Fillon is accused of corruption

>Fillon is accused of corruption
>If convicted, he will stop running for president, he said
>He was the main opponent of Marine Lepen
>Most of his voters (old and catholics) would likely go for Marine Lepen if not for him

I'm scared guys, is kek at it again ?

Other urls found in this thread:

Wait, what? can i have a link?

Kek wills it.

Praise Kek. Thy will be done.

Le Pen will wen

guys, scared. I think we thought kek would leave after Nov., but it looks like he's here to stay.

kek smiles upon us this day

Hopefully Macron chokes to death on some macaroni or something

Kek wills it

good, I was worried he would forsake us after Nov 9th, my faith is stronger than ever!

If Fillon drops out of the race, wouldn't the second tour be Macron/LePen? Isn't that where she's got the worst numbers?

Praise kek for making is world the way it is

Clearly the Russians hacked him and made him do this.

Trump needs to remove Kebab and for the people to see how great it is, then for him to give the nod to Le Pen.

They pop another guy in and le pen will lose the second round because all other parties say to their voters "vote the other guy plz, no nazis" as always.
When will Sup Forums learn.

What a terrible attitude

What a coincidence


Getting your hopes up for nothing is even more terrible

Kek. That is such a minor fucking scandal compared to the shit that happened in the US

I ask kek for confirmation of the rise of Le Pen, Praise.

going into the 2016 primaries our choices were supposed to be Bush vs Clinton

But instead we memed Trump into the whitehouse

And we didn't do it because a bunch of whiners sat around saying "oh it's no use why even bother?" We did it because people actually believed they could make a difference.

just remember to not trust the polls


That's by the way a totally different scenario because in your silly political landscape you only have two serious parties with two voter bases to worry about.
France, like "normal" democracies, has 4+ Parties and voter bases.
So when trump only really had to sway democrats Le pen would have to sway voters from a lot of other parties who are told by "their" parties "plz don't vote her" in the second round when it's 1 on 1.
So she will get 35-40 in the first round.
Then the other guy who got the second most votes in the first round will compete against her in a second round.
She will get her 35-40 plus a little bit if she is lucky.
The other guy will get his initial lets say 25 plus the rest of all other votes.
It's the French system.

Your system is totally different because you only have 2 serious contenders, it's the dumbest argument I have heard and I hear it in every french election threat. It's not comparable. You have a two round system with more than two namely five parties.

I refer you to my other post

If Le Pen gets all of Fillon's crazy Catholic votes why can't she get to 50%+?

They can't just "replace" Fillon it's a few months until election time and his voters will have to go to the next best option.

Kek will save la France

The party from Fillon put someone else up for election.

Also the next best option for conservatives in Europe is not "alright let's go to the "naziparty" and vote for her"

They will probably split up to the most moderate of the other parties.
Le pens party is socialist and I don't believe too many republicains are to fond of that.

Also I believe it is still possible for fillons party to simply replace him with another candidate.
The ballots are not printed and the deadline is still open.
There is another party who will decide in February wether they will compete or not.


This he seems corrupt but no where near as bad as shillary

Fillon is personally appealing because of his catholicism. Why do you think an unelected replacement will be popular at all? Especially someone who didn't win the primaries.

You aren't even trying. The first step is to get Fillon out, then Le Pen can absorb his voters.

>I believe it is still possible for fillons party to simply replace him with another candidate

You keep saying that

who? Fillon is the face of his movement you can't replace him. His catholic zealotry is the only thing keeping him around.

Will hardcore reactionary Catholics really go over to the leftist atheist side? I doubt it.

See I understand Germany is fucked.

Your only alternative to Merkel is a fucking jew

But France? Le Pen is getting close to 30%

If Fillion drops out she could get to 50%.

And then if Le Pen becomes President France leaves the EU with the UK, the EU dies and Germany and the rest of Europe is saved from slavery to international bankers and globalists.

At least consider the possibility.

>is kek at it again ?

Russia is at it again

Can confirm.

I was going to vote for Fillon, if he doesn't run I will vote for Le Pen.

Is Fillon even a movement guy?

I have yet to see any proof

he is a hardcore reactionary catholic who believes in renewal of catholic values to France

but he is also a pro Austerity EU shill. He was Sarkozy's vice president after all.

Big dilemma.

Fillion is Catholic traditionalist, but also pro-EU.

Whereas Le Pen is nationalist, but degenerate.


The West stands no chance against Putin's kekaku

Humanity will soon be as based as pic related

In France it's a bigger deal because
>people's expectations of a president are bigger (judgy and arrogant)
>they're already very suspicious of politics (apathetic and revolutionary)

Fillon is actually the best candidate Le Pen could fight, because every leftist wouldn't vote or vote blank

giving away the sovereignty of your nation is the peak of degeneracy

but most French seem fine with that

Will she make Dofus/Wakfu real?

Fillon will bribe judges, he won't get anything but his credibility has been hurt so fucking much he's compromised for 2nd turn. And there goes Macron the Brussels jew or Mélanchon the anti-eu commie

Praise kek. MEGA.

Who cares if he's supposesly very catholic? He was Sarkozy's VP and is pro EU-therefore a literal traitor to France and western civilization.

Number 1 issue for Europe is break up of EU and ending the middle eastern/african migrant problem, traditional values and anti degeneracy stuff comes second, no ethnic Frenchman should vote for Fillon or any race destroying politician.

you frogs months ago depressed the fuck out of the movement now look what happened. Kek finds a way

And then France goes the way of Greece, complacent with a leftist government that sells you out to the banking elite

Do it

There is going to be a lot of abstention
Similarly to the US and Tunisia, people from the poor countryside will vote more than people from the richer cities, less touched by the global crisis, I wouldn't be surprised if Le Pen won.
Also Catholics are back in force on the political scene if you didn't notice
>oldest lobby in France (real estate)
>connections everywhere (church in every town)
>They have their own political party
>Parisian media, one of the biggest in the world, in their pocket (Charlie Hebdo media impact)
>They protest publicly against gay rights and the world doesn't give a fuck
>Russia would bro the fuck out with a Catholic France

With the anti-Muslim narrative giving them the legitimacy to protest against the nonreligiousness of the state, polls saying young adults are 45% catholic in the country already, if that part of the population decides to vote for Le Pen, she WILL win.

la jour de la corde is coming

>he is a hardcore reactionary catholic


I will probably vote fillon in first turn to ensure he faces Le Pen then loses in second and get humiliated

Does Kek will for MARINE LEPEN
