they don't appreciate it when intemperate, degenerate, atheists, fairweather-catholic fucks come along and tell them what's what.

There's more historical proof of Hercules than Jesus.

Fake Pope. Old one's still alive so he's a fraud.

Francis is an anti-pope.

You worship a cuck.

>Pope says something inline with the scripture or reaffirms a long held belief, tabloids sensationalise it, you spread it.
According to scripture adam and eve were created, as adults and did not evolve.

More evidence the catholic church follows a false gospel

Nothing in my post related to anything about what you said.

And yes, your local diocese is generally good. Unless it's like mine.

If life came about spontaneously and has always been an unguided process, then yes, it invalidates the Genesis story. But if God has been the source of all significant changes and evolution is relegated to adaptation, then it still matches the story. The interesting thing is that the evidence is very good for minor adaptation, but fairly poor for origin-of-life, biochemical, and large-scale change.

I think Mexico is already saturated for the Catholics. I think Africa is where they are seeing real growth.

we don't worship the pope, mate...

This is why I'm Anglican.


>cucktholic leader kisses nigger feet

he's being paid what to say

He's right but he's a shit pope and a cuck.

Yes, the evolution theory has already been accepted by the catholic church long before today.