Lol I guess she won

Lol I guess she won

Other urls found in this thread:

Why was she axed?

story behind firing?

The fuck is Rick & Morty?

That nose.


Some shitty cartoon.

she was the one who wrote the 'Barron Trump is a future date rapist'

Fake news. Rick and Morty Se 3 is already 90% complete at this point and they wouldnt risk hiring anyone now.

wait a minute. That nose

fuck. now I can't watch the third season.

Great, another show to throw in the trash.

Talked shit about barron on twitter

>that nose

leddit's favorite show


what a fucking joke

When did she get fired from SNL? Last I heard, it was just a suspension

a pretty decent cartoon that everyone on Sup Forums seems to hate because MUH REDDIT

I want to fuck her fat jew tits

whats her name need more pics for uh...research

>still actively trying this hard to diversity hire a woman and kill your show for mere virtue signalling
They deserve their fate.

Said "barron trump will be the first homeschool shooter"

she over-jewed

“There was a craving for a gender balance in the writers’ room that we had never had, but I’m also very proud of the fact that we didn’t compromise ourselves following that craving. We just looked harder and I don’t know if it was coincidence or because the show was popping up on the radar of a lot of great female writers noticing"

>be writer
>be not employed for your skills
>hires you
>don't feel like shit

indefinite suspension without pay
that means we don't have legal grounds to fire you, but you don't work for us anymore

Nah it's just garbage

>a pretty decent cartoon

Fucking rat kikes always find a way keep working.

Wanna-be Venture Bros on the same rank and style as Bojack Cuckman and Cleveland Show.
Both have similar writing aesthetics to Mission Hill but aren't anywhere near as funny.

>Reddit and Cucky pick up a jew.
no surprise here.

uhh...I actually find her fairly attractive...

you don't fucking disagree with HIVEMIND


It's DECENT they base the show off a Neverending D&D game. His actual D&D show is awful though.

>all these replies to a thread with no link
Holy shit, you fucking faggots. This is why /qa/ wont shut the fuck up.

Nice numbers

Wow, how Jewish

Those digits!




No fucking wonder Sam Hyde was axed.

Nothing compares to Venture bros, except Archer.
Bojack is ok, Cleveland is a worse black family guy

please tell me this is not true

"Baron Trump is going to be the first home school shooter"

Personally i couldnt give a fuck. Unlike sjws i dont relish in cunts losing their jobs. She was a cunt but she didnt commit a felony. She lost her job and now she has a new one.

>Dan Harmon makes two jokes on Twitter about hiring her, suddenly fake news decides to play the narrative that he did actually offer her a job on R&M

Even if it's true, he'd probably have her voice some sexist alien bullshit.

Harmon offered her the job himself. The guy is a massive faggot. Pisses me off that I used to like his podcast.

>getting fired from snl
>settling for a shitty job with less pay for a cartoon no ones heard of
>somehow winning

Wew lass

Hello Katie your face and tits are lopsided.

It's a science fiction show. D&D is nothing like sci-fi.

Reddit and Memey is absolute trash.

they're gonna need all the help they can get

fucking lazy pricks can't even release their 3rd season. had to make it a year late

Sup Forums has been calling baron autistic all along too
We are become the sjw

She's your sister Sethlehem.

As if Rick and Morty wasn't bluepilled enough

A cartoon for adults kek.

It's pretty sad.


>watching cartoons as an adult

Seriously, what a travesty.

"We tolerate all jokes"


jews always win

when will Sup Forums realize this

Doesn't remotely surprise me. Dan Harmon is a massive beta cuck.

Archer is just a far worse Frisky Dingo watered down for normies and twitter memes.

Also replace Cleveland Show with China IL. and it's pretty much spot on.

Female privilege at work. Must be great never having to worry about anything you say or do. No wonder so many men are opting to transition when women aren't held accountable for anything due to white knightning cucks.

It's a yuge step down from writing for SNL, but Rick and Morty is a pretty good show. It's not as amazing as plebbit claims it is, but it's worth watching.

a show made by jews

Bet he doesn't actually tolerate all jokes.

I should tweet a few of my favorites.

Gee i wonder.
> this is their first episode
> they hire a literally jew, that jokes about white boy being an insane criminal murderer
So I wonder, what did they mean by this?

Not anymore.

Be a good goy and don't fall for the khazar milkers.

Les Juifs are going to die and the Amerikans will do it. 1000% verite.

Remember that they cancelled World Peace because Trump won but allow this bullshit.

>I would tolerate all jokes
Should we tell him that her post wasnt a joke?

>when you jew so hard even the goyim know

> calls jews (cult from northen sea shores) khazars > as if they are not white
> muh good goy falls for smth

This makes sense given that Dan Harmon reads literally every Trump tweet and thread; the snarkiest females could easily be poached in order to hit the new Female Writer quotas being established within Adult Swim

But hey, maybe season 3 will be funny

If not, you'll see thinkpieces about why it wasn't women's fault

I'm actually surprised there aren't new format blocks introduced and erasing (hilarious) misogynistic shows like Frisky Dingo from their website

So he's asking us to tweet him racist jokes then right?

>Comedy Central stole my fucking brass rat joke and repurposed it for normies
>can't tell it now without people saying I stole it from them and made it racist

If I ever get terminal cancer their entire staff of rats are on the list above any politician. Their families too, fuck it.

It is a step down. Snl is a prestigious comedy writing job.

And you know the whole fucking season will just be the writers up their own asses doing fan-service call-backs to previous season's jokes.
I got that feeling heavily toward the end of season 2, and I don't see them stopping.

A cartoon that attracts faggots and makes them faggier each passing day.

the only people I know irl who watch it are massive cucks.

Jew is not white. Jew is Jew.

>>Comedy Central stole my fucking brass rat joke and repurposed it for normies

You wrote that joke? Also, what did they change the brass nigger to?

I hate to say it but I hope you get terminal cancer so you will do it kek.

Adding Rick and Morty to the degenerate list.

Shame, I actually thought the writers were more than pompous liberal hacks. Guess I was wrong.

> we tolerate all jokes
> but then > oy vey call ADL, frog is racis > brackets is racis > rouble symbol is racis > we are not white, so every racis opposing us is antisemite and we have the right to kill legit semites in (((israel)))

Etrangers de l’humanite. Seele-Parasiten.

Dan Harmon is the average redditor. I know we use that phrase a lot but he is literally nu-male redditors in a nutshell. He's the fat bearded asshole guy with the annoying whore wife in your clan who bans every guy who talks shit to her despite the fact that she's an attention whoring cunt who needs to be put in her place

I agree with the notion that no comedy is off-limits but you can't tell me Harmon's going to enjoy a slew of jokes about hanging niggers.

And she keeps her royalties from past work. She still gets paid for past content.

>Boycott Adult Swim.


Liberals always try to play edgy, but you can always see through it, by the lame after-school special messages hidden within.
Liberals are rarely funny.

>jews are white

Lawyers, which is an even bigger insult because of how fucking uninspired it is.

If he tolerates all jokes then he should rally to Sam Hyde's defense and hire him....right?

Thats a huge downgrade.

SNL is big while Rick and Morty is a no name show that only redditors care about.

I imagine he'd also be disappointed to find all of her jokes are about Trump and Rick and Morty would end up turning into Family Guy.

>Anything on TV
>Not made by liberal hacks

